Hi, thank you for this great plugin! I would like to replace the “Report comment” text with a ?? flag icon from FontAwesome. Is this possible? Thank you!
Would it be a lot of work to implement the same button to report posts as well as comments? It would be great to have that functionality in the same plugin.
]]>Hi. We use this plugin on our site and it does exactly what we need. But we have some users who are visual impaired and using screenreaders such as Jaws, NVDA, VoiceOver etc and there is a small problem.
Next to the button to report a comment on the first comment in each post, screenreaders can see two text fields with 4 numbers in each. These text fields are not visible on the screen but screen readers detect these fields and it becomes confusing for users using screenreaders. I think it’s a honeypot for spam protection. Is it possible to make screen readers not see these fields?
Currently on my site, if I activate the fact that I have to validate a comment in the administration before it appears on the site, then the “Report comment” button no longer appears and the text “moderated” appears instead.
Is there any way to make the “Report comment” button appear anyway?
Best regards
I’ve discovered a serious issue, where this plugin is messing up the classic editor, and showing the “menu” for text mode in the “visual” mode on the frontend users, (not when using the editor inside wordpress)
Hello all, I am using Golo theme and I a want to use Zeno Report Comments for my comments section but it doesn’t show up, is there any way to fix it? Thanks in advance.
]]>There is a huge amount of space before and after the Report button. See screenshot
This plugin really needs bot protection! Can’t even use it. Maybe implement something like the cookie protection used on the comment like/dislike plugin?
]]>I’ve installed and activated Zeno Report Comments.
Now, after each comment on my site, there’s an error message:
Wrong usage of print_flagging_link().
I’m running WordPress 6.4.1 with the Twenty Twenty-Four theme.
]]>Hello I have used your plugin for many years thank you. On each update we changed the functions for the admin notifications to include the text of the comment by adding a variable. We get many comments so it is important for us to see it in the email. We simply added this variable to public function admin_notification for each type of notification.
$message .= "\r\n\r\n" . esc_html__( 'Comment:', 'zeno-report-comments' ) . ' ' . $my_comment_text . "\r\n";
In the most recent update I will instead make the same change and add the variable but to the frontend-hook.php on lines 54 and 94.
Is this something that can be included in the next update? I think it would be helpful for all admins.
]]>Is there a way to modify the messages that display on comments? I’d like to shorten a few and hide others.
FLAGGED = blank or hidden
Is there a way to disable the “Report” link so only logged in users see it? I’m setting up a site that only allows users that are logged in to comment on a post. I thought this might limit visitors, to some extent, from going through posts and just clicking report on all comments.
Is there a way to separate the “Reply” link from the “Report” link and other Zeno text? Currently, it looks like one line of text that might confuse users. I was thinking a simple character like the | (pipe) symbol. I would think this could be set in the Discussion settings like the other settings for the plugin. This could either be a checkbox or a text box where admins could choose the character(s) they want to use. Also, this character shouldn’t be a link, this way it helps users to distinguish the two links.
Is there a reason that a user can report their own comment? I would think the report link would be disabled for their comments.
I realize this is a lot, but I thought I’d through it out there. Thanks for any help you can offer!
For example, change the “Site address” as the “root” from “/wp/”,
/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php will become 404.
Is there any solution?
]]>Does this plugin do anything to prevent or hinder bots from also pressing the ‘Report’ button while they scrape through websites? I thought about trying to add a javascript timer and hidden fields to it, but with so many duplicate buttons, I haven’t been able to figure out a way to do it (<< not a code).
]]>This filter does not change the output of the “thank you message”
add_filter( ‘zeno_report_comments_thank_you_message‘, ‘my_filter_thank_you_message’ );
hello, i want to ask how to change color link “report color”? Thank you your plugin.
]]>I created the secondary comment template base on comments.php as comments-rating.php
So reason is this template only use for rating the book cpt and I removed “reply comment” section from the loop.
How can I include the report comment button in my new comment template?
Taking a look at the plugin – looks great.
Was thinking that adding a popup entry box for people to type in the reason why they reported might be useful to the admins. Just a short text entry field, with maybe some optional text (like “Please let us know why you are reporting this comment”). That text could also be an option in settings.
Then maybe adding an optional message to pop up when someone reports a comment (like “thanks…we’ll take a look”. Also, perhaps an optional entry in Settings.
Great plugin, though, even as it currently exists.
]]>I want to move the report link into a dropdown menu elsewhere in the comments, to do this I need to get the report link via some PHP function – can anyone tell me what that function is?
]]>I make my own theme and I want to use this plugin, but the flag doesn’t show up. How I should do to make it appear?
]]>Hello,I am using the plugin Zeno Report Comments successfully with WordPress comments.Is this compatible with WPDicuz?How can I set that up?
]]>Comments that have been reported will be notified by email and you can check each one, but is it possible to display only the reported comments as a list?
If there are many reports, it will be difficult to check emails, so I think it would be very convenient to be able to list them.
]]>I am using the plugin Zeno Report Comments successfully with WordPress comments. I would like users to also be able to flag posts in the forum we use with bbPress. Is this compatible with bbPress?
How can I set that up?
Is it possible to disable reporting from comment moderation blacklisted IP addresses?
In the current situation, even if the comment is disabled, the report button can be used, so some people abuse the report button.
If you refresh the page after creating the report, you will be able to recreate the report.
Is it possible to remember the cookie and IP address so that the reporter cannot report the same comment once?
I have a function that calls the latest comments but when I install your plugin it causes a fatal error.
What would I need to change to my function so that they don’t conflict?
Here is my function which gets called in the sidebar
function bg_recent_comments($no_comments = 5, $comment_len = 80, $avatar_size = 48) {
$comments_query = new WP_Comment_Query();
$comments = $comments_query->query( array( 'number' => $no_comments ) );
$comm = '';
if ( $comments ) : foreach ( $comments as $comment ) :
$comm .= '<div class="individual-comment">Comment by <a class="author" href="' . get_permalink( $comment->comment_post_ID ) . '#comment-' . $comment->comment_ID . '">';
$comm .= get_comment_author( $comment->comment_ID ) . ':</a> ';
$comm .= '<p>' . strip_tags( substr( apply_filters( 'get_comment_text', $comment->comment_content ), 0, $comment_len ) ) . '...</p></div>';
endforeach; else :
$comm .= 'No comments.';
echo $comm;
Many thanks for this excellent plugin.
There is one behaviour I would like to change, which I suspect has a straightforward solution.
At present if a comment goes into moderation and is approved, the box which usually states “Report Comment” changes to “Moderated”.
I would like to be able to hide the “Moderated” indication. At present it has the same CSS class as “Report Comment”. Could you assign it a different CSS class so I can hide it as needed? Or include an option to not display “Moderated”?
]]>I recently installed the JQuery Migrate Helper plugin to identify JQuery issues that will occur with the upgrade to WordPress 5.7 on March 9, 2021. The below warning was generated for Zeno Report Comments plugin.
jQuery.fn.click() event shorthand is deprecated – https://…/zeno-report-comments/js/ajax.js
I am using version 1.3.4 of the Zeno plugin.
This is a plug-in that I wanted completely.
By the way, can I change the location of the report button?
In my theme, the Report button occupies an unnecessary position and the design is not clean.
Is there a way to change the location?
Or is there a code for the report button that can be modified directly in the comments file?
Thank you for your effort.
]]>Hello Marcel,
is there any filter to add, to send the comment reports email to an email address that is not the admin one?
Kind regards,
I’ve implemented your plugin, but the link to report the comment are not working, the links url is only an hashtag.
Is there anything I missed
Kind regards,