A new version was last made available for the plugin 10 months ago.
However, this version is only tested up to WordPress 5.8.4.
When can we expect a current version?
Critical error. Plugin will not even open. Several people have opened tickets. No response. Do not install. Development is dead and author does not response. Waste of time.
the plugin caused a critical error on my website. It’s not possible to access E-paper from the dashboard and also previous E-paper documents don’t work anymore.
As I saw there are also other plugin users which have the same problem, but the topics were not answered.
I was also be helpful if you – the plugin author . could let us know if you have dismissed working on this plugin.
Thank you
]]>Hey everyone,
just checked my clients website and I wanted to upload a document to Yumpu.
Unfortunately it gave me the following error: There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.
Not really sure what to do now. Any advice?
WordPress version 5.3.1
Current theme: Phlox (version 2.4.13)
Current plugin: Yumpu ePaper publishing (version 2.0.24)
PHP version 7.2.25
Error Details
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 172 of the file /homepages/u53419/linner2018/wp-content/plugins/yumpu-epaper-publishing/lib/YumpuAPI.php. Error message: Uncaught YumpuEpaper_repository_exception: API-Error in /homepages/u53419/linner2018/wp-content/plugins/yumpu-epaper-publishing/lib/YumpuAPI.php:172
Stack trace:
#0 /homepages/u53419/linner2018/wp-content/plugins/yumpu-epaper-publishing/lib/YumpuEpaper_repository.php(153): YumpuAPI->documents_get(0, 100, ‘desc’)
#1 /homepages/u53419/linner2018/wp-content/plugins/yumpu-epaper-publishing/pages/WP_Yumpu_Admin_Files.php(59): YumpuEpaper_repository::getAll()
#2 /homepages/u53419/linner2018/wp-content/plugins/yumpu-epaper-publishing/pages/WP_Yumpu_Admin_Files.php(11): WP_Yumpu_Admin_Files->display()
#3 /homepages/u53419/linner2018/wp-content/plugins/yumpu-epaper-publishing/yumpu.php(252): WP_Yumpu_Admin_Files->run()
#4 /homepages/u53419/linner2018/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(288): WP_Yumpu->page_admin_files(”)
#5 /homepages/u53419/linner2018/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(312): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)
#6 /homepages/u53419/linner2018/wp-includes/plugin.php(478): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#7 /homepages/u5
Admin page will no longer load and all e-papers are “not found” on front end. stack trace below:
Uncaught Exception: API-Error in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/yumpu-epaper-publishing/lib/YumpuAPI.php on line 172
running WP 4.9.4
On uploading a file, we get the message “upload successful”. Yet in the browser console we can see /plugins/yumpu-epaper-publishing/lib/epapers.php?tokenid=*****OURTOKEN******&_=1532442166881 – 404 not found.
We can see the file exists, so not sure whats going on. We’ve tried it in Chrome.
]]>Lately the publishing of epaper-documents in wordpress pages or posts – with the usual shortcut which is supplied – doesn’t work anymore`.
Can you help me?
Best Regards
]]>Regarding to the Github Repo it’s a while since something happens here…
]]>Can’t set the API Key. There is no error message. Just a red cross
]]>Hello! I need to change english: “Click to read” into Russian, but i can’t find it in any file. And number of pages: “3 of 30” too. Thanks
]]>I have uploaded the pdf but I can not use the same as it is showing PROGRESS as a status
What should we do for that.
]]>Hello, I’m trying the plugin. Then I have a few entries in the page E-paper. I don’t need it more. But I don’t see any link to delete these entries. How is it possible ?
I need to know if searching on a website include the epaper content of the Yumpu plugin.
I.e. is it possible to include the content of the PDF uploaded in Yumpu in the result of thee search?
Maybe with the SearchWP plugin: https://searchwp.com/ ?
Which said can search in PDF.
Thanks in advance
I’ve installed your Yumpu wordpress plugin.
When I upload pdf I get an error massage: Field “file”: Not allowed
What can be wrong?
I tried entering my API key in the settings page and I get a constantly spinning circle to right of the ‘Check’ button. I’m using WordPress 4.1. Is there a fix for this?
]]>Hey There,
I am in need of a plugin like this one and won’t hesitate to purchase the premium version if you can assure me it will work. I am willing to configure a new WP site however you tell me. I am patient, but cannot allow my project to be delayed. I have a fair number of PDFs to display. Where do we stand at this point?
I had the following problem, a conflict between your plugin and popup maker:
The plugin author of popup maker is going to solve the problem with the coming release, but I think you should know about this matter.
]]>1. Can you allow for default privacy and other settings for the upload?
2. Can you include translation formatted code so I can translate it to other languages via:
when i upload any pdf file plugin show this error no input file or title missing, please help me out i am in big trouble.