Do you have a workaround to block the ads following the video?
YouTube seems to have changed their algorithm, which means that”rel=0″ doesn’t prevent the ads following the video. YouTube has also removed the “pause” feature which effectively delayed these ads.
Do you have a workaround to block the ads following the video?
Thank you.
]]>Hi There,
I like the plugin. Is there any way to remove the dynamic bar from the top of the video? It currently appears at the beginning, end, and on mouseover in playback.
Not only does it include the Youtube title for the clip, but it also credits Youtube on the right, replacing the usual like / dislike / share options.
I have tried both the Showinfo options but it seems to make no difference.
Thanks in advance.
]]>Does not work WP 3.9. Inserted the generated shortcode. View page and Youtube video says error has occurred – doesn’t play video.
Tested using WP video insert method using TinyMCE and also tested inserting using Visual Composer insert video – both methods work.
Any input, suggestions or fixes?
]]>Nice plugin, but if Austin’s incredibly out-of-date and pointless “Frosty Network Feed” is annoying, and you want to hide it for ALL users (not just you), add the following custom CSS to the Admin side of your site:
#thefrosty_dashboard {display:none;}
This can be easily done, funnily enough, using one of his other plugins: (under Settings / White Label CMS / Admin Settings / Custom CSS for Admin
Austin, you haven’t updated this feed in over 6 months and it isn’t really relevant or useful. I’m all for you supporting your development work, but including an out-of-date feed in your plugins isn’t really a useful way to do so.
I’ve been playing around with this plugin, but unfortunately the video doesn’t display with Headway Themes. If I switch to another theme, 2010 or 2011 for example, it displays no problem.
Thanks ??
]]>I installed this plugin, and it didn’t work. I was also stumped about WHY there was a GIANT image of some chick WHO, I don’t know! in my admin dashboard. Turns out, it’s coming from a feed linked to your plugin!!!!
That is totally tasteless and UNnecessary! Anyways, even if the plugin had worked, I would have removed it simply because, for some reason, you’ve convinced yourself that you’re entitled to spam my admin dashboard, which is NOT okay!
Your blackhat spam tactics suck.