The youtube-playlist-thumbs.css is loaded irrespective of whether the plugin’s shortcode is loaded. Granted, the file is not very big. But when the plugin is used on 1/1000 pages only (like in our case) the extra network requests are hard to justify.
I realize that WordPress’ API makes optimization of CSS loading a bit difficult. See e.g. for a discussion. I’d see two options:
1.) Split the wp_enqueue_style() call into wp_register_style() and wp_enqueue_style() whereas the latter would be called in the shortcode function only. Whether all browsers can deal with the css link outside of the HTML page head I don’t know.
2.) Inline with CSS as a <style> element when the shortcode function outputs the YouTube frame. The youtube-playlist-thumbs.css may be insertable at runtime via an ‘include’ statement.
]]>Playlist is not working in my custom theme any suggestion ?
]]>how can i enable autoplay?
In a normal url playlist i can activate it adding “&autoplay=1&loop=1” to the link. But i don’t know how can i do it with your plugin.
Please help.
]]>Love this player embed – works perfectly,
is it possible to have the thumbnails below the player perhaps stacked vertically?
]]>Is it possible to show the video title below the thumb? That would be great. Thanks!
]]>Hi there, first i want to say i am very happy with the plugin you’ve made. It’s awesome! Thanks ??
Only thing is i get black bars above and below my videos, they are shot 1080p and look perfectly filled out to the borders on youtube.
Could you please take a look and advice me? Thanks in advance!
]]>Is there a way to fix the plugin so you can have multiple short-codes to display several playlists on a page. Right now it only works on the top player and all the rest are blacked out. It’s a really cool plugin if you only have one playlist on the page, but I can’t use it since I need 3. I hope you can resolve this problem.
]]>Black viewer launches, thumbnails appear and that’s it, no video in the main window. Thumbnails aren’t working as links
If it worked it would be exactly what I want for my page!
I love this plugin but I have a problem: when I installed the webpage takes a lot for loading. I checked is this plugin (I try in two themes with no more plugins). Is there a way to limit the videos to load to 10 for example?.
At least would be posible to download previous version when the limit was 25 videos?
Thank you ??
]]>Is there a way to disable the sharing button and related videos?
]]>Hey there – when I put the shortcode in, only a black box shows up, no video or thumbnails.
Thanks for your help
This plugin provides exactly what I’m looking for. The only thing is missing is to support multiple playlists on the same page.
I can see there is a previous posting where this is also being requested, do you know if this feature will become available soon?
Thank you!
]]>right after I updated to 4.3 the player stopped to load videos in the player, thumb nails still there on right but will not load to play. Worked fine with 4.2.4
YPT version 0.51.
1. The links on thumbnails seem dead. I tried with Firefox and Chrome browsers and both showing same negative result.
2. How to re-arrange thumbnails in a row at the bottom?
Thanks for your ease to use plugin unlike others.
Maybe I missed this (hope not…) but is it possible to have the last added video to the playlist set as the default loaded video?
I’m using the plugin for my series ona certain topic, and it wuld be more logical for me to show the newest video first. With the rest of the video’s as a list on the right.
Thanks for your time,
]]>Is there any way to limit the amount of videos in the playlist?
I love your plugin. I have a problem with lists of more than 25 videos.
Only the top 25 videos are shown.How I can make lists more than 25 videos look?
]]>Is there away to make it so the videos don’t display the related videos at the end? I know you can when you embed a single video usually, but I need to do it for the whole playlist (obviously). Thanks!
]]>I love your plugin. It’s just what I was looking for. But I’m having an issue when I add more than one playlist to a page. Only the first playlist displays correctly; the rest are just black video boxes. Is there a way to add more than one playlist to a page? Thanks!
]]>Unfortunately only black box appeared with right-left markers on top (or was it up-down). Didn’t try on single video though, only playlist.