can you say me shortcode to show only views Count (https://www.youtube.com/analytics#r=summary;fi=u-WqfAtqDRJzJ8Dzw4VkrY7Q)
I don’w want show pictures or so only Views Count
]]>i install plugin,
required write.
Title: Youtube
Username / ID: my channel name. or any youtube channel name.
This is a channel ID (not custom slug)
Max. videos: 2
Video height: 250
Video width: 400
Clear Cache: Clear cache every 2 hour(s)
after add widget.
but. error message.
Apologize, nothing found for this channel.
how can i fix?
]]>greate widget,
how can i change color?
i want black theme.
]]>Please let me know why my widget is acting silly. Thank you. LocdBeauty.com
]]>Hello! Thank you for your powerfull plugin.
I noticed that after I installed your plugin it install on the browser the DoubleClick cookie.
I understand that for you can be usefull but from my side I need to block it.
Do you have any solution for me?
Kind Regards
]]>First off, I would like to say excellent plugin idea! Although I was really just looking for something to show my most recent videos, this is awesome.
When on “recent” or “popular” with a custom (smalelr) video size, the widget gets very skinny and the title of the widget below it shows up beside this widget. Info tab expands and shows properly.
When using the auto video sizing, the recent and popular tabs appear larger, but still the 1st word of my next widget appears to the right of this widget (with on letter per line like this)
The info tab once again – expands larger and pushes those words down. So however the info widget width
Allow videos to sit side by side (so 2 columns instead of one) so the videos can appear smaller and take up less length of the page.
As well, I actually thought it broke my site initially, as it took FOREVER to load. It loads faster the second time around, but the initial load time is long. It also severely brought down my pagespeed in gtmetrix. Any suggestions? Could there be something I did wrong? I have only used the widget, not shortcode, and have 4 videos appearing.
]]>Hello, This plug in is great and worked very well until the recent update. Now the plug in will not retrieve the YouTube data, it displaces other widgets in the side bar, and it will not let me edit any of my widgets. If you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and this awesome plug in.
First of all, it is amazing plug-in! Thank you.
But there is little problem.
I installed on the footer that you could see what the problem is once you play it.
Branding watermark looks too big in a small video on the widget. Actually I don’t need Branding watermark on the widget. But I do need it on my channel. Is it not possible to control it on the widget???
(Also the button of suggest video is too big at the end…)
]]>This is a great idea for a youtube widget–thanks for making this. However, it disables my other plugin (WP-Backgrounds Lite). Can you please check how we can make both plugins work together? Again, thank you!