Is it possible to use this plugin to add the doc scan function to a WordPress site?
]]>Hi there,
We have a JS error coming from Yoti plugin iFrame:
index.js:12 [button/index] => Button Client is not connected, error: Message timed out
Please, see the screengrab: https://prnt.sc/r3z8c2
best regards
]]>We use Woocommerce and the WooCommerce.com Social Login plugin:
* https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-social-login/
Therefore, disabling the standard /wp-login.php URL and page.
It would be very handy make it possible to use a compatible Callback URL like ?wc-api=auth&done=yoti
where that plugin is active or add a setting for using a custom callback URL in the WordPress Yoti Settings please.
It would be handy to create a shortcode that does the same as the widget for then being able to place the login button in other locations without custom theme code please.
]]>So I’ve been testing the plugin and I have a few observations.
Firstly, it would be helpful if the user profile in wordpress was updated when I change the required information in the app in the yoti dashboard. For example, I set up the app and got everything working ok – asked for first name, surname, email address. All worked fine. set up a user in wordpress without a problem. I then updated the required info in the yoti app dashboard to include photo. Logged back in again with the yoti phone app but no photo was showing. I unlinked the account and then relinked it and the photo showed up.
Secondly, the widget isn’t great just now. It would be good if you could provide some styling options so that I could get it to fit better with the look and feel of my site.
Also – it might be useful to have some kind of optional admin approval function for Yoti users. The only thing that seems to be checked at the moment is email address and I might want some other attributes to match before accepting a first login.
But apart from that it seems to work pretty well and looks quite promising.