Hi. My english is very limited, sorry.
I don’t see the publish or update button.
And I don’t see the plugin screen well either.
We have a YMC test puzzle we are experimenting with and like it very much. It isn’t active. However, we are using the puzzle to give away prizes and drive engagement. Is it possible for our audience to do the crossword puzzle and then “submit” it to the website so that we know who they are and whether they got the answers right?
]]>There is currently automatic scrolling when you click on a square. It is broken on my site. Is it possible to add an option to turn it off, or just turn it off altogether since its not working correctly?
]]>Is any a way to choose specific theme from a list that installed? I saw a theme name in setting
]]>Sometimes it is impossible to finish a crossword, one of the words
is highlighted in yellow neither red nor green. This answer does not count as correct. I tried to make different crosswords in different languages, with different themes and different templates, disabled other plugins and tried it on pure WordPress – the result is the same.
Screenshot https://ru.paste.pics/455ff259594f773bc865b1790143b533
A cruzadinha n?o aceita acentos que s?o usadas no idioma português, para colocar acento, tem que digitar o acento e depois clicar de novo na caixa de texto e apertar a letra. Isso torna muito complicado preencher a cruzadinha para o idioma português. – The crossword does not accept accents that are used in the Portuguese language, to add an accent, you have to type the accent and then click again in the text box and press the letter. This makes filling out the crossword for the Portuguese language very complicated.
]]>I am loving this crossword plugin. Is there a way for players to share their results via Twitter or other social platforms that will link back to puzzle?
]]>Installed, activated, created.
Crosswords’ horizontal input text is not square. Please see the website.
Thank you for this very good plugin!
Do you have any idea how to let player see the solution before the end of the crossword?