I am looking to make some css changes in the email.
can you tell me where is the css file?
]]>Hello. After – I think WordPress updated – in Woocommerce -> Orders I can see only “During” orders as default. But I have 1698 orders. How diplay all orders as default? When I click “All” nothing happens.
]]>When i try publish new order status, my site is not working, http error 500 ((
can you help me, what problem will be?
after i move to trash before created orded status site is alive
]]>Dear support,
your plugin is smth wonder.
But i researched bug with not all orders shown and found that if i deactivated your plugin it hides from list orders with custom statuses.
When I activated it again orders apeared.
Can you check issue?
Woocommerce 3.4.4
Plugin: 1.1.5
Thank ahead
Added 2 new custome statuses.
But properly works only one of them.
When I change order to second status, it changes auto to predinstalled “wait for payment”
Also there is magic buttons to fast changing without images (not so usable as in idea)
thanks ahead
]]>Hello, i download the free plugin Custom Order Status but it is working. at woocomerce order page is not appear the items next to order details.
]]>Dear YITH!
We’ve a bit of problem about the OpenTicket Community Edition system, maybe the “Seating” extension, but its connect to your plugin too.
Our customer use WordPress-WooC system whit the “YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status” plugin. The user made an unique OrderStatus for WooCommerce. They created the “BLOCKEDSEAT” status.
In the customers site there are a lot of events wich created with OpenTicket plugin. At the seating, we can see greens and reds. The greens are the available seats, and the reds are the sold or “BLOCKEDSEAT” seats. Before the event goes to public, our customer blocking some seats (cause’ the VIPs or the DJ).
BUT, sometimes the “BLOCKEDSEAT” seats status are change to Available, automatically.
Have you ever seen this problem or similar? This is really annoying :/
Wordpress versin: 4.9.3
WooCommerce version: 3.2.6
YITH version: 1.1.5 (Not premium)
OpenTicket version: 2.8.7 (premium)
Openticket Seating version: 2.7.2 (premium)
Bom dia, estou tendo problemas para atualizar os status que já tem no meu site wordpress, eu consigo add novos, mas na página que listam todos eles n?o consigo fazer nada, como se todos os links estivessem bloqueados. Alguém poderia me orientar?
So yes, I’ve read this…
…which was posted 1 year and 4 months ago.
The fix works, but what I am wondering is why the code didn’t make it to the plugin already.
When I actualized for the new version today happened a issue, the wp-admin was with the White Screen, i had to disable the plugin.
Hi guys! I can’t access settings page do add or delete status. When I go to plugin settings, all I have is the premium tab.
Check print: https://prntscr.com/fvsshn
I have all the latest versions of this, Woo and WordPress. Can someone help, please?
Our store sells events as such we don’t offer money refunds, only store credit, this leaves us two options, one is a refund, the other is the cancellation. The refund and/or cancellation triggers our ticket plugin to properly return inventory and cancel the ticket(s) created as part of it’s WC integration. This leaves us with a problem, we technically should use the refund function, although we want to avoid the term ‘refund’, it should be ‘Cancelled for Event Credit’ (one example), can your order status plugin allow us to create a new status called ‘Cancelled for Event Credit’ that functions like (or calls) the integrated refund function? That way we can simply run a manual status change, then send a coupon credit and the customer will see ‘Cancelled for Event Credit’ in their ‘My Account’ and/or via e-mail.
If not, can you recommend another option?
]]>Hi how are you? How can I make that the orders set with a custom status are included in the Woocommerce default reports? Thanks
it’s very strange but it seems that your plugin create an issue with the drag and drop functionality of woocommerce to change the order of payment gateways.
I’m talking about the table at the bottom of this page :
When I deactivated your plugin it works. When I activate it again, I can’t move the payment gateways.
I don’t see any alert in the console of my browser.
Is it a known issue?
We are finding that the email functionality of this plugin seems inconsistent. When Order Status changes, its not always triggering the email to be sent. Right now, we have an automated code which changes the Order Status accordingly. We are not manually changing the Order Status ourselves. Could this be the culprit? Would you kindly provide some troubleshooting relating to this issue? Thank you!
I have noticed that there is an incompatibility issue between your plugin (Version 1.0.8) and Master Slider (Version 2.29.0 – https://codecanyon.net/item/master-slider-wordpress-responsive-touch-slider/7467925).
Activating your plugin makes problems in WP Back office (Master Slider page). When I try to create or to customize a slider, previews of slides are not displayed properly, which doesn’t allow me to set position of layers (you usually have to click on the preview to do so).
Screen capture : https://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/997401ScreenshotMasterSliderPro2.jpg
There is also a problem with the text box in text layers, where buttons like Bold button, Italic button de not appear at all.
Screen capture : https://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/390356ScreenshotMasterSliderPro1.jpg
Master slider is a really important plugin, very popular and I can’t do without it. So, I have to disable YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status.
It is possible for your to solve this problem ?
Thank you.
I absolutely love the plugin. Thank you so much for it.
I basically want an email to be sent to the customer as soon as the admin changes the order status to a new custom order status created using this plugin.
Please help me make that happen.
Thank You.
]]>When I set an order to a custom status like “Packing”, the order disappears from the customer’s end on My Account page. Any suggestions?
I could use some help. Can you please provide some assistance to add custom status to the bulk action menu on the order page
I was thinking about using this method
but I keep running into problems with the function
I’ve installed “YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status Premium” plugin today and the problem is i cant find the “add order status” page in my dashboard after the installation.and i really need this plugin.Hoping for you’re help
I’ve installed “YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status Premium” plugin today I saw all of my orders are the same!!! same price- same name- same email- same link- I figured out when I deactive this plugin everything works fine.
Screenshot example : https://sl.uploads.im/dDloP.jpg
]]>Goign to https://spesagodina.it/web/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=yith-wccos-ostatus
I see some status and if I go instead to the orders page I see other names for the stats orders..
]]>After installation and configuration “order status”->”add oreder status” three new statuses, in the section “woocommerce”-“orders” there is only one that is configured first. To use the plugin on purpose is impossible
]]>It defaults back to processing. basically it won’t work. Any ideas?
]]>Hello YITH,
I like your plugins, they are normally well made and useful. But, with this plugin I only get one tab to show: “Premium Version”.
So there are no settings at all for the free version?