Recently my website is getting lots of 503 error after analysis i found that too much ajax call is happening which are not cached from function “ylc_ajax_get_token .
What this function does and how to avoid this call . Is this call necessary ?
Need help
]]>After creation of the account on firebase google, and having the yith live chat ok on the backend, no popup on the website (template twentytwenty with wpfooter) and woocommerce)
wp 5 5 1 woocommerce 4.6
im trying to move the live chat widget 42 px to the left so i tried to input
code like Margin-right 42 px when i inspect it in google with the code i can see the chat box move but when i put the code in the back end css the widget stays in the same place not sure how to fix it
look forward to hearing from you
]]>The resource from “https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/7.6.10/firebase-database.js?ver=7.6.10” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/html”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff).
i have this error in broswer …also in chrome …my wordpress and all plugins up to date ….
]]>there is no contraction i made all setting but its not connect i dont know why
]]>Hi There
The frontend chat with us box says connecting but never opens.
I have created all necessary fields in firebase and entered all date from firebase into the yith live chat fields but still not working.
Do you have any suggestions on what to do ore check?
]]>The chat is working but it displays the following error in the front-end:
Notice: Undefined index: chat-gdpr-compliance in /home/ud3cc5wf/public_html/wp-content/plugins/yith-live-chat/templates/chat-frontend/chat-container.php on line 94
I have debug mode ON define('WP_DEBUG', true);
in wp-config.php
I’m trying to add a chat to my website but after adding the Firebase App URL and the Firebase App Secret nothing changes in my WordPress backend.
What should I do?
UPDATE: ok now it looks fine, it’s working, I don’t know why. I’ll open another thread for another problem I encountered.
]]>La connessione gira ma non riesce a collegarsi questi sono i miei settaggi
Hi, thanks for your great plugin!
How i can check if a vendor is online programmatically? something like if ($vendor ->is_online()) …
Thanks in advance!
]]>There is no chance to select blog categories in the “page selection” section in the settings and just display it on the woocommerce product page.
Please Increase variety of page selection
]]>i have just install the “yith live chat” plugin with multivendor plugin, i have setup everything.
setup firebase >> https://prntscr.com/m0b9o3
found error, something went wrong “Something went wrong. Please try again” >>> https://prnt.sc/m0bb0y
users settings >> https://prntscr.com/m0bcrj
please let me know what i need to do to resolve this problem. i will be really thankful to you.
]]>Hi! It worked before I created new database. Now available only one connect from external vivsitor. Admin can not connect to chat console – “please wait”… Where could I make mistake?
Thank you
Here is the link to my issue, the live chat opened on its own when you load the page (without any actions). Here is the link https://screencast.com/t/AK85YSiv
]]>The stored messages disappear after a while.
How can I increase/avoid that?
Thank you
]]>I was considering buying your premium plugin, when a couple of hours ago I received a message from Google regarding the Firebase service that YITH Live Chat is using:
[Firebase] Your Realtime database xxxxxxxx has insecure rules
We’ve detected the following issue(s) with your security rules:
It seems that you need to fix this ASAP as its a major issue for the security of the plugin.
That, and also consider the fact that when using Firebase, another warning comes in the Firebase Console, in the Database Secrets section that says:
Database secrets are currently deprecated and use a legacy Firebase token generator. Update your source code with the Firebase Admin SDK.
Since this issue is present also in the Premium plugin that you offer, if you dont fix this I cant proceed with buying that plugin.
YITH Live Chat is working correctly only when I’m logged in: https://www.dropbox.com/s/klzmtpbnzfi7r9j/Screenshot%202018-06-06%2019.07.39.png?dl=0
BUT When I’m logged out there is only chat window on homepage trying to open but just with “Connecting…” message and nothing more is going to happen – it is just freezed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bclhbl4tznhp45i/Screenshot%202018-06-06%2019.06.55.png?dl=0
Please do you have any suggestions?
Many thanks, best!
]]>When I am logged into WordPress back-end and open the chat console as the operator, my Email address is being used as the operator name by default! And I couldn’t find any way to change the operator name to something else. This is not ideal. How do I change the operator name?
]]>I cant activate nor install the plugin because its not compatible with latest wordpress version and its untested. Any Help please
The bug is when adding a product from your wishlist to your cart, removing it from your wishlist, and redirecting to the cart page.
To replicate the problem:
1. Install YITH WooCommerce Wishlist – version 2.1.2 and WooCommerce 3.1.0
2. Set Redirect to cart – true
3. Set Remove if added to the cart – true
4. Login to customer account
5. Add product to wishlist
6. Add the following code to your theme’s functions file:
add_action ( ‘woocommerce_after_cart_item_quantity_update’, ‘test’ );
function test( $cart_item_key, $quantity, $old_quantity ){
7. Add product to cart
After adding the product to your cart you’ll receive the following error:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for test(), called in …[Insert your site’s specific details]
Warning: Missing argument 3 for test(), called incalled in …[Insert your site’s specific details]
Additional Information:
The WooCommerce code for the woocommerce_after_cart_item_quantity_update hook can be found:
From my investigation the offending YITH code seems to be:
\yith-woocommerce-wishlist\includes\class.yith-wcwl.php line 115
The code hooks into the WC woocommerce_add_to_cart and does not provide the proper variable values in the called function (remove_from_wishlist_after_add_to_cart).
Server Environment:
Thank you,
I have been testing the free version of YLC before buying it, but I can’t manage to make the strings translatable.
They appear in WPML plugin String Translation, and I have translated them, but they won’t appear as translated in the site.
I see that in the YLC plugin I can edit the strings (like Chat Title), but it seems the only way to make them change on the site.
It’s a free version behavior, or am I doing something wrong?
]]>Hi, as soon as I installed this plugin, my premium wp slide in and other pop ups won’t work.
It happened even when I disabled chat.
Any ideas?
Live chat doesn’t work even though I put url and secret key correctly without any empty space. I capture images. Please check link below.
I had just installed the free version and it works all well and fine.. However I did notice one issue.. In the chat console If multiple user connect it groups them together. It doesn’t seperate users even in the chat windows
You can see other user conversion.. Is this because free version?
Hello, i have 2 issues with latest version of live chat.
1st. when operator is online and user after filling forms starts chat it connects very slow, maybe 3-5 seconds. is there way to make it superfast like different chat plugins?
(!!!) 2nd. When user in chat writes us, we answer user = all good. we can speak.
when operator was, for example, a little bit slow with answer (maybe talk to another user) and user closes chat window… when we answer, user chat windows starts loading…loading…loading. and no result. it infinitely loads with no window opening with new answer.
how to solve ?
thank you.
1. in my console [YITH Live Chat]: INVALID_TOKEN: Failed to validate MAC.
2. my website chatbox: it keeps connecting
What did I miss?
Thank You
]]>I installed the plugin and it works fine. But my website has been a bit slow since I installed the plugin, I checked out why and I found a file coming from your plugin making my website slow. This is the name of the file: https://abctravel.nl/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=ylc_ajax_callback&mode=get_token
Do you have any idea what this is, and how to fix this?
]]>For a multi-vendor site, will customer inquiries go to the vendor who is selling the product in question?
If Sally is selling a chair. A customer viewing the chair sends a question. Will the question go to Sally?
Thank you. Just asking prior to buying the pro version.
]]>Can i give access to shop managers to use this plugin?