When I try to verify in Yandex Metrica I get the message: Something went wrong. Please check your confirmation code!
Hello. For several weeks now, the plugin has not been working.
Gives an error message.
Сообщаю о той же ошибке, которая указана тут (не могу туда же написать), но хочу добавить фото и контекст: ошибка появляется при открытии настроек /wp-admin/customize.php
I am reporting the same error that is listed here, but I want to add a photo and context: the error appears when opening the settings /wp-admin/customize.php
]]>Wordpress 6.0
Warning: Undefined array key “metrica_informer” in /sites/EXAMPLE.COM/wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php on line 1088
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /sites/EXAMPLE.COM/wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php on line 1088
Warning: Undefined array key “metrica_informer” in /sites/EXAMPLE.COM/wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php on line 1089
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /sites/EXAMPLE.COM/wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php on line 1089
Warning: Undefined array key “metrica_informer” in /sites/EXAMPLE.COM/wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php on line 602
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /sites/EXAMPLE.COM/wp-includes/class-wp-customize-widgets.php on line 602
WordPress обновился до 5,9 и плагин перестал статистику показывать.
How can I connect the plugin to a new metrica account?
When I deactivate and delete the plugin, the old setings is still there.
wordpress ve woocommerce kullanan sitemin üzerine kurulu yapt?m heryerden izinleri vermi? olmama ra?men oturum kayd? b?lümüne t?klad???mda “Oturum Kayd?’n? ?al??t?rmak i?in Saya? Ayarlar?’na ge?in.” mesaj? al?yorum.
eklenti üzerinde de kay?t izni a??k g?züküyor.
]]>Hello there,
Thanks for great plugin!
Our marketing colleague says Click map feature is not getting data from the website.
But this feature is enabled in plugin settings.
What can be wrong?
Our colleague also wants to track scrolling info, as far as I know, this feature is not supported by Yandex Metrika plugin.
How to implement this feature?
Maybe add original Yandex code, or part of it to the website?
Could you give us some idea?
Merhaba Mustafa Bey
Cromede siteyi incele dedigimde console b?lümünde a?a??daki hatay? al?yorum
(index):1 Refused to execute script from ‘https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/67835851/1’ because its MIME type (‘image/gif’) is not executable.
Bu sorunu nas?l düzeltebiliriz?
Kolay gelsin
]]>Will this new option “Dispatch ecommerce data to Metrica” sent wooCommerce data to Metrica?
]]>Merhaba mustafa bey
trte.net Sitemde ?al??an uygulama bir anda sorun ??karmaya ba?lad?
Güncellemeden dolay?da olabilir metrica dan onaylanm?yor hala k?rm?z? ama metrica üzerinden ka? ki?i girdi?ini g?rebiliyorum
Sorunumuz nedir acaba? uygulama ?ok pratik bunun i?inde te?ekkür ederim ayr?ca iyi ?al??malar.
Will the plugin track WooCommerce products, cart, orders?
]]>Нужно вставлять код счётчика в header.php при использовании данного плагина?
Вебвизор 2.0 работает?
Have you changed your Yandex password lately? If so, you need to re-authorize the plugin.
How to re-authorize plugin?
Plugin’i temaya ekleyip etkinle?tiri se?ti?imde kodu girmem i?in a??lmas? gereken sayfa a??lm?yor. Sadece “plugin etkinle?tirildi” yaz?yor. Yard?mc? olursan?z, sevinirim.
]]>mehaba mustafa bey,
webvisor.com üzerinden site haritalar?na t?klay?nca
“Bu sayfada ziyareti g?rüntüleyemiyoruz. Olas? nedenler:
Saya? kodu kurulu de?il
Sayfan?n ?er?evede g?rüntülenmesi i?in engelleme mevcut”
mesaj? al?yorum.eklenti aktive edilmi?.t?klama verisini metricadan g?rebiliyorum
]]>Console widget not working anymore. Please help to solve problem.
]]>I cant see the ecommerce reports on Yandex Metrica, i already activated dispatch ecommerce data to Metrica option in the plugin settings, and also activate it in the tag settings in Yandex Metrica webpage. Greetings
]]>A code of Yandex Id in my home page appeared after installing the plugin and i tried to remove it but the code still in all pages , how to remove it ?
When the plugin is activated it is trying to show Metrica stats in Dashboard. The trouble is that Metrica stats widget blocks loading of any elements on Dashboard page. So I can’t customize Dashboard and subsequently can’t disable this stats widget. All other functions are working as needed.
I don’t know if there is any conflict or something… Deactivating Metrica plugin solves the issue.
Please, add an ability to remove stats widget from the Dashboard on plugin settings page. Or maybe there is another solution?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Latest version creating odd results in Webpagetest.org eg https://www.webpagetest.org/result/190219_55_6687a5622e5e33925afc71d88e1b4a38/
]]>When you load the script from mc.yandex.ru, the Adblockers catch it, and ~30% of my traffic isn’t counted.
Is it possible to load the js script from my own domain?
]]>Please add support to loading tracking code to header (not footer)
Thank you very much.
I looked up the Metrica documentation and got redirected here. Thank you for this plugin.
My requirement is to display monthly-comparison web traffic stats (audience, engagement, behavior) on the frontend for a planned media kit.
Is there a way (using a shortcode?) to output the charts on a site page?
Kind regards,
]]>Hi there,
It looks like the cart and checkout pages are not being properly tracked an displayed on Session Replay. Is this normal or it’s a plugin limitation?
I don’t know if this issue is generated by the plugin but I can’t view any of my session recordings on any browser. I get only errors, something about Yandex security certificate not being valid or the fact that Metrica is not properly configured on my website.
The site is connected, because I can see all the activity in my Metrica dashboard, but I can’t play the recordings. Browsers I tried with: Chrome, Mozilla, Microsoft Edge.
Any idea what could cause this?
I have installed your plugin and everything seems working, counter okay, but the no stats on yandex.
The only thing strange is when I have activated the plugin the code was different to yandex tag number of my yandex account.
So I have looked the source code of my page and no yandex code in footer.
I use simply the Twenty Fifteen theme so I do not understand.
In footer there is <?php wp_footer(); ?>
Thank you to help me.
]]>Приветствую! Плагин поддерживает Вебвизор 2.0?
Cloudflare kullan?rken sorun yok ama SSL sertifikamdan dolay? Cloudflare kullanam?yorum maalesef.
Bu yüzden Remove the following redirect chain if possible: uyar?s? al?yorum Gtmetrix ve Pingdom’da.
Ne yapt?ysam beceremedim.
A?a??daki kaynaklar? cachelemenin bir yolu var m? ?
Remove the following redirect chain if possible:
Good afternoon! In the admin panel is not displayed the schedule visited, where it should be included?Thank you!