Rating: 5 stars
This plugin was amazingly simple and worked very well, I tried several from research and none worked nearly as well. Nice job and thank you!
]]>Rating: 4 stars
I was skeptical about this plugin because it hasn’t been updated in over a year but I thought I’d give it a try anyway since it appears to be the only free plugin for creating video sitemaps.
I generated the sitemap and submitted it to Google but I received an error saying the sitemap was an HTML page, even though the file extension is xsl. When I tried to open the file in my spreadsheet app (OO Calc) it gave me a general input/output error.
The developer website states that the plugin should generate an xml file in a particular location but it didn’t.
UPDATE: I am changing the rating for this plugin based on a fix I discovered.
If you are having the problem I described above and are using W3 Total Cache try this adjustment:
In W3TC, create an extra user agent group. Under Performance and then User Agent Groups click “Create a group.” Name the group (e.g., “Google” or “Googlebot”). In the user agents field enter “googlebot” (without the quotes). This will force W3TC to make a separate cache for Googlebot user-agents, which appears to have solved my problem.
If you’re also using Yoast SEO to create your XML sitemaps, this may or may not create a conflict with Google XML Sitemap for Videos. So far it hasn’t for me but I’ll be monitoring it.
Good luck.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Simplemente excelente. Crea un sitemap con miniaturas que puedes usarlo como pagina de videos. Pruebenlo. Los demas plugins para sitemaps para videos que he probado creaban un archivo XML, pero al probar con google webmaster tools, me decia que hay cientos de errores. Con este plugin no hay errores en google webmaster tools.
Thanks for the plugin Amit Agarwal. Excelent job!
]]>Rating: 4 stars
This is a good plugin I love it. Unfortunately if I use iframe embed code, it’s not detecting the YouTube videos.