Hi, I tested several currency switching plugins and this one was the best by far! One thing that is impacting me though is that I use the plugin below to add composite products to my store and it seems like the specific product price feature in X-Currency doesn’t support this composite product type. When I type my custom prices and save it just reverts back to auto. Is there any chance you can update the plugin to support this product type? Thank you!
]]>I have 2 currencies on my website but in checkout page, I want to force the client pay in one selected currency as the bank does not allow any other currency for the payments. how to do this?
]]>Plugin Conflict With Visual Composer.
]]>The WordPress health check generates the two errors listed below. These are caused by this plugin. Deactivating the plugin resolves the issue. Thanks for your quick response!
An active PHP session was detected
A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.
The REST API encountered an error
The REST API is one way that WordPress and other applications communicate with the server. For example, the block editor screen relies on the REST API to display and save your posts and pages.
When testing the REST API, an error was encountered:
REST API Endpoint: https://inspiremovement.org/wp-json/wp/v2/types/post?context=edit
REST API Response: (http_request_failed) cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
I’m a website developer and I use your X-Currency plugging in my websites but after running it with the CartFlows plugin(https://cartflows.com/), it got crashed the website after running a test purchase. But after desable the X-Currency it working fine. See the attached snapshots for more clarification. Help us to figure out this ASAP
See below link for log fils as well.
Hello, I’m using a plugin ‘Tilda publishing’ along with X-currency on my website, and it seems these two conflict. Apparently, the reason is both plugins using php sessions and changing the global variable $_SESSION.
There’s a ‘action_init’ function in SettingServiceProvider.php file, which starts a session and writes some values into the global var.
The second mentioned plugin uses AJAX to synchronize a page on WP with Tilda. There are 2 requests, actually, and they also utilize php sessions: the first request fetches what needs to be downloaded from the source page and writes it to $_SESSION, and the second one takes what the first has written there and downloads it.
While debugging, I noticed that there wasn’t any data from the 1st request in $_SESSION. I’m not exactly sure how it works, and have no idea how to properly debug this interference, but it might be due to calling ‘session_write_close’ inside ‘action_init’, after which nothing that is put in $_SESSION can be saved. Anyways, the problem disappears when I disable X-currency
Hello, I want to add the switcher to the product interface or store interface, but the switcher does not appear after I set it up. How can I make it appear in the store interface or product interface?
]]>The header states “Limited Offer” for Pro version but I can’t see any details on this or a pro version. Does this mean that after using it for xxx long you will then have to pay for a pro version? Please explain
]]>Sales analytics does not display other currencies. In the report for the last month or any other, only the main currency is displayed. All orders that were ordered in another currency are not displayed in analytics wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=%2Fanalytics%2Foverview
]]>Currency switcher displays on the desktop but not the mobile or tablet views. Switcher is added as a shortcode. Latest version of WordPress. Built using latest MacOS and tested on iOS (iPhone 11 and iPad Pro).
Your plugin works very well, but it doesn’t recognize all payment methods.
I have a standard Woocommerce COD method installed on the site, but the plugin doesn’t show it and I can’t disable it for payment in another currency.
]]>We regularly need to create orders manually (WooCommerce->Orders->Add New) for customers. How can we change the currency of the order when creating a manual order? Customers can change the currency when they are shopping, but we need to be able to create orders in currencies other than the store base currency
]]>Hi! I am a new user of this plugin. So, I have a little amount of knowledge of this plugin’s functionality. I did set up everything including multiple currencies, currency switcher, and even Openexchange Rates API. My issue is when I use the shortcode of the currency switcher on a page designed using Elementor page builder, the switcher does not appear. Any kind of help is appreciated.
Is it possible to automatically switch currency based on POST parameter?
Maybe by calling a function at page load
]]>After deactivating the X-Currency – The Ultimate WooCommerce plugin I was left with this remnant on my website. “X-Currency-Switcher Id=3241”. I then deleted the plugin but this still remains. How can I get rid of this?
]]>Hello. I installed the plugin, and when I try to enter the menu from the admin panel, I get a blank page. I found the following error in the console ReactDOM.createRoot is not a function
Can you help me with this?
]]>Hi! I like your plugin “X-Currency”, but WP Site Health shows, that this plugin is causing 2 critical issues:
When I disable your plugin, these errors go away.
Can you please fix this?
First of all, great job!! It is an excellent plugin.
I have the pro version of the plugin.
Now, I use three currencies in this site, but for one of them my client only defines the each product price as retail price – 50, always the same calculation, it doesn’t matter if the retail price is 200 or 1000, I know, is a weird case, the fact is that this site has more of 300 products and variations, that is, the option to change it manually would be really heavy, do you have an option that allows me to handle these case or the only option is change each product price manually?
Thank you.
I was testing your pluging, but at the moment I test the functionally “Disable payment gateways for this currency” does not work. I select the payment method to disable but when I refresh the page the selected payment dissaper.
Many thanks for all.
Best regards,
]]>After the last plugin update, I had a problem. The menu of my site has become like this – D¨?€D?D?D?D?
Please make a shortcode to indicate only the exchange rate, for example, euro to dollar, or rupee to dollar. Thanks.