I have set up subscriptions with Multiple Subscriptions set to false.
I am performing a number of Stripe tests with a single user id to solve some issues. Once a subscription Stripe test has successfully gone through, I delete the order and cancel the subscription. However, the second test with the same user does not show the add-to-cart button for the subscription product.
According to wsspg_subscriptions_woocommerce_is_purchasable, for a button to be added, there must not be a row containing the user id and the meta_key “wsspg_test_subscriptions”. I had assumed deleting the order would have removed this column. Is there any automated function to do this provided with your plug-in?
]]>Hi. I want to offer bi-weekly shipments, with the shipping charged each time the product is shipped. Currently, it is only charging shipping one time, at the beginning of each subscription period. What is the best way to double the monthly shipping charge when the bi-weekly option is selected?
]]>Hello, the new stripe API version doesn’t use parameter source already, need to remove it from parameters.
]]>Trying to setup test environment with this plugin, getting error when trying to process subscription using Stripe, INTERNAL SERVER ERROR. Any ideas?
]]>My stripe purchases are no longer being processed. the end user (purchaser) is receiving a htm 500 error stating the domain couldn’t process this request at this time. I checked on the backend and under the WooCommerce orders I can see the customer and order is created and then cancelled immediately. I contacted stripe to see if there is a problem with my account or settings and they are telling me on their end there is nothing wrong with the transaction, there is something causing the transaction to get cancelled immediately.
There seems to be an exception coming for the Stripe gateway plugin
2019-03-17T19:45:15+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Exception in /home/yusufalim/public_html/dbtclasses.com/wp-content/plugins/wsspg-woocommerce-stripe-subscription-payment-gateway/includes/class-wsspg-gateway.php:353
]]>I’ve read through previous post on this same issue. I am still not able to resolve this.
I created a stripe plan ID: prod_EgNKSrKe5sxzPM inserted it into the product on my site but keep getting this error.
]]>Hi there,
I have the plugin in test mode, have set up digital products and a subscription based product, and have assigned it the subscription category from the dropdown list in the products section.
I have added the test and live keys from Stripe, and entered the 4242424242424242 test card details, clicked on “Place Order” and the transaction goes no further. I’m not sure why but would really appreciate some advice. Should I delete the webhook that’s in STripe I wonder?
Many thanks in advance.
]]>Hello ,
I have a problem when submitting order using the wsspg pluguin .
SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
Could you help me please
Hello ,
I’m using Wsspg pluguin . I’ve done all the configuration requirements but when i put the plan id in the product subscription the pluguin can not get the plan id from my strip acount (No such plan ) .
Could you please help me
Hi ,
Is there any way to make customer abel to unsubscribe from a purchased packege member ?
When anyone tries to check out with the Monthly USD plan they get an error message saying ‘Internal Server Error’ How do I fix this?
how could i change the suscription period “per month” from engligh to french?
On the product page, the price for subscription is displayed in english “per month” once the plugin got the stripe plan information. Any way to configure languages?
Thanks in advance,
When I go the checkout page and make payments, payments directly go in to he stripe payments but not in the subscription payments. every time payments is normal payment and not a subscription payment. is anyone having the same issue ? any solutions ?
I am trying to make payment using this plugin. the payment is done in google chrome but don’t able to make payment in safari. please help me out.
Get the following error when I try and test stripe subscriptions. Have doubled check the API keys, running in test mode and 100% using the correct keys with no spaces etc. All working in SSL mode as well.
04-15-2018 @ 16:29:03 – [ error ][ subscriptions ][ req_UaYNmVu9iLeAt8 ]: stdClass Object
[code] => resource_missing
[doc_url] => https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/resource-missing
[message] => No such token: card_1CHDiqHLM1kVzv3WfiLCJQv1
[param] => source
[type] => invalid_request_error
No answers from the plugin author the last three months, as far as I can see, so I wonder if this plugin is discontinued?
Can we have an answer from the plugin author?, if yes, I do not want to waist more time on waiting for answers, and the gateway function is way to important to run on an unsupported plugin.
Hello, I was wondering why my test subscriptions created under Stripe newer expires, but remain active.
I believed that the control of when the subscriptions runs out were handled by Stripe, but found out after contacting Strip that I was wrong, it is only the invoices.
My question is, where do I set the duration of the subscription?
I have added the Stripe Plan ID from the stripe Dashboard, and the Interval Count to “1”, but the subcriptions just keeps running and never expires?
This plugin has worked for me in the past, but now when I am trying to create a new product it is telling me “No Such Plan” when the API is live. The test mode seems to work fine and is able to pull the subscription plans.
My Stripe is on Live
my API are in the correct places
when I pay for the second time at the checkout the system returns me the following error “Error during the purchase. Try again.”
quando pago per la seconda volta alla cassa il sistema mi restituisce il seguente errore “Error during the purchase. Try again. ”
Hello, I followed all steps to setting up subscriptions. But during checkout on a subscription-based product, REGULAR stripe is being allowed (and default) therefore none of the subscription customers are being set up as subscriptions – but rather as regular customers.
We need SUBSCRIPTION gateway to be forced and regular Stripe card to be disabled – I am assuming this will solve the issue…???
A subscription product for testing is COACHING CIRCLE (any of the four coaching circle options are subscriptions.)
Thanks for this wonderfull plugin. This plugin is very usefull for sucbscription module. But i want subscription plan with custom value. Can i able to send custom value for the plan. If possible please suggest something asap.
]]>Upon attempting to create a subscription after specifying the Stripe Customer ID and Source ID I persistently get this error: “Error updating some information: A “Stripe Customer ID” value is required.”
I contacted Stripe support and they said this issue is unrelated to the Stripe account and I agree that it appears to be an issue with the Plugin.
Steps to repeat:
– Assuming WooCommerce & this WooCommerce Stripe Subscription Plugin is installed, navigate to WooCommerce > Subscriptions.
– Click “Add New”
– Enter all the relevant details, adding a subscription based Production.
– Ensure you enter the Customer and Source ID.
– Select the Save button in the upper right.
– This is using the current versions of WordPress, WooCommerce and respective Subscriptions Plugin.
I get the error above as well as a success message stating everything else was saved and changing the payment method to Manual.
Expected Result
I expected there to be a success message and the client to get charged for the newly created subscription.
Important Notes
This does NOT happen if we sign into the clients account and purchase from the front end.
I’m a veteran WordPress & WooCommerce developer using Stripe for the first time (coming from PayPal).
I translated you stable release to FR. could you please integrate it in next release? thanks !
Hi. Inside Woocommerce > checkout > Stripe (wsspg), down at “Stripe Checkout” there is a “Pay Button” input. By default it is “Pay {{amount}}”. The amount that it is putting in there is incorrect (ignores discount), although the value sent through to Stripe is right. I figured I’d just change “Pay {{amount}}” to “Pay” to bypass the bug, however, that did not fix it. The amount is still showing on the button (incorrectly calculated). Is that a known problem? Thanks, Bruce
]]>I have tested this plugin without realizing that I do not really know, how this plugin actually restricts access, after subscription ends?
I have a member role restriction plugin installed which uses user roles as restriction parameter. But this doesn’t do any good, if the user role remains as customer, after subscription ends?
Do you have any documentation about this subject?
I am aware that it is possible to set a trial period in Stripe subscription plans, in connection with buying a subscription.
However, most subscribers prefer to check out the site, without restrictions and boundaries.
I am looking for a way to offer a free trial period, without signing up for a subscription. I hope you will take this feature in consideration in a future update.
]]>We recently added a Monthly Subscription option on the site and I installed WSSPG, I enabled it. Public and Private keys were automatically populated with the ones for this account
I setup up a plan and put the Plan ID in the Subs section of the product.
I am now getting a 400 error (Source not found, I think) for a customer trying to buy our subscription product. The customers payment is set to Pending
What have I done wrong?
]]>I have two issues occurring with the plugin. Both of these issues have been posted on this forum already but no solution has been posted.
The First issue has to do with all transactions; when any transaction is processed to Stripe it first does a checkout_preprocessor transaction then releases the transaction without capture. Immedietly afterwards it processed the transaction succesfully. This error does not produce any error in the wsspg error log.
The second issue is that subscription transactions fail with “Error processing checkout. Please try again” and a log entry:
01-17-2018 @ 23:39:09 – [ error ][ subscriptions ][ req_HYpoqgPC79Q0T0 ]: stdClass Object
[type] => invalid_request_error
[message] => No such token: card_1BlQUnKIcIAJ24alaedTQtL6
[param] => source
I have a client using this plugin to allow people to make installment payments for training (2 installments or 4 installments). In talking with Stripe, there is no way to set up the subscription to end after 2 or 4 months within the Stripe dashboard. They have told me this needs to happen with the plugin I am using. Is there a setting that can do this, or what would it take to have a subscription end after 2 or 4 months?
Thanks so much for the assistance.
]]>Subscribers are not transformed to have customer status in WP after registering andcheckout in WooCommerce. This is a problem if you want to make restrictions from user roles.
This is probably not a wsspg issue, but is it possible, in the order process, to change the role in WP to customer?