Missing translate key on wpzoom-forms.pot
]]>Submitted successfully!
Can you please add AJAX support?
]]>Hello, I am using the default contact form. I’ve noticed that writing multi-line text inside the textarea produces inconsistent results in the email template. All the text appears on a single line only. How can we fix it ?
Is it possible to customize the email template?
Currently, it’s excellent, featuring the field name, the content, and then a divider. It’s perfectly fine as it is, but I’m wondering if we could customize it slightly.
I attempted to submit the form without entering an email, but with the setting enabled to save it to the database. It works; however, after viewing the submission, I still see the total submissions indicated in red. I believe the counter should only be displayed in red for new submissions, right?
I have just installed your plugin to manage my contact form.
I am using your default contact form, I Just would let you know that changing the alignment of the form cause an error. Please look at the following screenshots.
After changing from None to Align left