Rating: 4 stars
A good plugin, everything works fine.
But there is a problem. The inscription “after” is displayed, but copies the content “before”.
It is fixed very easily. In the file image-compare.php (along the way wptd-image-compare/trunk/widgets/image-compare.php) in function render
during subsequent rendering, “data-before” and “data-after” have the same tokens (thats all).echo sprintf('<figure class="%1$s" data-offset="%2$s" data-orientation="%3$s" data-move="%4$s" data-swipe="%5$s" data-hover="%6$s" data-noverlay="%7$s" data-before="%8$s" data-after="%8$s">',
Just change last data-after for "%9$s"