Just started getting the following error message on my sites. I understand this plugin project has been suspended, but any suggestions for a good table plugin alternative I can use? Thanks!
This plugin failed to load properly
Error message:?Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported
WP tables on the front end shows page number /row counts in the page. When the rows are filtered the table says 0 rows of 4000 filtered can we disable not to show total rows when we apply filter.
]]>Wordfence scan shows this plugin as “abandoned”. Is this true?
]]>I have to show several fields of a database table row in a page in different parts of page.
I had to make several queries that filter out single column of a row .
It works but take a lot of time to fill .
Is there a way to run a query once with several columns but show desired column in different parts of page with different shortcodes?
(Like what we do in SSRS in rdl reports)
Hi, Is it possible to create custom Query for pivot table?
]]>When i login in wp-admin, WPTables plugin is working fine (means download are working). But when i log out and see website as a normal user the download button is not working. Please help me to resolve the issue.
]]>Is there a way to limit the editing of tables to only specific role or users?
]]>I have a large spare parts table for vehicles. Part of the description lines should be hidden in order to make the table shorter, how to make collapcible rows in the table?
]]>Hi Dear,
Thanks for this wonderful plugin, recently i seen an issue after migrating site from another server, my cron jobs are working fine and change data in sql table also fine. after migrating server the data not shown on screen, please guide me how can i show the data. please see screenshot : https://prnt.sc/o1upx5
Avtar singh
]]>Does your plugin support formulas? I need to transfer the table from Google Doc, but so that the formulations continue to work, is it possible?
]]>I need to stylise and generate Charts from the tables and show them to logged on users only. Also part from charts, can it be used to generate tables with pagination?
Can this plugin work with tables from the Database, within the sites DB (mySQL)?
How can I archive this?
]]>How can I merge cells in rows and columns?
Is it possible to use an external database please (not on the same serveur that my website) ?
Thank you
]]>Hello, please help. If you need my server settings for it, here is required information:
Operating System:Linux
PHP Version:5.3.29
Server Software:Apache/2
PHP Safe Mode:No
PHP Allow URL Fopen:Yes
PHP Memory Limit:256M
PHP Max Post Size:8M
PHP Max Upload Filesize:32M
PHP Max Script Execute Time:30
PHP EXIF Support:No
PHP EXIF Version:
PHP XML Support:Yes
PHP CURL Support:Yes
nice plugin, but it created only header out of my standard csv file with about 1000 rows,
only row 1 (header row) is existing
How can I delete a row in the table?
I’m using a MySQL query to get data for WPTables and trying to get a dynamic variable with wptables_mysql_query. Problem is, I can’t get it from $_GET or even $_COOKIE, it’s always null.
Here are the codes that I’ve used;
add_filter('wptables_mysql_query', 'wpt_item_id');
function wpt_item_id($query) {
$item_id = $_COOKIE['rs_item_id'];
return str_replace('$id', $item_id, $query);
add_filter('wptables_mysql_query', 'wpt_item_id');
function wpt_item_id($query) {
$item_id = $_GET["rs_item_id"];
return str_replace('$id', $item_id, $query);
I’ve checked cookie and saw that it is generated successfully. I’m also using $_GET on other filters and they seem to get it properly.
and finally, my query is “SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE item_id = $id”
]]>I need to create team rosters for a web page, with 12 different 6-man teams, each in their own table.
Is there a way to duplicate a table and then edit the names, or create a template to use over and over?
If not, then consider this a suggestion for improvement.
]]>Hello community,
First of all, thank you for using WP Tables.
It was my hobby/side project and now it’s time to move forward.
WP Tables project is now suspended. It means that there will be no more regular updates/bug fixes from the plugin author. Also, there is no guarantee that you will receive an answer to your support ticket from the community.
If you are familiar with PHP, feel free to explore and modify plugin’s source files to meet your requirements.
It was a great plugin until I wanted to add an extra field to my table. I clicked save to make sure it wouldn’t erase anything. Then clicked “+ Add New Field” and when it refreshed the page all of my content was gone and nowhere to be found. I even took the time to redo my table twice and the same thing happened when I went to add another new field. Thank goodness I found this bug before handing it over to my client!
]]>Hi, I am having issue with sorting numbers in table. The plugin sorts the numbers as characters. It does not sort by number value so the plugin puts number 1999 before number 2 etc..
Pic. example: Link
Is it possible to fix this?
]]>Hi, I would really appreciate your help.
I created an sql table with the sql:
select userid, field2, field3 from mytable where userid = $user_id
There are 2 rows in mytable
[userid:1, field2:a, field3:b]
[userid:testuser, field2:c, field3:d]
The table shows the correct first row of data if I log in as admin (WordPress default user ID for admin is “1”), but when I log in as testuser the table shows “no results found”. How can I get the second row to show when I log in as testuser. Thanks
]]>I keep getting the error that my table in MYSQL query does not exist. For some reason, it keeps picking up my WordPress database and not my new custom MYSQL database. I made sure I highlighted it when I picked the QUERY tab and wrote my query. It works if I use the TABLE tab, but when I choose the QUERY tab since I need to pick certain recs for the table, it shows my custom DB in the drop down, but when it runs, it seems to default all the time to the WordPress database. No way to stop this? Else I have to go back to WPDATATABLES. Thanks!
]]>I have noticed that your tinymce filter function does NOT include the plugin_array argument. This causes other plugins not to work.
public function filter_mce_external_plugins() {
$plugin_array['wptables_tinymce'] = WPT_BASE_URL.'build/js/wptables-tinymce-plugin.min.js';
return $plugin_array;
should be
public function filter_mce_external_plugins($plugin_array) {
$plugin_array['wptables_tinymce'] = WPT_BASE_URL.'build/js/wptables-tinymce-plugin.min.js';
return $plugin_array;
Hello – How can I modify the table style or CSS?
I want to change the entire table background to transparent.
Thank you,
]]>I installed your great plugin but can’t create any tables be cos I am redirected to
This page doesn’t seem to exist.
It looks like the link pointing here was faulty. Maybe try searching?
Any idea? I am also using elementor page builder pro and Astra pro theme.
Hi Ian,
I was looking at what Googlebot see in my page (inside Google Search Console) and I detect that the bot do not see what is inside the tables created with WPTables (it shows “not found”). I wonder if that is because of my configuration or is the plugin.
Is there anything I can do to show to google bots the content inside the tables?
Thanks again for your plugin! It is great! ??
Best regards,
]]>Hi, is it possible to add a search option to search inside the table please?
because I’m displaying a lot of data and it’s useful for users to be able to search instead of navigating thru 100+ pages
I created a table using the Plugin WordPress Tables. Table including links created with no problem. Very easy. When I add the table to website page, the links do not appear to carry over. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your help.
I had a sql statement that included a join that I wished to use WP_Tables for display.
I discovered that WP_Tables does not support custom SQL queries.
I found a work around. Please add the following statement to the documentation.
When you get around to the major documentation, you might include a section on syntax for creating a view
“WP_Tables does not directly support custom SQL queries, However if you use phpMyAdmin to create a view, then WP_Tables can display that view.”