I’m wondering how I could create shipping costs for a e-commerce website using WPshop.
That’s really easy from woocommerce but I don’t find anything for WPshop…
Thanks for helping.
if I want to delete some sseveral customers (clients in french) I have an error page and the message I get in webmail is :
Détails de l’erreur
Une erreur de type E_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 74 du fichier /home/lasympho/www/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_customer/controller/wps_customer_admin_ctr.php. Message d’erreur : Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function wps_customer_admin::save_entity_customer(), 1 passed in /home/lasympho/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 289 and exactly 2 expected in /home/lasympho/www/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_customer/controller/wps_customer_admin_ctr.php:74
Stack trace:
#0 /home/lasympho/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(289): wps_customer_admin->save_entity_customer(6622)
#1 /home/lasympho/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(311): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
#2 /home/lasympho/www/wp-includes/plugin.php(478): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#3 /home/lasympho/www/wp-includes/post.php(4260): do_action('save_post', 6622, Object(WP_Post), true)
#4 /home/lasympho/www/wp-includes/post.php(4354): wp_insert_post(Array, false)
#5 /home/lasympho/www/wp-includes/post.php(3209): wp_update_post(Array)
#6 /home/lasympho/www/wp-admin/edit.php(119): wp_trash_post(6622)
#7 {main}
but the customers are deleted anyway
if I go in trash , i can not delete customers
Did you ever had this issue ??
J’ai installé l’extension “wpshop”. quelques jours après mon site rencontre un problème technique. impossible depuis lors de publier les modifications que j’apporte à mon site. j’ai même re?u un message me notifiant l’erreur. ci-dessous les détails de l’erreur j’ai urgemment besoin d’aide. Merci
“Détails de l’erreur
Une erreur de type E_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 97 du fichier /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_dashboard/controller/wps_dashboard_ctr.php. Message d’erreur : Uncaught Exception: String could not be parsed as XML in /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_dashboard/controller/wps_dashboard_ctr.php:97
Stack trace:
#0 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_dashboard/controller/wps_dashboard_ctr.php(97): SimpleXMLElement->__construct(‘…’)
#1 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_dashboard/templates/backend/metabox-infos.php(36): wps_dashboard_ctr->wpshop_rss_tutorial_videos()
#2 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_dashboard/controller/wps_dashboard_ctr.php(184): require_once(‘/htdocs/wp-cont…’)
#3 /htdocs/wp-admin/includes/template.php(1343): wps_dashboard_ctr->wps_dashboard_infos(”, Array)
#4 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_dashboard/templates/backend/dashboard.php(21): do_meta_boxes(Object(WP_Screen), ‘right_column’, ”)
#5 /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_dashboard/controller/wps_dashboard_ctr.php(48): require_once(‘/htdocs/wp-cont…'”
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use string offset as an array in D:\xampp\htdocs\testecommerces\wp-content\plugins\wpshop\includes\librairies\eav\attributes_set.class.php:977 Stack trace: #0 D:\xampp\htdocs\testecommerces\wp-content\plugins\wpshop\includes\modules\wps_address\controller\wps_address_ctr.php(618): wpshop_attributes_set::getAttributeSetDetails(‘3’, ”valid”) #1 D:\xampp\htdocs\testecommerces\wp-content\plugins\wpshop\includes\modules\billing\billing.php(183): wps_address::get_addresss_form_fields_by_type(‘3’) #2 D:\xampp\htdocs\testecommerces\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(288): wpshop_modules_billing->wpshop_billing_address_validator(Array) #3 D:\xampp\htdocs\testecommerces\wp-includes\plugin.php(208): WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array) #4 D:\xampp\htdocs\testecommerces\wp-includes\formatting.php(4709): apply_filters(‘sanitize_option…’, Array, ‘wpshop_billing_…’, Array) #5 D:\xampp\htdocs\testecommerces\wp-includes\option.php(306): sanitize_option(‘wpshop_billing_…’, Array) #6 D:\xampp\htdocs\te in D:\xampp\htdocs\testecommerces\wp-content\plugins\wpshop\includes\librairies\eav\attributes_set.class.php on line 977
]]>bonjour j’ai installé wpshop et impossible de gérer ma boutique j’ai des messages d’erreurs à chaque fois
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /homepages/26/d515488036/htdocs/clickandbuilds/DingoGearFrance/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/librairies/eav/attributes_set.class.php:977 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/26/d515488036/htdocs/clickandbuilds/DingoGearFrance/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/librairies/eav/attributes.class.php(2243): wpshop_attributes_set::getAttributeSetDetails(‘1′, ”valid’,’delete…’) #1 /homepages/26/d515488036/htdocs/clickandbuilds/DingoGearFrance/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/librairies/catalog/products.class.php(250): wpshop_attributes::entities_attribute_box(‘1’, ‘wpshop_product’, 235) #2 /homepages/26/d515488036/htdocs/clickandbuilds/DingoGearFrance/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(288): wpshop_products::add_meta_boxes(‘wpshop_product’) #3 /homepages/26/d515488036/htdocs/clickandbuilds/DingoGearFrance/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #4 /homepages/26/d515488036/htdocs/clickandbuilds/DingoGearFrance/wp-includes/plugin.php(45 in /homepages/26/d515488036/htdocs/clickandbuilds/DingoGearFrance/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/librairies/eav/attributes_set.class.php on line 977
WPSHOP est bien fait mais ne correspond pas à mon besoin (inscription aux activités d’une association).
Pour le désinstaller, suffit-il :
– de désinstaller l’extension,
– de supprimer la douzaine de tables wp_wpshop.
Rien d’autre ailleurs ?
Merci d’avance
When i add a new product in WPshop there are this error :
WPshop ver. : 1.6.0
Wordpress ver. : 4.9.7 fr
Wamp ver. : 3.1.3
PhP ver. : 7.2.4
MySQL ver. : 5.7.21
( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use string offset as an array in E:\Wamp64\www\wp-content\plugins\wpshop\includes\librairies\eav\attributes_set.class.php on line 977
( ! ) Error: Cannot use string offset as an array in E:\Wamp64\www\wp-content\plugins\wpshop\includes\librairies\eav\attributes_set.class.php on line 977
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0002 410064 {main}( ) …\post-new.php:0
2 1.0687 23535952 include( ‘E:\Wamp64\www\wp-admin\edit-form-advanced.php’ ) …\post-new.php:76
3 1.0772 23568192 do_action( ) …\edit-form-advanced.php:334
4 1.0772 23568568 WP_Hook->do_action( ) …\plugin.php:453
5 1.0772 23568568 WP_Hook->apply_filters( ) …\class-wp-hook.php:310
6 1.0788 23592936 wpshop_products::add_meta_boxes( ) …\class-wp-hook.php:288
7 1.0841 23595080 wpshop_attributes::entities_attribute_box( ) …\products.class.php:250
8 1.0841 23595456 wpshop_attributes_set::getAttributeSetDetails( ) …\attributes.class.php:2243
voilà un plugin fort intéressant qui plus est Fran?ais ??
Une petit question, avez-vous prévu dans votre cahier des charges, une MAJ pour le rendre possible en multi vendeurs ?
Proposer aux utilisateurs de mettre des produits ou services et de pouvoir les vendre directement en affichant le tout sur le profil de celui-ci ?
Avec possibilité de compatibilité Buddypress
Attention faille de sécurité en cas d’accès à la base mysql
dans la base wpshop__attribute_value_varchar
Les mots de passe initiaux des utilisateurs sont stockés en claire
Hi everybody,
I got a big issue after I’ve uploaded the Wpshop extension. I have not access to my dashboard yet!
Does anyone have an idea to solve this issue?
In advance, thank a lot
Hello, I would reverse the order of products to be added as the last set first in the list
In all the programs confirmation of payment example
the call of :
// Empty Cart
make a come back to the order without the time to see the message of confirmation
Thanks in advance
Does this plugin work with WooCommerce or is it the alternative to WooCommerce? I need something for the french online store with local delivery options so I am looking at wpshop. Thanks!
je suis entrain de developper un site de vente en ligne mes produit a livrer et installer a domicile
je veux attribuer des dates pour l’installation des produit au niveaux mode de livraison
comment modifier cela pour autiresé a le client de selectione une date a partir le mode de livraison
]]>Est ce que le plugin wp shop est compatible avec le constructeur de page DIVI?
]]>We have a problem with Wpshop plugin but only in presentation mode. Wpshop works well in shop mode.
I active presentation mode, then I try to change any setting in WP-Shop Options pannel and I have this error message:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/princepadel/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_payment_mode/wps_payment_mode.php on line 114
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/princepadel/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_payment_mode/wps_payment_mode.php:113) in /var/www/princepadel/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1178
]]>wpshop is installed on a 4.1 wordpress mu.
when I activate the plugin I have in apache (2.4) errors log:
Sat Feb 14 17:43:48.488032 2015] [core:error] [pid 7755:tid 3514897835776] [client] AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace., referer: https://civam.fr/wp-admin/plugins.php?activate=true&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s="
The plugin is working fine but this error appears viewing any page of the site.
Any idea ?
Bonjour, je souhaite installer wp shop pour mettre en place un petit shop en ligne car il me semble le mieux adapté pour mon site, mais je n’appercois que les devises en francs suisse ne sont pas présente. Pouvez-vous ajouter cette possibilité pour que je puisse aller de l’avant.
Grand merci
J’ai mis en place wpshop sur WordPress 3.9.1 avec le thème Travel Guide.
Lorsque j’affiche le contenu d’une catégorie (liste ou grille de produits), la colonne s’affiche complètement décalée à droite.
Voir exemple ici : exemple.
Quelqu’un a-t-il une piste pour corriger ce type de bug ?
Rien de ne se passe quand je clique sur “envoyer votre fichier” dans la boite “envoyer un fichier”.
J’ai un fichier de 100mega à envoyer.
]]>Hi, i’d like to know how to avoid image cropping when uploading for a featured image product. I just want the images to be resize, not cropped.
Can i change the image link for the catalogu and product page ? where ?
Thank you,
For my wedding i’ve installed your so greatful plugin on my website here : https://www.estelletthomas.fr/estelleetthomas/notre-liste-de-mariage/
I want to do a virtual weddings list that doesn’t require a shipping address, so my guests don’t have to fill the form (I think they can be affraid by it). I tried to deactivate it in “Attributes” but I can’t order a command without a shipping address… At the “checkout” page I’m stucked, (Des erreurs ont été détectées : Merci de sélectionner une adresse pour la facturation).
Could you help me ?
Thanks in advance, and thank you so much for all the work you made on that plugin !
I have this error when I activate the plugin.
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 491520 bytes) in /htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wpshop_temp/includes/librairies/eav/attributes.class.php on line 918
Thank you.
J’ai installé ce plugin pour tester sur une installation vierge et je me retrouve avec le message d’erreur suivant dès lors que j’essaie de mémoriser un paramètre (exemple : Paramètres de réécriture pour les catégories). Une idée sur le problème ?
Bien à vous
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/advitami/public_html/boutique/test/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_payment_mode/wps_payment_mode.php on line 98
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/advitami/public_html/boutique/test/wp-content/plugins/wpshop/includes/modules/wps_payment_mode/wps_payment_mode.php:98) in /home/advitami/public_html/boutique/test/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 899
My question is about the product listing page.
By default, if I use the product listing shortcode, the page will display a list (or grid) of my products showing a thumbnail, the title and the price.
Is it possible to add more than just the title? If I have products with height and width attributes, is it possible to show these information on the product listing page as well?
Thanks in advance
]]>By default WPshop plugin shows the dollar symbol on the right side of price value. I want to place this $ symbol onto the left side of price value.
How can I do this?
Thanks for the plugin!
]]>Par plugin WPshop par défaut indique le symbole du dollar sur le c?té droit de la valeur du prix. Je veux placer ce symbole $ sur le c?té gauche de la valeur du prix.
Comment puis-je faire cela?
Merci pour le plugin!
Je suis en Belgique et je souhaiterai créer un site wordpress avec wpshop. Est-ce que cela est possible?
Visual editor for categories doesn’t work – buttons like paragraph do not work it keeps it as text – one condensed paragraph!
y a-t-il un moyen de coupler wpShop avec un plugin Colissimo afin d’avoir les frais de port de Colissimo automatiquement ?
Est ce possible d’utiliser ce plug-in sur un site multilingue. Je ne trouve aucune info à ce sujet. Merci.