The plugin is compatible to php7?
I can’t access to my site after upadte to php7
I have just tried to change the username and password in Firewall Settings. As I want to keep admin username but change the password.
When I click on Save, I get ‘Error are you sure you want to do this…try again’. so I do and I get this response ‘ERROR: options page not found.’
Then I try using the current username and password, and I get this response ‘ERROR: options page not found.’
not sure what I am doing wrong?
Any ideas?
]]>We recently installed WP Ops brute force on a site that now intermittently says the admin user is banned due to “multiple login failed attempts”. The thing is, this is happening to two admins logging on from different IP’s. Can you tell me if the plug-in doesn’t care about IP address but only the userid being attempted? If that’s the case, the plugin has a serious issue… you really should ban an IP based on a given IP address’s login attempts (leaving the actual legitimate user to be able to log in from their non-banned IP). I am pretty sure that the site is being attacked sporadically but I only see 50 records matching ‘_transient_wpso_bfp_%’ or ‘_transient_timeout_wpso_bfp_%’ in the wp_options table. NONE of these records match my IP address however at the moment so can you tell me if once the lock-out expires, the record is flushed from wp_options? Finally, IMHO (and this is a WP issue I suspect) the wp_options records really should have a time-stamp to tell you when some IP was banned – that would be very helpful. Thanks in advance for your response.
since I installed the plugin I can’t acces Network Admin.
I do get a login pop-up, but the user and password doesn’t seems to be right.
At the SPSecure Ops Easy Firewall settings, I filled in different usernames and passwords and unchecked/checked “Password protection for WP-ADMIN”. This doesn’t solve the issue.
I get the error “Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user()xxxxx/public_html/wp-includes/capabilities.php on line 1356”
cheers Tim
]]>Hello dears
I like me know if the plugin can block goods bots and then I can lost visits for using
Thanks for support
]]>Hello dears
I like me know it BBQ plugin is compatible (is a plugin without configuration based on 5G/6G firewall rules vía htaccess
Thanks for help
]]>Hello another question
I am not sure how works XML-RPC service, but why and when I should be deactivate?
]]>Hello dears
Thanks for the plugin, is interesting am I shared in Forobeta forums
I like me know in the future do you think the option for change the url login?
Simple firewall have this option and have a “second” option for clic “I am human” (user+passwor+i am human)
]]>just curious whether hotlinking protection works with nginx?
to my knowledge there is no way to stop hotlinking on nginx without access to the nginx config file which is not an option for me (shared box)