I have just released a new plugin that actually works and merges the comments across languages on a site running WPML.
Hope it helps.
]]>If anyone is here looking to merge WPML comments/reviews.
I’ve updated the plugin:
I tried the Fix and comment count is always at 1 no matter what. Then the comment links from front end will always link you to the most recent comment. please help or just make a new plugin please…
]]>I have a website in 2 languages (english and dutch). I use Polylang. On the website is a guestbook which uses the standard commenting system of WP. One page is a designated guestbook page with a translated companion. On both pages comments have been made: more than 2000 on the dutch page, 10 on the english page. I wanted to have those comments merged. Therefore I am using the WPML comment merging plugin: the version which is available here: https://github.com/jgalea/wpml-comments-merging
This version incorporates the changes suggested by Simon Wheatley which seam to work for a lot of people. The original proposed changes are in this thread:
I cannot get the merging to work however. Stumbling on the same problems everyone had a while back: returning the correct number of combined comments on both the original article/page and the translated article/page. But both pages only display the comments made on their own page, not all comments combined.
Has anyone stumbled upon this problem again? Is the plug-in no longer compatible with the latest WordPress I am using? (3.7.1)
]]>We’ve got the comment merging working with the latest WordPress and WPML for all post types. Caveat: I have a very strong feeling that this patch won’t help if you want to use translated comments, but I may be wrong about that (so test if you want to use this feature and don’t just trust me).
Replace the merge_comments
function in the latest version of the plugin with this:
function merge_comments($comments, $post_ID) {
global $sitepress;
remove_filter( 'comments_clauses', array( $sitepress, 'comments_clauses' ) );
// get all the languages for which this post exists
$languages = icl_get_languages('skip_missing=1');
$post = get_post( $post_ID );
$type = $post->post_type;
foreach($languages as $code => $l) {
// in $comments are already the comments from the current language
if(!$l['active']) {
$otherID = icl_object_id($post_ID, $type, false, $l['language_code']);
$othercomments = get_comments( array('post_id' => $otherID, 'status' => 'approve', 'order' => 'ASC') );
$comments = array_merge($comments, $othercomments);
if ($languages) {
// if we merged some comments in we need to reestablish an order
usort($comments, 'sort_merged_comments');
add_filter( 'comments_clauses', array( $sitepress, 'comments_clauses' ) );
return $comments;
If you want a diff, you can find one here: https://pastebin.com/f1VFG4t2
]]>Hi …
It doesn’t seem to work at all,
I changed the comments.php to the default twentyten theme before posting.
Is there something else I have to after activating the plugin?
Trying out your otherwise wonderful plugin with translated custom post types. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work with them, instead showing all comments from all posts. Any ideas how to fix it? In this case I wouldn’t mind hard coding the name of the post type if it comes to that.
]]>hi there!
does anybody know how to output the number of merged comments belonging to one post in all languages?
what happens now is that the plug-in counts the comments only on page/post it would be directly associated with. in other languages it shows all the merged comments correctly, but the comment count outputs only those connected to the original post.
thank you.
]]>great plugin – works seamlessly and without problems on our installation.
but: the “recent comments” widget from the wordpress core only shows comments from the currently selected language. do you see any possibility to include support for this widget in the near future?