Is there a way to pull external data inside the shortcode? For instance, if I have a javascript variable set:
var rWeight= ABC; var rAccel = DEF;
Than set the shortcode to get the variable:
[pmath size=24]F=rWeight*rAccel[/pmath]
Hi Ron,
Excellent plugin. But it seems that it doesn’t use shortcodes but filter instead? When the shortcode from your plugin is used into another plugin it does not parse albeit calling do_shortcode() on the content.
Is there a reason why [pmath] is not declared as WordPress shortcode?
I’m trying to render the >
symbol, but it breaks the html formatting. Namely, the output breaks on the rendered alt tag and the rest is dumped as visible text on the page. (The generated image itself shows fine.)
I’ve tried plain >
symbol and the html encoded >
(ampersand-gt;) and >
(ampersand-#62;). (I really hope that shows correctly.)
Hi, I am trying to use your display math as a part of a larger plugin that I am working on, so I’d like to use [pmath] eqn [/pmath] within my plugin’s php file. (Basically my plugin needs to reformat the user’s input appropriately so that it is properly parsed by pmath.)
I tried going into html and typing the shortcode directly into my php file:
?> [pmath] <? echo $eqn ?> [/pmath] <?
and I’ve tried doing this:
echo do_shortcode(‘[pmath]’.$eqn.'[/pmath]’);
Both result in the literal string being displayed on the website:
“[pmath] text_from_variable [/pmath]”
I tried to locate where the [pmath] shortcode is actually defined, within wpmathpub.php, but I cannot find its definition (a la the add_shortcode(‘pmath’,’some_function’) command). The idea is: since I can’t use the shortcode within my php file (that I am aware of), I can incorporate the wpmathpub.php into my php file, and then just call the function that the shortcode [pmath] links to directly—but I am unable to figure out how this is done. Any help will be most appreciated!
Thank you!
]]>I thought the readers of this forum and those that follow my plugin called WordPress Math Publisher, or wpmathpub for short, might be interested in this new video on the plugin.
Introduction to Math Blogging – the video
Best regards,
Ron Fredericks
Blog Plugin Developer and Videographer