We are using Convio and the form fields are loaded in the admin survey page, but when I use the shortcode the fields are not being loaded in the front end.
I’m using a wp 5.8.1 clean installation with default theme.
Any idea about this issue?
Hi there,
I’m trying to use WPLO survey plugin. It is pushing through constituent information from the Constituent Registration Info section.
But we are having problems getting information coming in from the Hidden Interest Updates section.
We are using the hidden interests to set email presences to set which emails people get from us.
When we look at a constituent record that we create from our WP site, we see the hidden interests set as not subscribed to anything. This is the opposite of what we expect.
I don’t think it is a problem with the plugin. Previously, we tested a custom php-based form created by a developer that had the same problem. We assumed it was the form and abandoned it. But this tells us that it might be a setting in LO or the API that we need to change.
The one clue that we suspect might be the problem is that when the survey questions are originally pulled into the WordPress survey created by plugin, we see a false value on the HiddenInterests group of fields. I don’t think I can attach screen shots here. Is this correct or should it be a true value?
Thanks so much for this plugin and any advice or suggestions you could provide would be appreciated.