Hello, when I click on the edit pencil to edit a text block, I cannot see the text. See screenshot here: https://a.cl.ly/p9ubGQNw
Just would like you to know do not upgrade Massive addons to latest version 2.4.8 because “Save as template” in page builder doesn’t work anymore. Even with 2.4.7 version. Stay at 2.4.6.x versions.
For me it is important that Template save works, because we all know that sometimes page builder just lose whole page (it is still there, but you can not see it), so when this happens, I’d like to have my backup saved as template.
Also, it is easier to copy around in pages. This is big problem for me, and I have tried everything, I have installed older versions of Page builder and Massive addons but Massive already inserted new scripts and can not be changed.. I delete it and tried with all kind of cleaners to delete this DB tables, nothing helped.
Be aware of this.
]]>Hello. I have a problem. Plugin WPBakery Not Working After Last Woocommerce Update. I mean it works on frontend editor, but the problem is in the back site..
]]>I have updated WP Ver. 5.5 an ALONE Theme 6.0 – Unyson 2.7.23. .
I try to update new version 2.7.24 but after updated, My blog have some problems. I lost several information so I’d have to restore last backup… with previous plugin…
Any help for this issue please?
]]>After have my site auto update to wordpress 5.5, the WPBakery Page Builder doesn’t show up in the page editor anymore. The formating is still their on all my pages, but can’t edit no more because the plugin isn’t available in editor mode.
I am using GoCargo (Version: 1.9.0) theme on WordPress 5.1.1 with WPBakery Page Builder 5.7. turned off all plugins except WPBakery and WPGlobus.
The language change only works when I edit the page with the basic HTML visual/text editor. But the whole theme is made by blocks in WPBakery builder, and if I edit those parts the content on the second language page is the same what on the first language page, so I can’t make it multilingual.
Can you help?
]]>Hi team
This plugin not working on latest word press version.
can you please help on this.
Since I updated to the WordPress 5.1.1, this error pops-up:
Refused to apply style from 'https://staging.front.georanker.com/wp/wp-includes/css/dist/block-library/style-cache-5.1.1.css' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.
So, following the probable plugins that could cause this error, I found that the new version of WPGlobus is the problem. Looking at the code, I found that you guys are using the “Core: Gutenberg”, that for some reason is causing this problem and I’m hoping that you guys, could help me with it. I already disable the builders support (that I thought was the problem) and even that couldn’t fix the problem.
Anyway, if someone could help me, I’ll really appreciate!
Thank you!
]]>Hi. I am having a main problem.
I have been using WPGlobus for many years, I even got a Plus license (which has just expired but that’s not the case). WPGlobus is great and perfect for what I need. Now I am changing my theme from a free one to a paid Bakery Builder based theme (it’s Total from WP Explorer). I was glad to see there is a Bakery Builder WPGlobus version because I have my whole site translated using your plugin.
However, I might be doing something wrong because I CAN’T publish my translations in any manner. Let’s say I have the main version (EN) ready and published. When I edit the second language (BR) and save, everything I had done in the EN version goes blank. Then I go back to the EN paste all texts again and save then the BR version disappears. I feel like I am entering a loop.
I have deactivated all my other plugins to see if it was something else, but I still get the same problem, I have no clue of why this is happening. Need help ;_; Many thanks,
I’ve got two sites using WPBakery Page builder (both v. 5.5.4) and WPGlobus for WPBakery Visual Composer (v. 1.4.1). Both have 2 languages.
The problem is that in both I can’t no more edit the 2nd language (English) content.
When I press the “English” tab in the back end editor what I get is the 1st Language content and that makes it impossible to edit the 2nd language content at all.
Can you please help?
Can you also let me know where in the database is the 2nd language content stored so I can edit some stuff from there till the problem is solved?
]]>Not display in the left side-bar after installing the visual composer plug-in, my wordpress version is 4.9.5
]]>Using two languages at posts. When editing in the second language tab, it switches back to the first language tab while pressing save/publish. This leads to saving the content of the first tab to the second.
When I switch back to the first tab and then press publish, it works.
WPGlobus 1.9.9
WPGlobus for WPBakery Visual Composer 1.4.1
WPBakery Page Builder 5.4.5
Downloaded and installed.
Once I switch to the other language (backend), I will need to rebuild the page.
Is there a way that we can get the layout from the other language version?
I am using post grid to create the news page. However adding post grid element to the page causes the menu bar to shift to the left. Removing post grid solves the problem. Adding post grid to any other page causes the menu bar to shift to the left.
Why is post grid causing this error and how could it be solved?
Thank you
]]>I use composer and wpackagist.org. When I went and upgraded to wpglobus-for-wpbakery-visual-composer 1.3 using composer update
, it pulled down your svn repository, instead of the specific 1.3 code. So I get
In the tags subdirectory, it only lists up to 1.2.1 (I would have expected 1.3 to be listed there).
I will go back to 1.2.1 until this is fixed. Let me know if you need any other information.
]]>Hi!!I have a some Problem with the output of the service with bookmarks! How to withdraw them not in alphabetical order but by date ???
]]>I received the following error message when viewing Pages:
Notice: get_currentuserinfo is
since version 4.5.0! Use wp_get_current_user() instead.
Please advise.
Colin Adams
Thanks for good plugin.
I can’t save updates of english version of page.
First language of my site is Russian, second – English.
I can save updates only in source code mode (text mode) when WPGlobus checkbox is OFF (Toggle)
WordPress 4.7.3
WPGlobus 1.7.10
WPGlobus for WPBakery Visual Composer 1.2.1
WPBakery Visual Composer 5.1
PHP 7.1.4-1+deb.sury.org~xenial+1
Hi I have updated to Visual Composer 4.8.1 and WordPress 4.7.3 and now Visual Composer will not display in my pages.
Any ideas?
when I use the post grid with a list of IDs, only the orginal language is shown.
at the picture s switched to the language “english” but the teaser text is the originaly german text.
is there any workaroud or fix to use the post grid with wpglobus?
]]>When adding a VC 4.11 Text block it is not rendered on the page.
Switching to Classic Mode shows this tags:
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
After deleting these tags it is rendered on the page:
I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
There must be something broken with your plugin, or I’m using it wrong?
Thank you!
I installed themeforest.net/item/happychild-kindergarten-wordpress-theme/8621832 on looycearmenianschool.com.au (wordpress v 4.4.)
With it came Visual Composer 4.0.1
I am creating a multi language site. Orginally installing just the WP Globus plugin, you have the ability to switch between the languages, however the the same text was being used across both options.
I then added this addon and it now is asking me to build the block again for the page I am working on – https://prnt.sc/awgwa8
What is the cause of this and how can I resolve this?
In visual composer for the second language the changes are not saved. Here is the video reference https://youtu.be/AjMrJb-djJ4
Do you if there is any way to fix this?
Thank you for the great plugin. I installed both plugins https://gyazo.com/a09869348b83abf85358c854214c64aa but after I actived WPGlobus for WPBakery Visual Composer nothing has changed. I still don’t see a possibility of choosing language as in your screenshots. That is how I see it — https://gyazo.com/1b55b21bca3965f6f7bad5e5d3e0132a — no tabs are displayed above (((
Im having trouble as I enter a text on the website’s main language and it looks perfect, but when I add the same text but in the other 2 languages it just pastes a plain text without even considering paragraphs!
Nothing I can do about it. I’d appreciate some help!
]]>Hey guys! I’m using Visual Composer and your plugin. I put a text and set paragraphs (and some other simple styling as bold and italic letters). When I paste the translated version on the language tab it belongs to, it doesn’t apply the paragraphs and other styling I apply to it.
Can you help me please?
Thx for your time!
I’m trying to get the language switcher into the header, not a widget, so it is easily visible on mobile sites. Right now people have to scroll down to switch languages. I have the Acme theme. gingerandaloe.com
we using WordPress multisite and we want use this plugin. But after installing and activating plugin editor doesn’t show, just swift page builder: https://oi64.tinypic.com/2rhlnbp.jpg
I tryed 1.0.4, 1.0.5, with/without all other plugins but it had same effect.
WordPress 4.3.1
Flexform 1.70 (also tested at 1.69)
Where’s problem? Thank you!
Sorry it took me 3 weeks, but here is the new topic for my problem.
When we change the text for the second language, the enters are not saved. If we save the VC textblock it is fine, but when we save the whole page all the enters dissapear.
You told me it should work fine with:
WPGlobus for wpbakery visual composer v.1.0.4
WP 4.3.1, standard theme 2015 and VC
So I deactivated all the plugins except Visual Composer, WP Globus and WPGlobus for wpbakery visual composer. I have the versions mentioned above.
I updated WordPress to 4.3.1
I changed the theme to Standard 2015.
It is still not working.
What can I do to get this working again?
I moved the site to a testserver, so if you want, I can send you login information via a private message.
You can check the frontend on https://www.temmen.nl/ACMarine/en/
]]>k so I’m trying to work both with english and spanish languages and Visual Composer.
I already have the website working in english and whenever I edit a text through Visual Composer to spanish, it also modifies the original one so I end up having the same texts on both versions EN and ES. I already tried installing the WPGlobus for Visual Composer and nothing has changed. Maybe I’m missing something.
Can anyone help me please?