Hi there I’m using WP e-Commerce Version 3.8.7. (WP is in Italian) and I don’t see the menu under “Store” – what can I do?
Many thanks!
]]>I think I’m using GoodRelations to its fullest potential, but I’m getting an error from Webmaster Tools that says the following:
Warning: At least one field must be set for HatomEntry.
Warning: Missing required field “entry-title”.
Warning: Missing required field “updated”.
Warning: Missing required hCard “author”.
I only have two products, so I could conceivably just add a little HTML to each product, but I can’t seem to figure out what that should be.
The pages in question are:
]]>I wonder if your plugin can also offer to change the products-page URL, to a search engine friendly URL.
I have been desperately trying to get GoodRelations to work as I noticed a good potential for additional traffic using this plugin. However, during my recent reinstall of the plugin it appears that I am no longer able to update the Company Data (initial setup screen) to get to the more advanced tabs.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin with no avail.
When I fill in the information on the Company Data screen and click Update, it just refreshes with no data.
Here is a list of all the tables on the database:
Structure wp_commentmeta
Structure wp_comments
Structure wp_contact_form_7
Structure wp_links
Structure wp_options
Structure wp_postmeta
Structure wp_posts
Structure wp_terms
Structure wp_term_relationships
Structure wp_term_taxonomy
Structure wp_usermeta
Structure wp_users
Structure wp_wpsc_also_bought
Structure wp_wpsc_cart_contents
Structure wp_wpsc_cart_item_variations
Structure wp_wpsc_categorisation_groups
Structure wp_wpsc_category_tm
Structure wp_wpsc_checkout_forms
Structure wp_wpsc_claimed_stock
Structure wp_wpsc_coupon_codes
Structure wp_wpsc_currency_list
Structure wp_wpsc_download_status
Structure wp_wpsc_item_category_assoc
Structure wp_wpsc_logged_subscriptions
Structure wp_wpsc_meta
Structure wp_wpsc_productmeta
Structure wp_wpsc_product_categories
Structure wp_wpsc_product_files
Structure wp_wpsc_product_images
Structure wp_wpsc_product_list
Structure wp_wpsc_product_order
Structure wp_wpsc_product_rating
Structure wp_wpsc_product_variations
Structure wp_wpsc_purchase_logs
Structure wp_wpsc_purchase_statuses
Structure wp_wpsc_region_tax
Structure wp_wpsc_submited_form_data
Structure wp_wpsc_variation_assoc
Structure wp_wpsc_variation_combinations
Structure wp_wpsc_variation_properties
Structure wp_wpsc_variation_values
Structure wp_wpsc_variation_values_assoc
Are the GoodRelations tables missing?
Please advise!
]]>This error occured on at least one page. I was not able to produce the error in my developement environment. If you encounter this error please let me know, which PHP and MySQL Version you are using, which version of wordpress you are running and which plugins you have installed/activated. If you are able to provide me any further information. Please do it.
Version 0.1.5 takes care of the error! But for better bugfixing i need to know more!