Hi there,
In our DeepL account we have a glossary, but it seems that this plugin is not using them.
Is it possible to set them up somewhere?
When i try to translate from the post sidebar i get this error messages:
Warning: Use of undefined constant WPDEEPLPRO_DEBUG - assumed 'WPDEEPLPRO_DEBUG' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in?/home/akitasse/indepnews.org/wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/modules/deepl-translate-post.php?on line?198
avant filtreArray ( [post_title] => Migges Teststellung [post_content] =>
"Frag sie, was sie tut, um den Opfern des Hurrikans zu helfen, anstatt im Kreis über Frauenrechte zu reden", schrieb ein Fan.
"Warte, was ist mit dem Missbrauch und der Kriminalit?t, die durch die illegalen Einwanderer verursacht werden, die das Land überschwemmen", kommentierte ein anderer.
"Frag sie, was ihre beste und gr??te Errungenschaft der letzten 4 Jahre ist", schrieb ein anderer.
Harris, 59, sprach in einem Interview über Strategien zur Eind?mmung von sexueller und anderer h?uslicher Gewalt, ging aber nicht auf die schockierenden Anschuldigungen gegen ihren Ehemann Doug Emhoff ein. [post_excerpt] => )
Warning: Use of undefined constant WPDEEPLPRO_DEBUG - assumed 'WPDEEPLPRO_DEBUG' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in?/home/akitasse/indepnews.org/wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/modules/deepl-translate-post.php?on line?209
apres filtreArray ( [post_title] => Migges Teststellung [post_content] =>
"Frag sie, was sie tut, um den Opfern des Hurrikans zu helfen, anstatt im Kreis über Frauenrechte zu reden", schrieb ein Fan.
"Warte, was ist mit dem Missbrauch und der Kriminalit?t, die durch die illegalen Einwanderer verursacht werden, die das Land überschwemmen", kommentierte ein anderer.
"Frag sie, was ihre beste und gr??te Errungenschaft der letzten 4 Jahre ist", schrieb ein anderer.
Harris, 59, sprach in einem Interview über Strategien zur Eind?mmung von sexueller und anderer h?uslicher Gewalt, ging aber nicht auf die schockierenden Anschuldigungen gegen ihren Ehemann Doug Emhoff ein. [post_excerpt] => )
Warning: Use of undefined constant WPDEEPLPRO_DEBUG - assumed 'WPDEEPLPRO_DEBUG' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in?/home/akitasse/indepnews.org/wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/modules/deepl-translate-post.php?on line?222
response de traductionArray ( [success] => 1 [request] => Array ( [cached] => [time] => 0.57097220420837 [cache_file_request] => /home/akitasse/indepnews.org/wp-content/uploads/wpdeepl/AUTO:DE:0570e0c2feceb23120c2670ad3082021-request [cache_file_response] => /home/akitasse/indepnews.org/wp-content/uploads/wpdeepl/AUTO:DE:0570e0c2feceb23120c2670ad3082021-response ) [translations] => Array ( [post_title] => Migges Teststellung [post_content] =>
"Frag sie, was sie tut, um den Opfern des Hurrikans zu helfen, anstatt im Kreis über Frauenrechte zu reden", schrieb ein Fan.
"Warte, was ist mit dem Missbrauch und der Kriminalit?t, die durch die illegalen Einwanderer verursacht werden, die das Land überschwemmen", kommentierte ein anderer.
"Frag sie, was ihre beste und gr??te Errungenschaft der letzten 4 Jahre ist", schrieb ein anderer.
Harris, 59, sprach in einem Interview über Strategien zur Eind?mmung von sexueller und anderer h?uslicher Gewalt, ging aber nicht auf die schockierenden Anschuldigungen gegen ihren Ehemann Doug Emhoff ein. ) )
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/akitasse/indepnews.org/wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/wpdeepl.php:114) in?/home/akitasse/indepnews.org/wp-includes/pluggable.php?on line?1435
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/akitasse/indepnews.org/wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/wpdeepl.php:114) in?/home/akitasse/indepnews.org/wp-includes/pluggable.php?on line?1438
What could cause this and what can we do?
]]>Version:? doesn’t work and brokes my sites. Version:? was good. You should be more careful with updates, because now site is crashing when trying translate. I’ll change my rating after fix. Also it doesn’t translate meta title and description by Yoast Seo, please fix that.
]]>Hi @malaiac,
I tried to post this question on the Pro Support Forum, but it resulted in an error. I also emailed you using the address from which I received payment confirmation. Please reply here or via email.
I bought the pro version and set the settings:
In the plugin settings, these two lists are empty:
I don’t see the translation option in the posts list:
How can we solve this?
Kind regards,
]]>hi there!
we import daily product via WPAI in language A. We would like them to automatically translate to language B including Rank Math SEO fields and ACF fields.
Question 1: Can this plugin solve this in the PRO version?
Question 2: Is there any way we can daily run a translate for a set of products based on tags or similar?
]]>Hi folks,
since I have integrated Cloudflare, the plugin no longer translates articles. What might be the reason?
Thanks in advance
Best regards
We tried deepL api free plan. We want to translate to ‘Arabic’ language. We are not able to find the ‘Arabic’ language in the ‘Displayed languages’ drop down. Please refer the screenshot?here. Do we have ‘Arabic’ language. If yes then how to activate. Please help.
]]>So I’m testing free version of this plugin with the pages and post created by Greenshift plugin. I’m using WPML. My workflow is I duplicated the page or the post into the target language (using WordPress Editor instead of WPML Translation Editor). Then I began to translate using DeepL API and your plugin.
The problem is the new page or post have many <x> and </x> in it after translated, I don’t know if this problem caused by DeepL or this plugin. I’m quite sure this is not caused by WPML as the duplicate post doesn’t added this <x> and </x> before translated. This caused error in the front end. In the WordPress editor, if I click “attempt Block recovery” the translation will back to original language, and sometimes all the text within the invalid block is just gone.
Thanks before,
Are you planning to add a WPML compatibility for the plugin? How to translate content from plugins and themes? Like the strings.
]]>We noticed from this link https://polylang.pro/deepl-machine-translation-now-available-for-polylang-pro/ that we can use DeepL API Pro with Polylang pro. Please confirm
Also please confirm the following:
Hello, just bought the Pro Version.
I always get ??Unable to create glossary: Glossary creation failed??, no errors logged.
.csv is just like that:
Do you have an example .csv that works? I expect the languages to not be added afterwards like
Because this is selected within the plugin options.
Thank you for clarifying.
]]>First of all thanks for your plugin !
I have one question:
How should I use WPLM in conjuction with WP DeepL?
I have both installed. I use a free DeepL and free API account (since I’m still doing tests) but all I can do is keep using WPLM.
I mean that when I click on create an English copy of my Spanish content it’s WPML the one that takes control of the whole process.
How am I supposed to create / clone a page and translate it using WP DeepL?
TIA !!!
]]>We have the website available in Catalonian, and this language is not supported by DeepL.
I get many warnings:
PHP Warning: Undefined array key “ca” in wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/deepl-configuration.class.php on line 188
Probably ‘ca’ locale is not found de DeepL locales:
$language[‘label’] = $language[‘labels’][$locale];
Can you help please?
before I start with the plugin I would like to ask if there are any experiences already with Divi builder and Divi theme? Does it work? Is there anything I need to take in account?
Thank you
I have connected the plugin to the Deepl Free API and want to translate texts from German to English. When I start the translation, I get the following message “The translation has failed. See logs for details”.
The logs show this:
Fichier 'errors' pour 02/2024
a:6:{s:4:"date";s:19:"20/02/2024 13:09:53";s:2:"ID";i:3685;s:7:"success";b:0;s:6:"errors";a:2:{s:6:"errors";a:1:{s:31:"Parameter 'text' not specified.";a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}s:10:"error_data";a:0:{}}i:0;s:17:"Translation error";i:1;s:94:"{"success":false,"errors":{"errors":{"Parameter 'text' not specified.":[""]},"error_data":[]}}";}
a:6:{s:4:"date";s:19:"20/02/2024 13:10:45";s:2:"ID";i:3685;s:7:"success";b:0;s:6:"errors";a:2:{s:6:"errors";a:1:{s:31:"Parameter 'text' not specified.";a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}s:10:"error_data";a:0:{}}i:0;s:17:"Translation error";i:1;s:94:"{"success":false,"errors":{"errors":{"Parameter 'text' not specified.":[""]},"error_data":[]}}";}
a:6:{s:4:"date";s:19:"20/02/2024 13:11:15";s:2:"ID";i:3685;s:7:"success";b:0;s:6:"errors";a:2:{s:6:"errors";a:1:{s:31:"Parameter 'text' not specified.";a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}s:10:"error_data";a:0:{}}i:0;s:17:"Translation error";i:1;s:94:"{"success":false,"errors":{"errors":{"Parameter 'text' not specified.":[""]},"error_data":[]}}";}
a:6:{s:4:"date";s:19:"20/02/2024 13:13:04";s:2:"ID";i:3685;s:7:"success";b:0;s:6:"errors";a:2:{s:6:"errors";a:1:{s:31:"Parameter 'text' not specified.";a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}s:10:"error_data";a:0:{}}i:0;s:17:"Translation error";i:1;s:94:"{"success":false,"errors":{"errors":{"Parameter 'text' not specified.":[""]},"error_data":[]}}";}
a:6:{s:4:"date";s:19:"20/02/2024 13:14:41";s:2:"ID";i:3689;s:7:"success";b:0;s:6:"errors";a:2:{s:6:"errors";a:1:{s:31:"Parameter 'text' not specified.";a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}s:10:"error_data";a:0:{}}i:0;s:17:"Translation error";i:1;s:94:"{"success":false,"errors":{"errors":{"Parameter 'text' not specified.":[""]},"error_data":[]}}";}
Fichier 'operation' pour 02/2024
a:7:{s:4:"date";s:19:"20/02/2024 13:10:45";s:5:"class";s:17:"DeepLApiTranslate";s:6:"uniqid";b:0;s:4:"type";s:5:"fresh";s:4:"mode";s:4:"POST";s:14:"response_error";i:400;s:8:"response";a:2:{s:4:"code";i:400;s:7:"message";s:11:"Bad Request";}}
a:7:{s:4:"date";s:19:"20/02/2024 13:11:15";s:5:"class";s:17:"DeepLApiTranslate";s:6:"uniqid";b:0;s:4:"type";s:5:"fresh";s:4:"mode";s:4:"POST";s:14:"response_error";i:400;s:8:"response";a:2:{s:4:"code";i:400;s:7:"message";s:11:"Bad Request";}}
a:10:{s:4:"date";s:19:"20/02/2024 13:12:09";s:5:"class";s:13:"DeepLApiUsage";s:6:"uniqid";b:0;s:4:"type";s:5:"fresh";s:4:"mode";s:3:"GET";s:17:"request_microtime";d:0.1628420352935791;s:4:"args";a:0:{}s:8:"response";a:2:{s:15:"character_count";i:0;s:15:"character_limit";i:500000;}s:15:"response_length";i:46;s:12:"why_no_cache";s:17:"Cache not allowed";}
a:7:{s:4:"date";s:19:"20/02/2024 13:13:04";s:5:"class";s:17:"DeepLApiTranslate";s:6:"uniqid";b:0;s:4:"type";s:5:"fresh";s:4:"mode";s:4:"POST";s:14:"response_error";i:400;s:8:"response";a:2:{s:4:"code";i:400;s:7:"message";s:11:"Bad Request";}}
a:7:{s:4:"date";s:19:"20/02/2024 13:14:41";s:5:"class";s:17:"DeepLApiTranslate";s:6:"uniqid";b:0;s:4:"type";s:5:"fresh";s:4:"mode";s:4:"POST";s:14:"response_error";i:400;s:8:"response";a:2:{s:4:"code";i:400;s:7:"message";s:11:"Bad Request";}}
a:10:{s:4:"date";s:19:"20/02/2024 13:15:13";s:5:"class";s:13:"DeepLApiUsage";s:6:"uniqid";b:0;s:4:"type";s:5:"fresh";s:4:"mode";s:3:"GET";s:17:"request_microtime";d:0.21199488639831543;s:4:"args";a:0:{}s:8:"response";a:2:{s:15:"character_count";i:0;s:15:"character_limit";i:500000;}s:15:"response_length";i:46;s:12:"why_no_cache";s:17:"Cache not allowed";}
What could be the problem here?
Greetings, Johannes
]]>When I’m translating from english to Japanese, in Japanese section of polylang plugin. It’s must show english to Japanese, but now showing https://prnt.sc/FLKHqsF9OZub this. After recent update.
Please take a look.
Hi @malaiac
There is something that has changed that I think is not quite right.
With the 2.4.3 update, although it works, you have to do some more steps because you don’t select the language to translate when using Polylang, you have to change it by hand to “Automatic” and then select the language to translate in the list.
In the previous version all languages (except Portuguese) were already selected when creating a new page to translate with Polylang.
I add a video of the behaviour in case I have explained it wrong.
]]>Can you please publish the changelog in the readme.txt of the plugin? If the changelog can be found outside of the plugin, please add a link to the Changelog section in the readme.
We have DeepL translation plugin succesfully installed on our site with a free DeepL account and API key.
Yesterday the icon and translations were working. Today on some devices no icon is showing up. One laptop shows the icon on selecting text, the other two laptops no icon is visible.
What can be the issue and solution here?
Thanks in advance
It seems the plugin does not support ACF repeater fields.
Either it copies the same values in all repeater entries or fails completely and gives a fatal error on site level:
[22-Jan-2024 15:09:10 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strlen(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, array given in /wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/client/deeplapi-translate.class.php:140
Stack trace:
#0 /wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/client/deeplapi-functions.php(25): DeepLApiTranslate->getTranslations(Array)
#1 /wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/modules/deepl-translate-post.php(208): deepl_translate('et_EE', 'en_US', Array)
#2 /wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/modules/deepl-translate-post.php(93): deepl_translate_post_link(Array)
#3 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): deepl_maybe_translate_post('')
#4 /wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
#5 /wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#6 /wp-admin/admin.php(175): do_action('admin_init')
#7 /wp-admin/post.php(12): require_once('/data02/virt271...')
#8 {main}
thrown in /wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/client/deeplapi-translate.class.php on line 140
Can you please check?
Here if information on the repeater field: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/repeater/
Basically it allows you to create subitems with subfields to a parent repeater field.
]]>Hi, the Deepl plugin does not work for me, I get this error:
When incomplete log:
a:6:{s:4:”date”;s:19:”17/01/2024 08:11:26″;s:2:”ID”;i:1477;s:7:”success”;b:0;s:6:”errors”;a:2:{s:6:”errors”;a:1:{s:31:”Parameter ‘text’ not specified.”;a:1:{i:0;s:0:””;}}s:10:”error_data”;a:0:{}}i:0;s:17:”Translation error”;i:1;s:94:”{“success”:false,”errors”:{“errors”:{“Parameter ‘text’ not specified.”:[“”]},”error_data”:[]}}”;}
When full log:
a:7:{s:4:”date”;s:19:”17/01/2024 08:11:26″;s:5:”class”;s:17:”DeepLApiTranslate”;s:6:”uniqid”;b:0;s:4:”type”;s:5:”fresh”;s:4:”mode”;s:4:”POST”;s:14:”response_error”;i:400;s:8:”response”;a:2:{s:4:”code”;i:400;s:7:”message”;s:11:”Bad Request”;}}
I have Premium Deepl API plan and I put their API key into the website.
]]>Been using the plugin for a few months now, everything has been great. But yesterday I suddenly started having problems with the admin area: “There has been a critical error on this website”. At the same time the site was working normally.
Disabled the plugin and the error disappeared. Reinstalled the plugin, did not help.
I’d like , first of all, to thank you for this phenomenal plugin. It’s simply great.
Yesterday I update the plugin on my site but I guess that something is wrong on new update. I got plenty of error every time I change page on my WordPress admin page.
the errors are the following:
Warning: include_once(/home/customer/www/xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/admin/deepl-elementor.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/customer/www/xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/wpdeepl.php on line 79
Warning: include_once(): Failed opening ‘/home/customer/www/xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/admin/deepl-elementor.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php74/pear’) in /home/customer/www/xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/wpdeepl.php on line 79
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/customer/www/xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpdeepl/wpdeepl.php:79) in /home/customer/www/xxxx.xxxx.xxxx/public_html/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 1431
Could you have a look on it?
I’m on the latest version of WordPress and Elementor.
]]>I’ve tried translating several times and it always says “This post has been translated”, the characters translated counter goes up, but the content stays untranslated. I am using the free API and I am working in Edge. I’ve read other posts on this, but none of them help me. Any ideas?
I use the Make Site Builder (https://thethemefoundry.com/wordpress-themes/make/). The content in the Sitebuilder Elements isn’t translated via Deepl, just the Headline or pages without the Site builder. I there a way to use the Deepl Plugin with a Site Builder?
we would like to use the DeepL Translation consider with SiteOrigin PageBuilder https://siteorigin.com/page-builder/ and Polylang.
When i send the page to DeepL nothing happens but the usage counter goes down. With normal editor content (classic editor) and the translation works. Also with the excerpt content.
Whats th best configuration for this three plugins to work best together?
]]>Some users have built custom made metas or use exotic plugins that store their metas in array or json form in the database (which is not standard WP coding).
To help with these case, I’ve added a code to the documentation tab of the premium plugin
The new version 2.3.8 does not translate the content in any language (WordPress 6.4).
Solved partially by reinstalling and clearing the entire cache.
Now the language that doesn’t work is at least Greek and Turkish (I’m still trying the rest).
]]>I think something went wrong with the latest commit, because the latest version has a very unusual version number.
I’d like to use the deepl_translate_post_link function in the wp_insert_post hook (in functions.php). How do I declare this plugin function?
Thanks for your help