I have 10 notes published, but only 5 of them show up on the dashboard. There is only one user on the system so it is not a case of the note being visible only to a certain user. How do I get all notes to display on the dashboard?
]]>Dashboard EDIT link doesnt work: https://prnt.sc/Xx-BSjyINxlR
Test it yourself. only the delete link works
]]>With the last update (1.3.4) this plugin came a HUGE blue advertisement that is extremely invasive and without the possibility of turning it off.
If you don’t like it simply rename the “blocks” folder (path: https://your-domain/wp-content/plugins/wpdash-notes/blocks) to something like “_blocks.BACKUP”. :o)
]]>We do not want to allow authors the ability to add notes. We have limited their ability to do this, but the “+ Add Note” option still appears in the toolbar.
hi, i try to use this plugin on a site where i have administrator role but after activation i can’t delete o modify the demo notes and i can’t add new note becouse i always redirect on a blank page with this text “You are not allowed to edit this item.” or “You need higher permissions. You do not have permission to create articles with this user.”.
is out there someone that has this same issue?
Hi there,
I just stumbled over your plugin and noticed there’s a small problem if one has a site with anything other than the root url (/) as site_url:
plugin.php:121 '/wp-admin/post.php?post=' . $post_id . '&action=edit',
should be:
121 get_site_url() . '/wp-admin/post.php?post=' . $post_id . '&action=edit',
The same here:
333 get_site_url() . '/wp-admin/post.php?post=' . $post_id . '&action=edit',
345 get_site_url() . '/wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=wpf_post_it',
Maybe there are other such cases that I didn’t find yet.
I recently noticed something that may cause some problems!
as you probably know wordpress sends new posts url to crawlers automatically(by pinging)
when I create a note it seems that note url WILL BE SEND FOR PINGING to crawlers too
but as you know note URL is not accessible for cawlers or users outside admin panel.I saw this log in WordPress ping Optimizer plugin and idk its some problem with that plugin or urls really are being sent!(because wordpress doesn’t show ping logs by default)
I guess this is because probably dash note plugins uses WordPress post method for saving notes
If really urls are being pinged by WordPress I Think its really something to concern for next update because it (maybe?) cause site url to be known as a spammer site to crawlers
image of logs when I created 2 new notes:
Salut, merci pour le plugin.
Quand j’ajoute des screengrabs pour illustrer les notes, ils débordent les notes. Pour corriger, je crois qu’il ne faudrait qu’hériter une classe CSS (éxistant, j’imagine, dans admin.css) pour que ?a fonctionne mieux.
]]>Users can’t edit or delete their notes? looks like only admin has control over this? is there a way so users can write their own notes?
]]>First of all, this pluggin is fantastic. There’s only a small problem:
When working on a different folder than the original domain, the Edit button on the dashboard notes sends you to the wrong route. Example:
Button should be directing you to domain.com/folder/wp-admin/post.php….
but instead it always directs you to domain.com/wp-admin/post.php….
Thank you!
]]>Is it possible to stop the notes from showing on the dashboard? If so, please let me know how I can do this.
]]>I installed this 10 minutes ago, posted a test note and now I have over a thousand “A new note for you” emails. They’ve only just stopped. I’ve had to disable it.
Any suggestions why this might be occuring?
Thank you for your plugin
A small bug : once we have chosen a color, the delete button does not work with the update of the post
maybe because of version 5.7.2, I had the same problem with another plugin (library change apparently according to the plugin dev)
Desirable improvement: to be able to define the color code by its value # ….
It would be really easier when you want to put a color code by type of note
Best Regards
Please note that I’ve found a few bugs with your plugin as it follows:
WP v5.7
WPDash Notes v1.2.1
The edit link is created with hardcoded wp-admin but if that has changed you should be using get_admin_url
This means those links are broken for me in my setup.
]]>I am using your plugin and I really like it. I installed it on a site and have been using it for a few weeks. I created a staging site to test something and I noticed that when you hover over the Edit and Add links at the bottom of an existing note, it show a URL that points to the original site while the Delete link shows a URL that points to the staging site.
Please review and let me know if you agree with my findings. Thanks.
Je viens de découvrir votre plugin qui me semble tout simplement génial, parce que simple et efficace, sans froufrou ni complication.
Une idée, qui m’intéresserait, serait d’avoir la possibilité d’afficher un petit commentaire (post-it) en bout de ligne pour chaque plugin dans la page de gestion des extensions.
Je crée des site pour d’autres utilisateurs, et je pense qu’il pourrait être intéressant de pouvoir laisser des notes que les autres utilisateurs du backoffice de WordPress pourraient consulter afin de voir des informations, consignes, etc.
Ca m’intéresse aussi dans le cadre de la création des sites, lorsque je dois tester plusieurs plugins différents. Si j’en trouve un qui présente quelques points forts ou défauts, et que je désactive le plugin pour en tester un autre, j’aimerais bien pourvoir, dans le backoffice pouvoir me laisser des petites notes afin de retrouver rapidement les plugins et leurs avantages ou défauts.
Je ne sais pas si je m’exprime correctement?…
Que pensez vous de cette idée?
Votre plugin a toutes les bases nécessaires pour le faire.
Lors de la création du post-it, il faudrait juste pouvoir choisir un plugin dans la liste de tous les plugins installés auquel serait lié le post-it, puis d’afficher le post-it en bout de ligne en face du plugin correspondant dans la page de gestion des extensions.
Ce serait trop compliqué?