THere are no settings showing.
The only thing in all 4 tabs (general, buttons, graphs, advanced) is
“If you like WPComplete, please?leave us a ★★★★★ rating. Your votes really make a difference! Thanks.”
Can this be fixed?
]]>Hi everyone !
I’ve listed a bunch of articles on my website using the Elementor widget “Posts”, and I wonder if there is a way to show a button under each of the thumbnail. I read all the documentation and wonder if I missed something here. Thank you in advance! ??
Is there a method to export and import progress attached to users and associated with a custom post type when moving a site?
]]>I am getting errors in the browser console, I share the file paths, from a local copy of my site but it happens also in my production site, the error is in the whole site including the home page, could you help me?
I am trying to install the free plug in and it looks like it’s activated but when I go to WP settings and then WP Complete there is nothing appearing on the general, buttons, graphs advanced tabs. Can someone help me with this please?
jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2 POST 400
]]>is this plugin still supported and actively updated, I am planning to buy the pro version. The plugin was Last updated 11 months ago, that is why confirming
]]>The plugin is causing performance issues on pages where are multiple checkboxes. Isn’t it possible to loop over the checkboxes and initialize them with only one ajax call?
]]>I am getting this warning when i run WP CLI. Can you please kindly add some fallback instead of directly accessing SERVER_NAME.
Notice: Undefined index: SERVER_NAME in /home/dev/web/ on line 81
]]>Can anybody tell me how I can turn a lesson list into a post grid? It seems to be possible using the code here: but the info there is limited. I want to pull completable posts into an elementor post grid rather than having them as a simple list. Thanks in advance.
]]>How can we display a user’s progress publically? I want to show other users a specific user’s progress on their profile page. When someone visits a subscriber’s profile page they can see a list of completed posts.
]]>Hey guys,
in your wpcomplete-admin.css
you’ve got:
.wpcomplete-settings .logo, .wrap .logo {
max-width: 28px;
margin: 0 auto;
“.wrap .logo” is quite general and can affect other plugins as well.
Could you please use a more specific identifier than “.wrap .logo”?
Funny thing is it doesn’t show percent or bar on first page in pagination but as i paginate to page 2 and 3 the percentage shows…
Any ideas? I have tried with and without async=”true” but nothing seems to work.
]]>Just checking in to see if there was any more progress made to an update so we can have a single lesson’s “complete button” added to two or more courses?
I would REALLY love to see this come to fruition. I have been waiting for a long time for it to be added in the PRO plugin version.
I have many lessons that are very “general” in nature, such as e.g. “how to install Windows” that is important to be listed in all of my courses, but I don’t want to confuse members/customers to why they keep seeing the same “uncompleted” lesson in each course — even though they already marked it as being watched in a previous course.
Thanks for any information!
There was a thread started on this but was closed for additional comments.
The original question posted 13 months ago was:
]]>“is it possible to assign a button to be part of TWO courses? The thing is that we have hundreds of lessons, and some of them are in two categories (for instance, Marketing and Case Studies). We would like those buttons to be in BOTH courses. So if the user marks the button as “completed”, he can see it as completed in both lesson lists. Thanks! ??”
Hi, how do I activate/use this on WooCommerce subscriptions?
I want to track users interactions with two specifics subscriptions.
Thanks before hand.
I wanted to test your plugin. I updated to the latest version of WordPress, 5.7 (the moment I write this.)
I went to settings –> wpcomplete.
There is only an empty blank page, nothing on it, nothing working…
Are you still developing this plugin? Will you make it work again?
It has interesting functions for me, but it is NOT AT ALL working right now… or showing anything…
Sadly – and best regards to you –
I’m not able to try the free version.
I dont know how to make a list of lessons showing completed and pending ones, the only thing I’m able to do is to add the “complete” button.
I have read the documentation but the “list lessons” link is broken and the only shortcode in the free version appears to be the “add button” one.
I have created a list of completable pages, but there is nothing new.
If I have understood correctly the documentation, the only way of have a list of completed and pending lessons is in the PRO version. If so, this pluggin is impossible to be tried.
]]>I am not able to test the free WPcomplete plugin, as I am getting error messages on the plugin dashboard, such as the below:
Warning: include(partials/wpcomplete-admin-settings-checkbox.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in…..
I have disabled the plugin, deleted the plugin and uninstalled it, but this still appears. Would it be a problem with the uninstalling process? I would think that when I reinstalled it things would return to how they should be?
(Note: I installed and activated this a few months back and it was working, the only change was that I disabled it)
This is showing up in the inspector as a bad xhr call. It’s happening with pages that wpcomplete is not activated on.
Can this plugin be used to set prerequisites for pages and lessons?
For example, on a simple course with seven lessons:
– Main Page (Course details and “Enroll” button)
When the join link is clicked, a person can then see the course outline (list of lessons)
– Lessons 1 to 7 (either as pages or posts) each have a Lesson complete button
But, a reader can not skip to any lesson, either from the course page or by manually entering the link. The lessons must all be completed in order (Lesson 1, Lesson 2, Lesson 3… etc).
Is this within the capabilities of this plugin?
Thank you.
We have purchased the license key for the WP Complete – Pro Features but we are facing a issue while activating the license key.
The error we are getting:
stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failurestream_socket_client(): Failed to enable cryptostream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl:// (Unknown error)
The website is hosted on a Digital Ocean Droplet – Ubuntu 16.04 and we have the following packages installed:
Please let us know what can be done to activate the license key as we are stuck completely.
]]>Hi there,
After finding your plugin I was wondering if it could be retrofitted to provide checkboxes for people to check off items on a todo list. For example:
The todo list would reside on a LearnDash course page for example, and they would have to check off each of the items. I’m not expecting it to integrate with LearnDash…just wondering if doing a checkbox type progress for sub items would be do-able.
]]>Anyone uses wpcomolete for multiple courses on the same site? What is the best way to create dashboard and display progress of the courses bought? Conditional blocks in wooememberships or there is anything better?
I want to migrate the WP Complete data from my old membership site to a new one. On the old membership site I have the older version of the plugin, which does not save the timestamp information before the table (I mean the information below):
So my question is, can I add this string {“0-site”:1594483153, before each table from the old membership site? Can I just add the same string to all users?
I need the same format (the same length before the page ids because I parse them out to get the progress.
Thank you and best regards,
The action being called to dismiss the license notice nag at the top of the screen is calling the wrong function. At line 192 of class-wpcomplete.php the add_action call is pointing the hook to the dismiss_devmode_notice_handler function when it should be pointing to dismiss_license_notice_handler.
]]>Hi there!
I’m using the wpc_list_pages sortcode to show certain posts. I would like to change the order that thay are displayed.
While I’m aware of the “orderby” argument, posts don’t have “menu_order”, so I cannot use it.
Is there any way to do it?
]]>Hello i’m planning to buy the pro versión, now i use coursepress and i want to move with wp complete, but i have some questions, in coursepress i have questions for units/lessons is this possible to do something similar with wp complete? and with each course exist a section for questions, so the students can create a question and we asked, but all the students in the same course can see the questions and response if they want.
Is posible to do this or which plugins or other apps could be integrate it with wp complete.
]]>Hi there!
First of all… What an amazing plugin this is! Kudos to you, Zack and Paul!
Now.. is it possible to assign a button to be part of TWO courses?
The thing is that we have hundreds of lessons, and some of them are in two categories (for instance, Marketing and Case Studies).
We would like those buttons to be in BOTH courses. So if the user marks the button as “completed”, he can see it as completed in both lesson lists.
Thanks! ??
]]>I seem to get 400 for admin-ajax.php when I load my site.
POST 400 (Bad Request)
I have isolated the WPComplete plugin on the 2020 theme (no other plugins) and still see this.
Despite seeing this error, I do not see any issue with functionality.
Any ideas what might be going on?
]]>I am working on a do it yourself marketing site where I am providing some guides and would like users to be able to mark the guides complete in their account to keep track. Show some graphs for total completion or ‘course’ completion would be nice as well.
WPComplete Pro has this functionality and I’ve proven out an MVP using just the free version so far. I was very pleased with the results. The Pro version will be nice for graphs, and perhaps I will take advantages of some of the redirects to make it cleaner, or hooks to run some code upon completion.
I do not have as much experience with LMS, learn dash seems to be the most popular. I am concerned that a full LMS will be overkill and just too much to deal with. Does anyone have experience with both and can provide a brief comparison?