I’m knew to your plugin and I’m having some difficulties.
First, I’m using Divi Theme and I’m not sure if the theme is compatible with the plugin.
Second, I’m trying to create the search bar on the homepage, however I need to costumize the fields that appear. I only need to the visitor to search by location, date and features or some type of category (3 fields in total).
Third, all the text used needs to be in Portuguese. Is there a way to translate it or can I add it by myself?
Thank you for all the help you may give me.
]]>I’m on PHP Version 8.1
On every page request I get this nasty warning:
( ! )?Warning: Undefined array key “query_var” in C:\Users\schae\Local Sites\wenet-dev\app\public\wp-includes\class-wp-list-util.php on line?170Call Stack#TimeMemoryFunctionLocation10.0019368160{main}( )…\index.php:020.0019369440require_once(?‘C:\Users\schae\Local Sites\wenet-dev\app\public\wp-admin\admin.php?)…\index.php:1030.0019370272require_once(?‘C:\Users\schae\Local Sites\wenet-dev\app\public\wp-load.php?)…\admin.php:3440.0020370872require_once(?‘C:\Users\schae\Local Sites\wenet-dev\app\public\wp-config.php?)…\wp-load.php:5050.0020379848require_once(?‘C:\Users\schae\Local Sites\wenet-dev\app\public\wp-settings.php?)…\wp-config.php:8760.84899188864do_action(?$hook_name =?‘init’?)…\wp-settings.php:70070.84899189240WP_Hook->do_action(?$args =?[0 => ”]?)…\plugin.php:51780.84899189240WP_Hook->apply_filters(?$value =?”,?$args =?[0 => ”]?)…\class-wp-hook.php:34891.208214872696WPSight_General::listing_query_vars_details(?”?)…\class-wp-hook.php:324101.219714913624wpsight_get_query_var_by_detail(?$detail =?‘details_2’?)…\class-wpsight-general.php:923111.219714913624WPSight_General::get_query_var_by_detail(?$detail =?‘details_2’?)…\wpsight-general.php:69121.224114935072wp_list_pluck(?$input_list =?[‘details_1’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_1’, ‘label’ => ‘Anzahl Zimmer’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘data’ => […], ‘description’ => ”, ‘query_var’ => ‘bedrooms’, ‘data_compare’ => ‘>=’, ‘data_type’ => ‘numeric’, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘position’ => 10], ‘details_2’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_2’, ‘label’ => ”, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘data’ => […], ‘description’ => ”, ‘query_var’ => ‘bathrooms’, ‘data_compare’ => ‘>=’, ‘data_type’ => ‘numeric’, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘position’ => 20, ‘priority’ => ‘151’], ‘details_3’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_3’, ‘label’ => ‘Grundstückfl?che’, ‘unit’ => ‘m2’, ‘description’ => ”, ‘query_var’ => ‘plot_size’, ‘data_compare’ => ‘>=’, ‘data_type’ => ‘numeric’, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘position’ => 30, ‘priority’ => ‘152’], ‘details_4’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_4’, ‘label’ => ‘Wohnfl?che’, ‘unit’ => ‘m2’, ‘data’ => FALSE, ‘description’ => ”, ‘query_var’ => ‘living_area’, ‘data_compare’ => ‘>=’, ‘data_type’ => ‘numeric’, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘position’ => 40, ‘priority’ => ‘153’], ‘details_5’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_5’, ‘label’ => ‘Terrasse’, ‘unit’ => ‘m2’, ‘data’ => FALSE, ‘description’ => ”, ‘query_var’ => ‘terrace’, ‘data_compare’ => ‘LIKE’, ‘data_type’ => ‘CHAR’, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘position’ => 50, ‘priority’ => ‘154’], ‘details_6’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_6’, ‘label’ => ‘Anzahl Parkpl?tze’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘data’ => FALSE, ‘description’ => ”, ‘query_var’ => ‘parking’, ‘data_compare’ => ‘LIKE’, ‘data_type’ => ‘CHAR’, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘position’ => 60, ‘priority’ => ‘155’], ‘details_7’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_7’, ‘label’ => ‘Heizungsart’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘data’ => FALSE, ‘description’ => ”, ‘query_var’ => ‘heating’, ‘data_compare’ => ‘LIKE’, ‘data_type’ => ‘CHAR’, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘position’ => 70, ‘priority’ => ‘156’], ‘details_8’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_8’, ‘label’ => ‘Baujahr’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘data’ => FALSE, ‘description’ => ”, ‘query_var’ => ‘built_in’, ‘data_compare’ => ‘LIKE’, ‘data_type’ => ‘CHAR’, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘position’ => 80, ‘priority’ => ‘157’], ‘details_9’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_9’, ‘label’ => ‘Entfernung n?chster Bahnhof’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_9’, ‘position’ => ‘158’], ‘details_10’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_10’, ‘label’ => ‘W?rmeverteilung’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_10’, ‘position’ => ‘159’], ‘details_11’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_11’, ‘label’ => ‘Entfernung Gesch?fte’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_11’, ‘position’ => ‘160’], ‘details_12’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_12’, ‘label’ => ‘Fussweg Gesch?fte’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_12’, ‘position’ => ‘161’], ‘details_13’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_13’, ‘label’ => ‘Fahrzeit n?chster Flughafen’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_13’, ‘position’ => ‘162’], ‘details_14’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_14’, ‘label’ => ‘Fussweg zu ?ffentl. Verkehrsmitteln’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_14’, ‘position’ => ‘163’], ‘details_15’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_15’, ‘label’ => ‘Verfügbar ab’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_15’, ‘position’ => ‘164’], ‘details_16’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_16’, ‘label’ => ‘Objektzustand’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_16’, ‘position’ => ‘165’], ‘details_17’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_17’, ‘label’ => ‘Letzte Modernisierung’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_17’, ‘position’ => ‘166’], ‘details_18’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_18’, ‘label’ => ‘Renovierungsjahr’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_18’, ‘position’ => ‘167’], ‘details_19’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_19’, ‘label’ => ‘Sanierungsjahr’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_19’, ‘position’ => ‘168’], ‘details_20’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_20’, ‘label’ => ‘Qualit?t der Ausstattung’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_20’, ‘position’ => ‘169’], ‘details_21’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_21’, ‘label’ => ‘Preis auf Anfrage’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_21’, ‘position’ => ‘170’], ‘details_22’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_22’, ‘label’ => ‘Fussweg Sekundarschule’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_22’, ‘position’ => ‘171’], ‘details_23’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_23’, ‘label’ => ‘Fahrzeit n?chste Autobahn’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_23’, ‘position’ => ‘172’], ‘details_24’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_24’, ‘label’ => ‘Anzahl Aussenparkpl?tze’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_24’, ‘position’ => ‘173’], ‘details_25’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_25’, ‘label’ => ‘Stellplatztyp’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_25’, ‘position’ => ‘174’], ‘details_26’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_26’, ‘label’ => ‘Fahrzeit Bank’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_26’, ‘position’ => ‘175’], ‘details_27’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_27’, ‘label’ => ‘Fahrzeit Krankenhaus’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_27’, ‘position’ => ‘176’], ‘details_28’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_28’, ‘label’ => ‘Fussweg Primarschule’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_28’, ‘position’ => ‘177’], ‘details_29’ => [‘id’ => ‘details_29’, ‘label’ => ‘Kubatur’, ‘unit’ => ”, ‘description’ => ”, ‘dashboard’ => TRUE, ‘query_var’ => ‘details_29’, ‘position’ => ‘178’], ‘details_30’ => [‘priority’ => ‘179’, ‘label’ => ”, ‘unit’ => ”]],?$field =?‘query_var’,?$index_key =???? )…\class-wpsight-general.php:263131.224214935168WP_List_Util->pluck(?$field =?‘query_var’,?$index_key =?NULL?)…\functions.php:5336
this made me dig a bit deeper into the code and I found the origin of this in class-wpsight-general.php
public function __construct( ) {
add_filter( 'wpsight_details', array( $this, 'check_standard_details' ), 20 );
add_filter( 'wpsight_rental_periods', array( $this, 'check_rental_periods' ), 20 );
add_filter( 'init', array( $this, 'listing_query_vars_general' ) );
add_filter( 'init', array( $this, 'listing_query_vars_details' ) );
It seems that on every page load wpcasa is doing stuff… totally unneeded!
]]>Hey there, I would like to know if there is any possibility on displaying the images in a carousel inside each property. Cause now the only way I found out how to insert images is inserting media on the top of the editor, but the images are displaying like that…
Unfortunately the strings “Anzahl Zimmer” und “Grundstückfl?cher” are not translatable. I have looked pretty much everywhere with loco translate, but couldn’t find them. Are they not translateable or am I not looking in the right place?
I want to remove the description on the main page but to appear inside each property.
How can I do that?
I have strange behaviour with WPCASA search form.
It doesn’t give me any options other than search by keyword. I tried deactivating all plugins and themes, but that didn’t solve the problem.
WordPress version: 6.6
Theme: Oslo by wpcasa
PHP 7.4
Apache 2.4.61
MySQL 10.6.18-MariaDB
Does anyone have any ideas what could be the problem and how to fix it?
]]>Good day
When I update WPCasa to the latest version, it breaks Ninja Forms. Ninja Forms is up to date.
Please advise?
Thank you!
]]>MapPress shortcodes seem to have stopped rendering on single Listing pages. A MapPress shortcode will render properly in a new Gutenberg-based WP page, or on a listing location parent page. A blank Listing with only a MapPress shortcode, does not render the map.
]]>I would like to enable the meta box for listing images. documentation (https://docs.wpcasa.com/article/meta-box-functions/) is unfortunately not very helpful. How can I use that function?
]]>Hello, By default there are first two Listing Details added to advanced search form (#1 and #2). Is it possible to add extra field like Listing Detail #3 using Code Snippets? Thank you in advance.
]]>I have a problem with WPCasa Advanced Search. Some fields are not displaying. Any idea how to resolve a problem?
]]>It appears the update to v1.2.9.2 has caused wpsight.min.css
& wpsight-listings-map.min.css
to stop from rendering. Thus, some styles have been lost on the front-end. How can these style sheets be reenabled?
Lately it has been almost impossible to use WP Admin as it became extremely slow to load (not the web site, only WP Admin). When I deactivate the WP Casa 1.2.5 plug in it works at normal speed. Does anyone have the same problem or knows a solution?
]]>We already set up WPcasa Maps base on the instruction document but it is still can not load properly.
how can i completely deactivate Google eMaps in the frontend?
]]>The 3 lines of the menu are not seen on the cell phone WPCasa london
]]>Hi Support, The activation of WPCasa Dashboard Plugin brings fatal error and the whold site is unreachable. This is in frontend.
In backend there is no save button in dashboard options.
]]>Hi Support,
[wpsight_listings_map] doesnt show a map.
WPCasa Listings Map cannot be downloaded from your page
Thank you and regards
Hi there,
I hope you’re doing well.
There seems to be an issue with the Listings carousel when using the WPCasa London theme. Sometimes, when the page is refreshed, the prices and the “For Rest” or “For Sale” labels disappear ( as shown here: https://imgur.com/a/pBbZAUC). Is there a way to make sure this doesn’t happen?
Thank you.
]]>Hello, does WPCasa integrate with The7 theme? We had it with an old site and it worked, but after changing themes it says its not compatible.
]]>Hi Support,
I have been using this plugins and it obeserver there are some words are not being translated. I guess after last update in plugins translation file was not edited. Could you please create translation again. If you provide me pot file I will translate to Germen.
Looking forward to hearing from your side soon!
I’ve got a problem with the WPCasa Listings Search – the search parameters are not displayed. Some fields are only white with no text?
The second problem is that Location field is empty.
Please how to fix that ?
im using the Bahia theme and having a problem with my listings.
I would like to add some images to my listings but after selecting the images and updating the listing, none of them display after opening a specific listing post.
]]>Hace un mes que caducó la licencia WP casa Oslo, he intentado de mil maneras ponerme en contacto con el soporte sin éxito para renovar la licencia, ya que en la página del carrito las tarjetas y Paypal dan error. El problema es que el formato móvil el menú no se despliega no funciona correctamente y tampoco dan soporte técnico . ?Alguien sabe algo ? Gracias
]]>I have difficulty with creating drop down menus for london theme. Thanks for your response
]]>Wpcasa London theme. Advance search does not display fully. Thanks for any response
]]>I am having problems with my menus on amove.ie I just noticed that any sub-menus are not appearing when main menu item is clicked (see “Listings” and “Services”. Also, the menu is not working at all on a mobile device.
]]>Hey, I setup a few additional offer types using your documentation here: https://docs.wpcasa.com/article/snippet-add-custom-listing-offer/ and it works great. However, when I use your import plugin alongside wp all import, those additional offer types do not show up for selection, I only get For Sale and For Rent.
How can I get the additional / custom offer types to show up here also to handle my imports correctly?
]]>Hey, not sure if this is actually a feature request or perhaps just me fishing for some ideas but while importing properties from another system into WPCasa using All Import I noticed that the system I am importing from (called Easy Broker) allows for on-sale properties to also feature a rent option (and vice versa). I suppose this makes sense for properties which are on-sale but also offer short rentals or for vacation home which are generally rented out but also want to be sold on a long term listing.
This seemed like an interesting idea to implement. Currently in WPCasa, each property is one or the other and cannot be both. I reckon this would require two different price fields which will complicate everything else from there on but it is still an interesting idea worth considering.
In my particular case, I am still trying to figure out the best approach towards this, do I “duplicate” entries when I have properties that offer both, a sale price and a rent price and handle the duplicates that way or should I just focus on one of those options and just have the alternative as an additional field?
Would love to gather some thoughts and ideas. I’ve invested quite a lot of time into this website and have developed quite a few snippets and functions. Also some fun WP Import All functions to validate some data, etc., which I am happy to share (just not entirely sure how exactly). I am just missing this portion of the puzzle to tie it all together.
Looking forward to thoughts and comments.
there is a problem with a mobile version . the menu’ on the right top dosent work.
Thanks to help me