since the latest woocommerce update, when i click on size chart i get this error: “Permissions check failed!”
any idea?
]]>The close button on the pop-up, shows only an empty square, not pulling in the icon.
I use images to show size charts based on category, can I control what images to show in the size chart pop up depending of the user country ?
Very nice plugin thank you!
There is a delay on the Popup opening which is rather disturbing and a bit useless to be honest.
Users think that it doesn’t work.
Can you please advice on how i can reduce the opening delay ?
Thank you ??
This is added to my product page:
This text from the screenshot “Size chart”, from the Label, even when there is nothing written, it appears Size chart. I’d like to delete that from the product page, how to do that ? so that it just shows the ruler icon and the “Tabla de medidas H” text like in the screenshot.
PLugin broke my Divi theme so I cant go into divi templates and edit them, it shows server error 500 in console…
Switching size chart on and off fixes the error
So something is breaking the Divi theme
Hi there ??
Just testing out this plugin and a tiny issue is
If I created charts and for instance use some product attribute to add them to my products I want to title them the attribute name to know which belogs to which.
So it would be great to have another possibility for the link text than the chart title
So I could make it appear like
Size Guide: Click here
Or some like that ??
It would also be great if you could choose multiple positions for it, so I both could have a link and a new tab ??
I need to show a chart only on products with a combination of tags like Red, Blue, Orange. I insert the tags in the field but the chart is shown on all the products with at least one of this three tags. Is there a way to show the tag only on product that have all three?
Thank you
@wpclever sorry for the tag but I’d need a solution to this. Thank you
Please check the screenshot:
and the frontend Style:
it seems Chart Table Css does not work, right?
Here is plugin setting:
Anyway to fix the style?
how can I dsplay the size chart on all the products that has a “Size” or Color attribute? I can see there is an option for Size but I have to choose each one individually and my products have a lot of sizes and they change constantly.
Thank you
]]>i tried to change the place of size chart button i want it under add to cart
i dont want to use short code it takes time for many products
When Im writing text in the box for “Above Text” section, and save it. It does not wrap the text in <p> </p>, so on the front end it looks like crap.
How do I get the plugin to wrap the text in <p>, or even make a </br>, so my text is formatet.
]]>I have more than 11 size charts but it’s only showing 10 size charts. What should I do?
is there a shortcode to the popup to be used in a theme where i have to put it manually? i mean that if i activate the basic 23 theme i see the “size chart” button but when using my theme which uses blocks i can’t see it and if i put the shortcode of the single chart it shows the full chart.. not the button
I have installed your plugin. i liked it. only issue is when i completed my size chart. i cannot scroll through the tabs that are out of screen of mobile phone. it only shows part that appear in screen size. Can someone guide me how i can make it mobile friendly. so my customers can scroll and see full chart on phone.
Is there a hook/filter that will allow us to change the location of the Size Chart on the single product page? Such as moving it to “woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_form” as an example?
]]>Hi, thanks for the plugin!!
Is possible create shortcode for custom position??
Is there any way that the sizes are always displayed, not pop-up windows, not links, simply that it is seen in a simple way when entering the product, as if it were another element of my store