It would be nice with a way to set the product price as the minimum price
]]>Hi there,
Every time a user enters their price with a decimal value, it rounds down to nearest whole value and i need to stop this.
WPC Settings:
WooCommerce Settings:
Any idea how to stop this from happening?
]]>Maybe this can help someone.
I wanted to stop the feature of reformatting the input when the user type a number inside the accepted range (between min and max and number of decimals below the woocommerce settings) so I made small changing on the file frontend.js :
'use strict';
(function($) {
var woonp_timeout = null;
$(function() {
$('.woonp-input').each(function() {
$(document).on('woosq_loaded', function() {
woonp_init($('#woosq-popup .woonp-input'));
$(document).on('found_variation', function(e, t) {
var $input = $(e['target']).
if ($input.length && woonp_vars.default_value === 'price') {
var value = parseFloat($input.val());
if ($'price') === undefined) {
// save the default value to reset
$'price', value);
if (t['display_price'] !== undefined && t['display_price'] !== '') {
// Set the input value to the variation's display price if available
$(document).on('reset_data', function(e) {
var $input = $(e['target']).
if ($input.length && woonp_vars.default_value === 'price') {
if ($'price') !== undefined) {
// Restore the default value (if previously saved)
$(document).on('keyup click', '.woonp-input', function() {
var $this = $(this);
if (woonp_timeout != null) clearTimeout(woonp_timeout);
woonp_timeout = setTimeout(woonp_init, 1000, $this);
function woonp_init($input) {
var val = parseFloat($input.val());
var min = parseFloat($input.attr('min'));
var max = parseFloat($input.attr('max'));
var step = parseFloat($input.attr('step'));
var out_of_range_flag = false;
if ((val !== '') && !isNaN(val)) {
var fix = Math.pow(10, Number(woonp_decimal_places(step)) + 2);
if ((step === '') || isNaN(step) || step <= 0) {
// Ensure step has a valid value, defaulting to 1 if not
step = 1;
if ((min === '') || isNaN(min) || min < 0) {
// Ensure minimum value is valid, defaulting to step if not
min = step;
if (val < 0 || val < min) {
// If the value is less than the minimum, set it to the minimum
out_of_range_flag = true;
val = min;
var remainder_before = woonp_float_remainder(
(val * fix - min * fix) / fix, step);
if (remainder_before > 0) {
// Adjust the value if there's a remainder (based on rounding direction)
if (woonp_vars.rounding === 'up') {
val = (val * fix - remainder_before * fix + step * fix) / fix;
} else {
val = (val * fix - remainder_before * fix) / fix;
if (!isNaN(min) && (val < min)) {
// Ensure the value is not below the minimum
out_of_range_flag = true;
val = min;
if (!isNaN(max) && (val > max)) {
// Ensure the value is not above the maximum
out_of_range_flag = true;
val = max;
var remainder = woonp_float_remainder((val * fix - min * fix) / fix,
if (remainder > 0) {
// Round the value if there's a remainder
val = (val * fix - remainder * fix) / fix;
// Check if the value has more than the number of decimals set in Woocommeerce settings or if the flag out_of_range_flag is at true
if (getDecimalPlaces(parseFloat($input.val())) > woonp_vars.price_decimals || out_of_range_flag === true) {
// If the value has more than 2 decimals or flag is at false, apply rounding and set the value
} else {
// If 2 or fewer decimals and flag is false, leave the value unchanged
// Trigger a custom event to notify other parts of the code about the value update
$(document.body).trigger('woonp_init', [$input, val, min, max, step]);
// Helper function to get the number of decimal places in a number
function getDecimalPlaces(num) {
var match = ('' + num).match(/(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?$/);
return match && match[1] ? match[1].length : 0;
// Function to calculate the number of decimal places in the step value
function woonp_decimal_places(num) {
var match = ('' + num).match(/(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?$/);
if (!match) {
return 0;
var result = Math.max(0, // Number of digits right of decimal point.
(match[1] ? match[1].length : 0)
// Adjust for scientific notation.
- (match[2] ? +match[2] : 0));
return result;
// Function to calculate the remainder when dividing by the step value
function woonp_float_remainder(val, step) {
var valDecCount = (val.toString().split('.')[1] || '').length;
var stepDecCount = (step.toString().split('.')[1] || '').length;
var decCount = valDecCount > stepDecCount ? valDecCount : stepDecCount;
var valInt = parseInt(val.toFixed(decCount).replace('.', ''));
var stepInt = parseInt(step.toFixed(decCount).replace('.', ''));
return (valInt % stepInt) / Math.pow(10, decCount);
It’s a silly situation. The user inputted the wrong price and realised this on the cart page. How can he change the price now? Is the only option now is to remove the item and start again?
]]>As in the title, on the plugin settings page, you can select Show/hide the add-to-cart button on the shop/archive page. However, there is still a basket page that shows “New in store” when the basket is empty, and the button remains visible no matter the setting. The “New in Store” section can be removed from the cart by selecting the cart block and switching the view to “Empty cart” as shown here: but the plugin option should also cover this page, no?
On my site, the majority of users are over 60 years old and often have difficulty using their keyboards, so they need more time to type. Some users have reported that while they are entering numbers, the “Rounding Values” feature activates unexpectedly. As a result, they continue to type slowly, and they might not even notice that the site has rounded their numbers, leading to some confusing results.
I would prefer to completely disable this rounding feature including adding a decimal point and two zeros at the end. If it’s not possible to turn it off entirely, I would at least like to extend the time it takes for this rounding feature to activate, ideally to around 10 minutes ??
Is there a way to achieve this without reprogramming the entire plugin?
Thank you!
]]>I’ve tried everything suggested, but the input field will NOT allow decimals (cents), only whole dollar amounts. I’ve set the “Step” field to “.01”, but it makes no difference on the front-end.
]]>Is there a way to tweak the price input to use dot (.) as decimal point instead of the comma?
Both WooCommerce and WordPress (in language file) are set up to use the dot.
I noticed an issue.
I set the field ‘suggested price’ for the module : ‘Price from %s’
For some products with variation, the price is fixed and not customizable. So, in the product page for these king of products, I set the ‘name your price’ option on ‘disabled’.
But even if the option is ‘name you price’ is disabled’, and when I choose one option of the variation, the displayed price is customized with the field ‘Suggested Price’.
Yet, if the plugin ‘name you price’ is disabled for this product, the field ‘suggested price’ should not be shown on the product page ?
Is there a bug ?
Thanks for your check !
]]>Hello, I’m wandering whether there is a setting that makes the customers suggested price not final.
As it seems if I have a product for £100 & one for £1 the buyer can purchase either immediately for £1. When I change minimum settings it then only allows customer to purchase for that minimum value whether £100 or £1.
Or is it only a plugin that makes customers pay what they want and not request a price
Although I have woocommerce insalled and running fine in my site, when I try do download the plugin I get the following message “You need to have woocommerce installed”
What should I do?
]]>Hi Team,
Thank you for the excellent plugin.
It appears that the plugin currently does not support payments in decimal format. For instance, I’m unable to check out with amounts like 225.35. Could you please implement this feature, or let me know which code I need to modify to allow cents in the input box?
Once again, thank you for the plugin. I look forward to your response.
Best regards,
I have tried to insert the pricing as per usual and it’s not working as it used to be where the checkout showing “RM 0.00” instead of the pricing I key in.
I need to translate the price text label, but I can’t find a way with either Polylang or Loco Translate.
Can you please help me?
Thank you.
]]>Hello ..i am using this plugin from last 10 months .It working fine..I think i was not noticed yet..In my site there is two currency one “$” and second one is “€” . when i change currency to € the default price of product is example “€ 50” and i set “Name your price for this product” to “€ 40” in cart the price shown for this product “€ 30” instead of “€40”..please help me how i can resolve this..
]]>Thank you for your plugin, which is really suited to what I’m looking for. However, I’m having trouble with the Paypal payment platform, which is returning the error “request is not well-formed syntactically incorrect”.
Is this a known impossibility with your plugin?
I’ve tried to find a workaround by adding a line of code to functions.php “add_filter( ‘woocommerce_paypal_force_one_line_item’, ‘__return_true’ );”
But this doesn’t solve the problem. How can I get around this?
Thank you for your feedback. Have a nice day!
Feature Request: Could the Regular Unit Price be adjusted according to the Input. At this stage it is static, but since the Price is changing, it would make sense to change that too.
]]>Would be really happy if the currency symbol could also be placed behind the Input and the dot replaced by a comma. Like 9,00 €
]]>I haven’t seen support respond to any posts here for a while and yet the plugin has been updated two months ago.
Yet there is a stupid bug which affects most sites:
Who’s idea was it to use .woonp input with !important so that we cannot even override it ourselves if you don’t fix it?
ping @miemie
]]>I’m attempting to include a product for purchase within a separate Page using the shortcodes of either:
[add_to_cart id=”53″]
[products limit=”1″ columns=”1″ ids=”53″]
However, while it says the suggested price label, it doesn’t provide the functionality. Is there a way to make it work?
Also wondering whether this plug in has the capacity to work with multi-currency payment options, where the product price automatically converts to the equivalent price in the customer’s currency based on their location (i.e. if this minumum price is set as £5, does this show up as $5 for customers in the US, or does it convert according to the exchange rate set within woo commerce)?
]]>I only want ‘name your price’ on one product. There is no option showing up for me to enable/disable across different products as there ought to be. There is no ‘name your price’ button under ‘products’ in the wordpress menu, or under ‘woo commerce’ –> ‘settings’ –> ‘products’.
]]>Hi, some of my customers have troubles to enter their value. it says : Invalid price. Please try again! .. For example 719.82 or 719.81 doesn’t work but 719.80 or 719.79 does… Please help. thanks !
]]>I’ve got a minimum price set ($25).
If customers start typing into the field, that minimum price takes effect quite quickly. For example, if someone wants to type $100, they can enter the 1 and 0 and the field will revert to $25 before they can finish typing the last number.
It’s a minor issue but has been mentioned during testing.
Is there any way to delay this to give them more time to enter their nominated amount?
Works great all the same – very happy with the product.
]]>I would like to translate the price input label but I can’t find it on WPML. How could I do it?
]]>I’m using your plug-in to allow customers to pay their bills for my client, but when the enter the amount, go to the cart, then click on checkout, the result is that they end up on the bottom of the checkout at the payment options, not at the top where they fill in their personal information. I have several other WooCommerce shop sites and they act normal (where arriving at the top of the checkout page is normal). Only on this site and this company’s sister site do they arrive at the bottom and I’m using your plug-in on both of them. This leads me to believe that your plug-in could possibly be the reason why. Is this true? If not, would you know why these two sites are acting this way?
]]>I want to use it with dokan multivendor plugin, but it’s not showing in vendors dashboard for price setting.
Can we use this plugin with multivendor plugin?
]]>Hello. First of all thank you very much for this useful, simple and straightforward plugin.
Just one question: is it possible to change the Minimum value for variable products?
Let’s say I have a T-Shirt product with one “color” variable and two variations: red and black. Red would have a 10€ Minimum price. Black would have a 12€ Minimum price.
Is this possible? Thank you again.
]]>This plugin doesn’t seem to work. Custom amount is not added to the cart. When adding the custom amount I just get the minimal or regular price of the product.
]]>Hi there,
is this plugi compatible with Woocomemrce Subscribtions plugin?
Thanks in advance!