Would be nice if I could add extra dropdown filters(taxonomy/custom field).
It’s ok to makes it a premium feature.
Hello and thanks for your work on this plugin.
I’m unable to show/hide columns or add custom ones in WC V8.2 in /admin.php?page=wc-orders
Nothing works; trying to show a billing email column, hide billing, show which product was sold (order_product), etc.
Also, /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=product never saves what I disable or set in columns.
I tried the WC compatibility mode (/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=advanced§ion=features) to no avail.
What is the point if nothing functions?
WHERE does it work on columns?
Hi there,
Does the plugin support Custom post types/fields created with ACF or Metabox? Or does it just support WP default field and WooCommerce fields?