Hi Support,
Can you confirm if this plugin is fully compatible with PHP7+
Thank you
Hello Evan.
I am using YouTube plus but cannot get the plugin to work. Are you still supporting this?
I inserted my corrected youtube e-mail and password but yet it gives an error. Also the email/password checker doesn’t seem to work. Says it is successful even if I have a random e-mail and password entered.
]]>I am not getting path of uploaded file..getting below error.
stderr: PHP Warning: fopen(): Filename cannot be empty.
please suggest solution why i am not gettinf videolocation tmp file path.
due to above error I can’t play video..its showing processing video try later.
]]>Dear Sir
get me link for you tube setting on my site.
Joginder Singh
]]>I see the domain is not working for the setup guide?
Is this still in development as im really interested in User uploads.
Im willing to pay.
Also, i cant get it to register and authorize?
Just curious how much time i spend on this as it looks like no development is taking place??
The plugin fails to load the playlist with the following shortcode.
[yt4wp-grid playlist_id=”PLc_6rHGzPO0pqB-lrIN7TXrI_VQp4aGoJ”]
The playlist is public, and the ID is everything for the “list” GET variable.
]]>this is a piece of crap and never uploads. it cycles through and gets to 18 percent about three times then says there was an error. max file upload size and execution time are fine. Credentials for google api are fine. It’s just a piece of crap that doesn’t work.
Is the User Uploads in the Add Ons section coming out soon? If so, when is it expected to come out?
]]>I use various Google APIs in my codebase via the official Google Client. When I activated wp2yt today it threw the following fatal:
[02-Feb-2016 21:37:33 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Google_Client in /srv/www/wp-content/plugins/wp2yt-uploader/inc/Google/Client.php on line 37
[02-Feb-2016 21:37:33 UTC] PHP Stack trace:
[02-Feb-2016 21:37:33 UTC] PHP 1. {main}() /srv/www/wp-admin/plugins.php:0
[02-Feb-2016 21:37:33 UTC] PHP 2. plugin_sandbox_scrape() /srv/www/wp-admin/plugins.php:164
[02-Feb-2016 21:37:33 UTC] PHP 3. include() /srv/www/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php:1964
[02-Feb-2016 13:37:33 America/Los_Angeles] CaughtError: /srv/www/wp-content/plugins/wp2yt-uploader/inc/Google/Client.php:37 -> Cannot redeclare class Google_Client
The simple workaround:
if (!class_exists('Google_Client')) {
/** Require YouTube API Files */
require_once YT4WP_PATH.'inc/Google/Client.php';
I believe this issue may explain possible interaction problems with other Google plugins.
]]>Hi there,
I’m new to the world of WordPress, or any CMS, and just recently started learning WP.
I have a web site idea and your YouTube for WordPress plugin sounds like something I’ve been looking for, but sounds like the functionality I need is still under development. But I want to make sure I understood everything correctly since all this is new to me.
I’d like my logged-in members to be able to upload videos to my youtube channel directly from their profile (I’ll probably use BuddyPress, and maybe also BuddyForms), and the embedded YT video will then automatically appear in their profile, as well as a few other posts depending on what post category the video falls under.
For example,
if the member is uploading an autobio video, the YT embedded video will only appear in his profile.
If the member is submitting a video to the “Member’s Corner” post, then the embedded YT video will show up in his profile as well as the “Member’s corner” post.
Likewise, if the member is submitting to the “Recipe” post, then the embedded YT video will appear in both his profile and the “Recipe” post.
And all these videos are searchable on the site.
I think this should be considered what you called “Front End User Uploads”, which is still not yet available at this time, correct? If correct, when do you estimate it will be released? Can the functionalities current already available in YouTube for WordPress do the job I described above for my site?
Thank you.
NewBuddy -:)
]]>Trying to figure out why some videos aren’t showing up. There are some, but not all.
I have a ton of vids in the playlist that are private. These don’t display. Understood.
However, I’m going through organizing everything 1 by 1 making them public but some aren’t displaying…They don’t show up on my site or on the back-end.
This happens to be one that’s NOT displaying
Any idea on why this would be happening?
It seems this plugins Date Picker conflicts with other plugins.. As soon as I activate this plugin all other plugins get this different Date Picker for all date (and even time) pickers and time fields don’t allow colons anymore..
Is there a way I can fix this?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hello! Sorry, English isn’t so good. I have a question about your plugin. Is there such kind of functional:
1. Is it possible with the help of your plugin to create a feed like this https://prntscr.com/9cprvl consiting of videos, wich automatically upload from my youtube channel? With premoderation.
2. Also I need to relize an abillity (for my users) to upload video files on my site so that it automatically upload to YouTube channel and than loaded into this feed.
3. and the last. i need an autorization through social networks for my users.
What part of thin functional are already realized? May be you can relize the functional I need for money?
]]>AS stated in title just getting error messages when trying to use grid display, even using the shortcode you supplied on the following page : https://www.yt4wp.com/examples/playlist-grid-shortcode/
Link to page with issue, it’s using the code on the page above – https://xotv.demo.strategiesexpress.co.uk/
The error:
Oh No! Something went wrong while retreiving the playlist. Double check the playlist id is correct.
If the error persits please open a support ticket with the YouTube for WordPress support team and reference the following error number: Error #403
You can use the shortcode to embed the playlist just not the grid view.
]]>Hey. The search functions is giving back an error.
thanks ??
(I tried to buy a support license, just for the record; which led me here ??
Also, I cannot delete videos from my channel. I just get a grayed out screen. Same with editing them.
]]>I’m using YouTube for WordPress in a multisite environment. I’ve configured the Google API and setup all credetials with a Google Apps account.
I can configure YouTube for WordPress and it works, but it only works for a brief time ~24 hours before the authentication breaks. Sometimes I can re-authenticate, but usually I have to reset the plugin completely.
Oh No! Error refreshing the OAuth2 token, message: ‘{ “error” : “invalid_grant”, “error_description” : “Token has been revoked.” }’. Double check that you have entered your client ID and client secret keys correctly.
If the error persits please open a support ticket with the YouTube for WordPress support team and reference the following error number: Error #400
The error above is what I see.
This plugin is awesome, I just have one issue. If I upload a video that is >10mb or so, it posts twice and then both uploads say Uploading: 0% on my channel manager. If it is below 10mb, it uploads the video fine, and only posts once. Any ideas?
]]>Hello Guys,
I have been using this plugin and its really very good. I just have a simple problem, I am also using a plugin called Video Thumbnails to use the video image as the featured image of the post. The Youtube For WordPress plugin is conflicting with the Video Thumbnails plugin.
Can someone please guide me how to get it fixed? Below is the video of the error I get when I add a new video.
I would like to automate the process of upload the videos from a local WordPress to YouTube using your plugin and cron. How could I do that?
I did the translation directly into PHP files, but each update lose everything. There is no way to disable the automatic update, even unchecking the box and saving.
I can not turn the translation I made based on the file “pot”. I put in the “languages” folder, but is not activated. What is the process for this to work?
My translation of en_USA to en_US.
Would you help me?
The setup guide goes to a defunct domain …not a good sign
Thank you sir for this great plugin.
I would like to ask about to make this plugin upload video by grabbing video from URL or upload video from local server where website is hosted.
Thank you.
I’ve followed every step to setup the plugin. I get a redirect error when trying to auth my webapp from within WP. I suspect that the problem MAY be:
When I want to auth the app, I’m asked (by google) to select what google account should be auth’ed. I have several accounts, and I could imagine that the redirect URL is messed up because of this step. Not sure.
However, I cant auth the app from WP, sadly.
Any ideas?
The main reason for downloading this plugin was to customize the YouTube player in order to match the website theme. Unfortunately, this add-on is still on coming soon mode. And when looking in the documentation of the plugin, the feature of “Customizing Embedded Player” is noted as “coming soon” way back to October 13th, 2014. I wish ther is some progress in the project. And how could I be notified?
Is there extra code to short codes to limit the amount of videos that are displayed.
Also are there any other filters that can be applied example videos in the last month.
Thank you
]]>How to upload video from frontend
]]>As suggested on the WordPress plugin page YouTube for WordPress/Description:
Some shortcodes that come bundled with YouTube for WordPress
[yt4wp-video video_id=”123456″] – single videos embed
[yt4wp-playlist playlist_id=”123456″] – playlist embed
[yt4wp-grid playlist_id=”123456″] – playlist grid layout
[yt4wp-grid channel_id=”123456″] – channel grid layout
[yt4wp-grid search_term=”WordPress Tutorials”] – search term grid layout
When manually placing in a page the single video and playlist embed shortcodes work fine but if any of the grid shortcodes are used the videos do not display at all.
In the Admin section under browse, I noticed that the only way to add videos is by adding a single video or adding a playlist embed. The grid view or channel view don’t seem to be available either.
Below is the code that I placed in the html editor on a single page.
playlist grid layout:
[yt4wp-grid playlist_id="PL0ceE5f8nCK8XL3zDCsZR_q5VoeqrWUYC"]
Returns: “Oh No! Something went wrong while retreiving the playlist. Double check the playlist id is correct.”
channel grid layout:
[yt4wp-grid channel_id="UCjeTg-Scsj9jqEYKJm9FlLw"]
Returns: the number 1.
I really like this plugin but for my purposes the grid view is essential.
]]>I have problem for my project.
I’m not use shortcode, i want get id of video when upload to youtube, after save on my database.
Thanks all.
I have completed every step 3 months ago. It was working good. Suddenly, it started giving connection error with youtube. I deleted my old credential, regenerated client ID and everything. It crossed every step, but in the last step it shows:
“Error : Could not get access token please check your app settings for more about this error
Or Follow our doc setion Documentation Section.”
Is there anything changed in the recent version?
I have only audio on the embedded video file.
can you help please, the plugin is the best solution for me.