First I’d like to thank you. I’m using your plugin for almost a year now and it works pretty good. It’s lean, fast and it does what it should.
However, I kinda have a small request.
Would it be possible to give it a fixed height?
I’m using your plugin in a sidebar, next to a Facebook Like Box.
The FB box is 350px high and is scrollable. The Youtube plugin can only show 3 video’s otherwise it becomes to big (over 350px in height).
If I could give it a fixed height, and then give it ‘overflow: auto;’ via CSS, the plugin will still be 350px high, but I can just scroll down to see the other video’s (more then 3).
Cheers, Vinnie.
]]>Hi –
Plug-in looks good and visually seems to function in 3.5.1. However, I went from a site that throws no warnings in the Console to HUNDREDS of warnings. Your CSS seems to have lots of problems. I am seeing this in Firebug – I’d like to attach the screen shot of a sample of the warnings, since I can’t seem to download them as a file, but attachments don’t seem to be allowed or I can’t find the tool. I’d be happy to email directly.
Plug-in is being used on this page:
(We may launch soon, so the “dev.” may go away on the URL)
]]>[Please don’t post in uppercase & shout at us. Post title de-capped.]
Someone asking if it was broken 2 years ago.
Topic closed.
Someone asking if it was broken 10 months ago, and no response:
Save your time. The plugin is broken and the author doesn’t care.
]]>The following garbage appears above the YouTube video on every page where the widget resides on my site (which is the sidebar on every page):
Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'deprecatedSL' does not have a method 'log_file' in /home/vg008web03/02/58/2905802/web/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 406
What’s going on and how can I fix it.
(I haven’t messed with the widget since it was installed … and it isn’t my browser or OS because a Google search of the garbage returns results listing every page on my site.) Grrr.
]]>Anyway to display thumbnails with this plug in?
]]>I’d like to display all the videos from my youtube channel, how can I do this?
Also, when I activated there was no settings page for the plugin!
Thanks for a great plugin!
I’m using this code on my website.
[youtubechannel channelname=”thegonesband” numvideos=”10″ width=”250″ showtitle=”No”]
But the titles are still visible. Am I doing something wrong? Is it also possible to put the videos in rows, for example 2 videos beside each other?
This is my site: https://www.vendela-valentin.com/guiltyones/?page_id=19
First of all, great work developing this application. Much needed and makes it so much easier with moody WordPress Application failing to recognize YouTube links randomly.
Now, I have pasted this code twice in one blog post –
1) Blog post is https://szebastian.com/sex/endbullying/
2) I wanted to insert first code with a link to this Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdkNn3Ei-Lg
3) Then I wanted to insert second code with a link to my video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfFXMV_el34
However it only recognizes my channel and it only shows video number 1 and 2 (or whichever number I use) from my channel. How can I ensure it shows the two separate videos in one post?
Further, if this code works with video number, whenever I will upload new video … that number 1 – top video will replace this video in post.. which may not be even related to the post. How can I make sure it is always the SAME video in this post?
Look forward to your response.
]]>Hi all,
This plugin was stopping the w3c validator from validating our page, so here is a patch to make that work:
Index: wp-youtube-list-channel.php
— wp-youtube-list-channel.php (revision 4077)
+++ wp-youtube-list-channel.php (working copy)
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
$videoDisplay = ”;– $videoDisplay .= ‘<script type=”text/javascript”>
+ $videoDisplay .= ‘<script type=”text/javascript”><!–
function wp_youtube_gallery_post_page(data) {
var feed = data.feed;
var entries = feed.entry || [];
@@ -85,12 +85,12 @@
document.getElementById(\’videos_on_post_’.$post->ID.’\’).innerHTML = html.join(\’\’);
– </script>
+ –></script>
<div id=”videos_on_post_’.$post->ID.'”> <!– The wp_youtube_gallery_post_page() JavaScript function places the YouTube video code here –>
– src=”https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/users/’.$channelname.’/uploads?alt=json-in-script&max-results=’.$numvideos.’&callback=wp_youtube_gallery_post_page”>
+ src=”https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/users/’.$channelname.’/uploads?alt=json-in-script&max-results=’.$numvideos.’&callback=wp_youtube_gallery_post_page”>
</script>’;return $videoDisplay;
@@ -218,4 +218,4 @@
echo $after_widget;
\ No newline at end of file
]]>In google chrome the thumbnails get superimposed on everything else, even elements with a specified high z-index. Can this be fixed?
]]>hi, great plugin!
i′m using this code to show the last video from my channel:
<ul class=”tablist”> <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[youtubechannel channelname=”DietaMed” showtitle=”No” width=”270″]
‘); ?>
but it shows the title, how can I exclude it?
]]>I dont see any setting after installation of WordPress 3.1
]]>Is it possible to turn off the related videos that pop up on top of my video?
]]>Not so much a support question, just a little tweak that would make this plugin rick my world. When using the shortcode on a page, and specifically, on a page using a full width template…….to have the videos extend into multiple rows if there is space.
Example, I have a 900px full width page, my videos are set at 250px wide, I have 12 videos. That’s enough for 4 rows of 3 videos each.
I’ll take some time and tweak the css for my needs, but if this could be built in that would be awesome. Much like how Nextgen galleries in pages create rows automatically.
Great plugin, best YouTube plugin available I’d say!!!