Is there a way to require users to upload a feature image?
]]>Fatal error: Cannot redeclare wpuf_buffer_start() (previously declared in /public_html/nyonyakost/wp-content/plugins/wp-user-frontend/wpuf-functions.php:11) in /public_html/nyonyakost/wp-content/plugins/wp-user-frontend-reloaded/wpuf-functions.php on line 12
can you help me with this?
I have a site that allows 6 different post types. I’d like to associate particular UFR post categories with particular post types. But I also need for text content not to be required.
When the user chooses a category, uploads a featured image and gives it a title – that is perfect for this site.
So I’d like the text content to be optional.
How can I do this?
wp 3.6
latest version of WP User Frontend – Reloaded
Upload Image doesn’t seem to work, not getting any errors, so not sure where to look, (by clicking on upload image, no file selector dialog pops up)
]]>Hey there- today just updated a few of my WP sites to Oscar.. and the same problem occurred in many plugins.
the has_shortcode() in the functions.php conflict, so if it gets commented out to avoid the fatal error i get the site visible again but with this error:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for has_shortcode(), called in /wp-content/plugins/wp-user-frontend-reloaded/wpuf.php on line 130 and defined in /wp-includes/shortcodes.php on line 153
Need a lil help with this plugin to properly resolve .
]]>Hi there
I am using the user frontend reloaded plugin with woocommerce. I have created a custom input field for price on the user frontend plugin, but need it to post this price to the price field under Product Data.
Please assist if you can?
If I click on Edit to edit a post it does not do anything
]]>Is there a way to move custom fields entries to the top of the post?
I want to put a couple of descriptive fields, but when a post is published, it shows at the bottom of the post. Is there a way (plugin edit or option) to move it up to the top?
]]>when I select custom category
“For a custom post type event, use it like [wpuf_addpost post_type =” event “]”
[wpuf_addpost post_type = “product”]
In the admin, “Default post taxonomy” select category principal
“Default post category” showing categories and all subcategories.
But in publishing, in the front end and select the principal category ajax not display the next sub category (category child)
if use
Category Selection Normal or Checkbox type
shows all the main categories and sub ??categories
I want to ask you if it is possible to consider extending the operation of the plugin WP User Frontend Reloaded by:
– Preview the article before publishing
– Set some categories as paid and some categories as unpaid
– Set for different users different disable / enable categories.
Thank you for your response.
]]>i add it the shortcode ([wpuf_editpost]) in a page of one of my sites on my multisite wp that i have enabled your plugin, i set on admin panel the Others>Edit Page, but it doesn’t work. It just shows me the shortcode :/
What I have done wrong?