As can be seen on screen – it has effect to global wordpress codebase rendering plenty of issues. It’s because it’s triggered before whole class and never closed.
]]>Hello i need to load social link for each author *i found some shortcode in documentation but i didn’t find how to load linkdine social link via short code i try[profile-website]
[profile-cpf key=”linkedin”]
nothing was display ….
Any solution ?
You can click to log in at the top of my website, and you will see a pop-up window. I used the short code generated by your plug-in to insert it into my pop-up window, and the results were all converted into HTML.
]]>If I am intentionally getting this plugin for the purpose of using the passwordless add-on feature, does this plugin manipulate or write to the .htaccess file of WordPress behind the scenes, in order to function properly? or does it leave that file alone? My WordPress hosting does not support .htaccess modifying.
]]>Since version 4.15.12 of the plugin, I have been receiving the following error:
“Warning: Cannot declare class PAnD, because the name is already in use in ../wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/third-party/vendor/collizo4sky/persist-admin-notices-dismissal/persist-admin-notices-dismissal.php on line 161”
When we look at line 161, the code \class_alias('ProfilePressVendor\PAnD', 'PAnD', \false);
is present. I disabled this code or added the line @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 );
to wp-config.php to hide this warning, but wouldn’t it be better if the plugin developer found a solution so that this isn’t necessary?
Just like the title says. I would like to know what happens to the user’s role upon subscription expiry. Since users are give a role during their registration, I would like that role be revoked from the users after they let their subscription expire. Is this possible, and can we give different roles a different downgraded role, like Premium Role 1 gets downgraded to Normal Role 1 and Premium Role 2 gets downgraded to Normal Role 2?
Thank you
After I set up this plugin and Stripe as the payment method and added a plan, on the front end, the form does not ask for the actual credit card details, and looks like this:
There is that thing under the “Name on card” text box that looks like a very thin text box, but you can’t click on it and enter anything. I tried it with more than one theme and the result is the same.
When I clicked on “start trial”, the page just loads and loads.
I have WordPress 6.6.1 and Profilepress 4.15.12.
]]>Is it possible to import subscriptions? My client has a spreadsheet of their current membership. I can import their members as users but I can’t see a way to import their membership information (such as plan type and when their membership expires). Do I need to create an order, customer, and subscription for each member manually?
]]>I have the free version of the plugin and cannot create a membership plan. I click “Add Plan”, fill out the details and price and then click “Save Plan”. WordPress goes to /wp-admin/ppress-plans and says “The page can’t be found”. The plan isn’t created.
]]>Hello, someone suggested I to post it here:
About a week ago, all the admin pages started to show:
Warning: Cannot declare class PAnD, because the name is already in use in /home/......./public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-user-avatar/third-party/vendor/collizo4sky/persist-admin-notices-dismissal/persist-admin-notices-dismissal.php on line 161
There is no plugin related to avatars installed as far as I can see, but I see ‘wp-user-avatar’ does exist. If I rename this plugin directory, the profile pictures from every contributor’s profile change into either null or crazy unknown someone else’s photos. This is very puzzling.
It’s not a critical issue, but the contributors have been complaining about the error. We don’t have a dev person. It’s just me trying to run WP. Any feedback would be appreciated.
]]>Hello, was curious if there was a filter for the url that is set in
The issue we are having is when the user logs in to view protected content the page is still cached in their browser for them until they refresh. I would like to append a query string to that url via a filter something like
add_filter('ppress_ec_redirect_url', function($url){
return $url.'?cb='.time();
Is there some filter like that available?
]]>It puts an ad for another plugin at the top of the dashboard and the circle x button does not work to close it.
]]>I’m looking to remove the “Downloads”, “Orders” and “Billing Address” endpoints on the main account page as my site is purely for content restriction only for logged in members. How do I go about doing this?
]]>Hey there,
We are running into a conflict with other plugins because of the Select2 library. I see that no matter what ProfilePress includes the JS on every page even though its not being used 99% of the time. Is there a way to get an option in the upcoming version to dequeue scripts on frontend when not in use?
You somewhat do that now, but only for your frontend.js file. You load
wp_enqueue_script('ppress-flatpickr', PPRESS_ASSETS_URL . '/flatpickr/flatpickr.min.js', array('jquery'), PPRESS_VERSION_NUMBER);
wp_enqueue_script('ppress-select2', PPRESS_ASSETS_URL . '/select2/select2.min.js', array('jquery'), PPRESS_VERSION_NUMBER);
no matter what
]]>We have content protection enabled for posts within a specific category. That works great when viewing the post directly, but when viewing the archive page, it protects that as well.
Here is the settings we have for the content protection –
Looking at the post everything looks great –
Looking at the archive/category page not so great –
Is there anyway to exclude the archive pages from protection?
We’re using the current free version and discovered an issue in Add New Customer > New Account (site_url/wp-admin/admin.php?page=ppress-customers&ppress_customer_action=new) : the value given for Username is not used in the WordPress user created account which receives the Email Address value instead. Is there a workaround to this ? The WP user cannot be deleted and recreated with the good username, the subscribed Membership Plan and order would be lost. Until now memberships were subscribed by existing WP Users.
Thank you
]]>Hello Team,
I have installed both the Profiles and PublishPress Permissions plugins.
Currently, I’m encountering some database issues:
WordPress database error: [Table ‘databasename.wpm2_pp_group_members’ doesn’t exist] SELECT * FROM wpm2_pp_group_members INNER JOIN wpm2_pp_groups AS g ON wpm2_pp_group_members.group_id = g.ID WHERE member_type = ‘member’ AND status = ‘active’ AND user_id IN (‘1’) ORDER BY wpm2_pp_group_members.group_id
Could you please advise on how to resolve this issue?
Thank you.
]]>I’m using the free version, but when I add user role dropdown on a form, it simply does not show.
Plugin is up to date.
When validating (changing status from “pending” to “completed” in the administration) a membership of a “LIFETIME” plan, the “initial_amount” field is set to 0.00.
Thank you for your assistance.
when I apply a coupon on a subscription with a free trial period this is calculated on the zero value of the trial. Is it possible for it to be calculated on the first amount the user will have to pay after the free period?
as is
how I would like it to be
Greetings, when the user logs into their account I can’t understand why the “resubscription” button appears in the subscription section instead of the “cancel” button as I see in the documentation. What am I doing wrong? A thousand thanks.
Hey team, quick question about the ‘groups’ section in the ‘membership plan.’ I’m having trouble customizing the dropdown order. Currently, it starts with ‘Member Renewal for Youth,’ but I’d prefer it to kick off with either a popular category like ’18+ Resident’ or just a general ‘Select Membership Plan.’
Wondering if there’s a feature for this I might have missed or if it requires some coding magic. Thanks a bunch for your assistance!
]]>Hi ProfilePress Admin, amazing plugin you’ve got going on here.
I have an email form on homepage that when you submit, sends the user_email query string via GET to register page ../register/[email protected]
How do I use this GET URL parameters to auto fill the UM Register form
Url=[email protected]
ProfilePress Form with meta “user_email” auto fills?[email protected]
]]>Function deprecated/wp-user-avatar/includes/class-wp-user-avatar-functions.php wpua_has_gravatar()
$gravatar = '' . $hash . '?d=404';
$data = wp_cache_get($hash);
if (false === $data) {
$response = wp_remote_head($gravatar);
$data = is_wp_error($response) ? 'not200' : $response['response']['code'];
wp_cache_set($hash, $data, "", MINUTE_IN_SECONDS);
wp_cache_* doesnt carry to the next page so this spams gravatar servers, and MINUTE_IN_SECONDS is too often, what do you think about changing to wp_transient once a day instead?
//$data = wp_cache_get($hash);
$data = get_transient($hash);
//wp_cache_set($hash, $data, "", MINUTE_IN_SECONDS);
set_transient($hash, $data, 24 * 60 * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS);
On the payment method, I have already configured my Stripe account.
Test Mode is enabled, I attempted a payment but received an error message: api_key cannot be the empty string.
Can you please help me solve this issue?
]]>We are having issues with the logout link. They currently look like this:
Due to the esc_url in src/NavigationMenuLinks/Frontend.php line 104
$item->url = esc_url($item->url);
the & is changes to the #038;
Using esc_url_raw instead fixes the issue.
Would you consider integrating this.
Thanks and Regards,
I am planning to use ProfilePress with Sensei LMS.
If I have 5 courses:
Is it possible to sell them individually? (for example $9 each, one payment) and then have a membership to sell access to all courses for $18/month?
When user buys 1 course only will he get auto enrolled in that course automatically? Or Do I have to build a custom registration form for that course?
Hi there, looking at this plugin but can’t see any good demos/screenshots showing how the custom fields work as filters. Can we use custom fields to allow user to filter the directory (e.g. show me users with location=”X” and job role=”Y”)
Also looking at building a custom availability calendar so users can select what days they are available/unavailable (then need to connect this to the directory search filters so you can filter by users available on the selected date)
Has anyone created something similar before (or even confirming the if it is indeed possible to connect custom functions to the user profile fields & member directory filter)
We’re evaluating this plugin, all is good so far but the plugin is not localized with the WP site language (French) even if Loco Translate shows 100% FR translated. The store address is set in France.
Any ideas on how to switch language from EN to FR ?