I have a problem with some text artifacts in some testimonials. See example here: https://imgur.com/a/tVyJpEz
This occurs with Safari browser and Chrome, both on a Mac. Firefox ist fine.
What can be done about this?
]]>Is there a way to get the image to display in the sidebar widget?
]]>I have install testimonial plugin 3.4.1 version, but it’s not show testimonial in randomly, please help..
]]>does not add the testimonial even when saved and says ok.
]]>I want the testimonials to include a link along with the client name, and I thought that the “Website” field would allow me to add a link. When I add an address to the Website field only the client name displays when the testimonial is published.
Why don’t the links display on the published testimonials?
Appreciate your help, thanks.
]]>Installed the plugin – put one testimonial in full page, no problem and installed sidebar widget. Excerpt of testimonial showing but not the “Read More” link from the sidebar to the full page.
]]>I’ve got the [sfs-testimonials] shortcode on a page but my testimonials are not showing up there, I’m also using a hard-coded PHP shortcode call on a custom sidebar I built which using this code:
<div class="testimonials"><h2>Club16 Testimonials</h2>
<span class="subheading">What Our Members Have to Say</span>
<em><?php sfstst_onerandom(); ?></em></div>
Would this onerandom display in the side bar call be interfering with the testimonial displaying on the page? Help is appreciated!
]]>Great plugin.
Is there a way to add the company link (website) so that it will open in a new window? Like target=”new”. If not, consider this a feature request.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to query a specific testimonial? I’ve been thinking I could store the ID in a custom field, display a random testimonial if null and display the specific one otherwise.
Any help greatly appreciated.
]]>Hitting the “new testimonial” button does not save what is entered. Nothing appears on the testimonials page or in the sidebar, and returning to the admin page, the entered testimonial is not there.
]]>If you use a custom content folder, e.g. “content” rather than “wp-content” then this plugin fails to display testimonials in its overview page. There is, however, a simple code fix.
This line 119 in pages/testimonial_index.php:
include(ABSPATH.'/wp-content/plugins/' . LTW_TES_FOLDER_NAME.'/pagination.class.php');
should be replaced by this line:
include(dirname(__FILE__). '/../../' . LTW_TES_FOLDER_NAME.'/pagination.class.php');
Won’t generate testimonial to database for display.
]]>This plugin doesn’t work. When adding data, the response is: “Testimonial added”. Check the page = nothing. Check the table in phpMyAdmin = Blank.
Website says they are no longer supporting it, so there’s no help there. Maybe someone will pick it up and support it. Otherwise WordPress ought to get it off their lists.
]]>Thank you for this plugin.. very helpful
But, is there have pagination for testimonial display? because, when I want to show all of my testimonial, it become very long page.
Thank you
When I press “add testimonial”. Message about successfull addition comes up. No testimonials are added.
]]>Like others, I can’t get the testimonials page to display anything.
Please help.
Like others, I can’t get the testimonials page to display anything.
Please help.
I love the plugin. It works perfectly except for one thing.
I need to display 3 quotes in my sidebar, but I want each one to be in it’s own div/bubble so I added 3 instances of the widget to my sidebar. The problem is that it doesn’t check to see if it’s already displaying a specific testimonial so on occasion I get a testimonial that is duplicated.
Any way to fix this?
I have the settings set to 1, and 3 copies of the widget running in the same sidebar.
I have been using version 3 of this plugin, I have updated to WP 3 and it continued to work fine, I then updated the plug in. My entries displayed in the setting panel, but clicking on edit, gave a blank form, also no entries where displayed on my page, I reverted back, and all was fine, so 3.4 doesn’t work (at least for me).
I used the WP-Testimonial Plug-In but I needed the random testimonial not in a Widget but as a Shortcode to place on my Homepage.
So I finally managed to add this function (see code below), so it would be great if it was added to the next release so I can update it without ruining my efforts ??
Thank you!!
/* show random testimonial(s) in SHORTCODE "[Testimonial-Random]" */
function sfstst_onerandomTwo() {
global $wpdb;
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "testimonials";
if (get_option('sfs_setlimit') == '') {
$sfs_setlimit = 1;
} else {
$sfs_setlimit = get_option('sfs_setlimit');
$randomT = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT testid, clientname, company, homepage, text_short FROM $table_name WHERE text_short !='' order by RAND() LIMIT $sfs_setlimit");
$retvaloTwo .= '<div id="sfstest-sidebar">';
foreach ($randomT as $randomT2) {
$retvaloTwo .= '<blockquote>';
$retvaloTwo .= '<p>';
$retvaloTwo .= nl2br(stripslashes($randomT2->text_short));
$retvaloTwo .= '</p>';
$retvaloTwo .= '<p><cite>';
if ($randomT2->company != '') {
$retvaloTwo .= stripslashes($randomT2->clientname).'<br />';
if ($randomT2->homepage != '') {
$retvaloTwo .= '<a href="'.$randomT2->homepage.'" class="cite-link">'.stripslashes($randomT2->company).'</a>';
} else {
$retvaloTwo .= stripslashes($randomT2->company);
} else {
$retvaloTwo .= stripslashes($randomT2->clientname).'';
$retvaloTwo .= '</cite></p>';
$retvaloTwo .= '</blockquote>';
} // end loop
$sfs_showlink = get_option('sfs_showlink');
$sfs_linktext = get_option('sfs_linktext');
$sfs_linkurl = get_option('sfs_linkurl');
if (($sfs_showlink == 'yes') && ($sfs_linkurl !='')) {
if ($sfs_linktext == '') { $sfs_linkdisplay = 'Read More'; } else { $sfs_linkdisplay = $sfs_linktext; }
$retvaloTwo .= '<div class="sfststreadmore"><a href="'.$sfs_linkurl.'">'.$sfs_linkdisplay.'</a></div>';
$retvaloTwo .= '</div>';
return $retvaloTwo;
add_shortcode('Testimonial-Random', 'sfstst_onerandomTwo');