I have to use something like your program on an info screen in the entrance hall in a building. I would like to show the different company names and be able to click on the company name and find the person I need to contact. Can your plugin do that?
I need to know if your plugin can do the following:
– Can new members automatically be put on different lists? (for example we have a lot of companies and I would like a list for each company. Whenever a new member is added I would like the program to add them to the company list. We always fill out which company they’re from so the information is in the system). Or would I have to manually put them on different lists?
– Can I make an overview page on my website with the different lists? And will you be able to click on a specific list and find the different members? Or would they just all be shown at once?
– When you see the overview of the members: Will I be able to click on their phone number/contact information and send them an sms or something? Or perhaps just show their phone number so you’ll be able to contact them?
Best regards
Sara :)))))
Hi there,
I currently have the following shortcode on my site
<?php echo do_shortcode( ‘[wp_team_list role=”subscriber” order=”desc”]’ );?>
This returns all subscribers, with their username and two custom fields – how would I include more custom fields, and how is it deciding what fields to return at all?
]]>Hi, thanks for this plugin, i very much love the idea of it, instead of creating team profiles separate from your wp user info. I use shortcode as i? bad with coding and i would like to customize beyond the few parameters you display in the documentation. I saw in this forum for instance that you also have avatar size. I wonder if there are more. I would like to:
– not show the user role
– not show user posts
– show web site (the user field under contact info)
Is this possible to achieve with shortcode?
]]>I already read the documentation, but I believe that I did not understand correctly, because I am not able to make the import work.
In addition to Username and Email, the CSV file also contains the Cellphone and CellphoneAlt columns. However, it only loads Username and Email.
Cellphone is an Advanced Field with the Meta-Name custom_field_1 and CellphoneAlt is an Advanced Field with the Meta-Name custom_field_5.
What column name should I use for these two pieces of information?
]]>i have some questions please answer them
1. i have LMS site so i want to have teachers profile on one page https://www.english-dialogclub.com/wte/prflstfrm/
like some of profiles shows on same page with shortcode of teacher (role) i know that
and than when someone click on any teacher he will redirect to teacher profile page and than i can show profile with shortcode with ID and i want to show teacher submitted courses or lesson fee that she is charging in points instead of post
i am using sensei by woocommmerce for LMS and myCred for points system
i want to get help please how can i edit and design page via composer (any page builder) or css html code whatever the way you suggest i just want to have solution
i like your plugin and i wanna keep use it please help me to find solution
]]>Hi Pascal,
Like to change “our Team” page: like to enlarge the User’s picture and to decrease font size. (if it possible 3 team members inline) like to ask how to make this changes?
Also like to ask when the new version of the plugin will be release?
Thank you,
Doron Zamir
I will like to check your plugin to see if it fit my needs:
like to create “OUR TEAM” page. On that page i’d like to select from my site’s users only user with role = “Guide”.
Like to ask you if it possible, for it will be dynamic page.
Also like to ask about responsive support and RTL support.
Thank you’
Doron Zamir
I hope, somebody has an idea how I can fix my problem on a multisite instance of wordpress. I use WP TEAM LIST on both sites. The first site works fine.
On the second site the same installation and same formatting is choosen. But some authors don’t have the link to their articles. If I analyze it, the link is mentioned in the code, but the text for the links (e.g. “author xy: 6 articles”) is missing. Is there something I did wrong? Or could this be a multisite bug or another problem? It seems so, that only user with more than 6 articles (5 is shown, more not) have the problem.
Thanks a lot!
]]>Hi, congratulations on your plugin. How can I insert the link to the user’s site in the image of the user’s logo.
Thank you
hey i want to auto add user new registered or just registered yet, is this possible to read out existing users into the list?
i implemented that list into a invisible site, for unregistered users
but i cant see any user, and then in what menue can i add this users?
]]>Hi! I hope you can help me. I am using this plugin to show the vendors user (WC vendors) in my web (inkbcomics.com/inkers/), i wanna each user name, links to their vendor page (example: inkbcomics.com/inkers/dsa). But i wanna when the user register, it come with the link (in his user name)to their vendor page on the team list. Can i do this with php?
]]>Dear support team,
unfortunately your very useful plugin doesn’t work any more after the update. Is there a chance, that the plugin will be updated for the newest version of wordpress? Would be so wonderful!
Thanks a lot in advance!
Hi Pascal –
Love this tool.
First, my main question. I have this designation:
[wp_team_list role=”contributor,editor” orderby=”last_name”]
Thing is, it’s adding Administrators. I don’t want them featured. How do I hide them?
Also –
How do I hide the designation “Contributor” and “Editor?” I don’t want that info being public.
Eventually I will probably have writers who I don’t want listed there. Do I have to change them to Subscriber (will that affect their posts?) in order to have them hidden from the team list?
First of all thank you for your plugin !
I’ve just noticed what seems to be a bug ?
I use several roles on my website : subscribor, contributor, editor.
(I’ve changed the attributes of this roles so that they fit to my site)
I want to display in my list contributors and editors only, NOT subscribers.
So I write :
[wp_team_list role=”editor,contributor” orderby=”login_name” order=”sac”]
And the problem is that the subscribers appears in my list ???
Thank for your work and your answer !
Hallo Pascal.
I want to change how it looks like in the screenshot. Honestly I do not master CSS. Can you give an example of css code as in the image screnshot?
Is there a way that we could change the order of the users listed to a manual method. Maybe by id number like 5,15,2,4 or by using another plugin that would allow drag and drop functionality?
]]>Hi, thank you for making WP Team List!
This plugin will be perfect for my needs if I can just get one thing figured out. After I installed the plugin and tried using the “[rplus_team_list]” shortcode in a page I noticed something odd — although I have both Administrators and Authors on my site, only users in Administrator roles were listed. As an experiment I tried changing the shortcode to “[rplus_team_list role=”Author”]” so that it should only list Authors, but it still listed only Administrators. As another experiment I changed one of my Author’s role to Administrator and he then showed up in the list.
Any idea why the shortcode is only displaying Administrators or what I can do to change it so my full team is listed? Your help would be super-appreciated!
]]>I created some extra fields using the Cimy User Extra Fields Plug-In. Is there any way I can use the shortcode to display only users that have a certain extra field value assigned?
when I am using the shortcode to display the authors, also the adminstrators are shown. Where can i change this? I just want to display people who are specified as authors in WordPress not the administrators.
Thank you!