I’ve installed, activated, and configured WP Taxi Me according to the instructions, and triple-checked everything, but the widget just doesn’t show up at all in a normal post:
On the test page, I see nothing, and in the context where I actually want to use it (where the shortcode is entered in a WP Visual Composer , it shows the ‘[taxi-me]’ shortcode text instead of rendering:
Have I made some mistake? I’d be very interested in upgrading to pro if we can get the basic version working, but that’s proving difficult.
]]>Lyft has an open api and I was wondering if you are adding lyft options anytime soon? I am looking to get your premium plugin and I am hoping to offer taxi me buttons and signup options for both uber and lyft on my site.
Here is the lyft developers area. https://www.lyft.com/developers
Richard Wing
I have WP Store Locator plugin installed and would like to know if WP Taxi Me is compatible with the search results and multiple locations.
Appreciate your reply.
Please help