Line 9 at highlighter.php contain hardcoded path
$themeDir = ABSPATH . '/' . ($wp_sh_use_theme ? ($wp_sh_use_theme) : ('wp-content/plugins/wp-synhighlight/themes/default'));
and plugin is broken when used with moved wp-content folder.
You should use WP_PLUGIN_DIR
instead hardcoded path
This page is my first try at using your plug-in.
There is a blank line under the Title, inside the detached title block. The formatted code doesn’t connect with the title block, both in having yet another gap and in not matching the appearance.
]]>I went to re-select the code block, and the “code to paste” tab shows very strange stuff.
Hmm, when I move the cursor to a line, it gets right. But otherwise shows funny things like [μ_END_μμ__keywordgroup4 …
and some of it is overprinted in lt grey, like it showed some stuff in grey and then drew the black text on top of it.
Hi, this is a great plugin. I only cannot figure out how to have line numbers in the normal code but not in the window that opens with a click on the “Show code only” icon.
I tried all available settings on the backend but I didn’t succeed.
Any hint? Thanks!
PS: A nice new feature would be a button “copy code to clipboard”.
]]>Hi. I tried a lot of syntax highlighters and WP-SynHighlight is the best one for me. Thank you for your great work! I love the GUI panel. o(∩∩)o
But there is a small problem. The title and labels on the pop-up panel in tinyMCE are all like this: {#WPSynHighlight_dlg.Language}, {#WPSynHighlight_dlg.Language}. I have the latest WP-SynHighlight installed.
I found these strange strings in tinymce/panel.php and tinymce/langs/en_dlg.js. But I don’t know much about PHP and JS and thus don’t know how to fix it.
Is there any problem with my web server or is it a bug of WP-SynHighlight?
Thank you!
]]>WP-SynHighlight would be the best code syntax highlighter if…
… if it wouldn’t result in a display that is BUTT UGLY.
I checked ALL of the Highlighters for WordPress and this is the best EXCEPT for its (terrible) layout and (non-existing) choice of colors.
What a pity.
how can I remove the block bar with the “Source code” title and the other buttons (info, print and view code)?
Or, can you add a “copy” button on that bar? It can be more useful.
just wondering where the code might be found to get it to work. I’m not sure why this is always such an issue for plugin developers. They never seem to make it very obvious, I’ve been searching for almost 20 min now.
]]>I am trying to use this plugin, the toolbar on the WYSIWYG editor doesn’t appear for me.
]]>Hi I just installed the plugin and I have a question. For many of my code blocks, I want to disable the header above the collapsible code block. I was able to do this by editing the CSS, but that disables all if the headers. Is there a way I can selectively choose whether to include the code block header?
]]>I have a moved wp-content folder through wp-config.php and this isn’t picking up the change.
Since this is a built in wordpress feature you might want to update the code where it detects the plugin directory.
Doing a test update of replacing all “wp-content” with “content”s to see if it works (initial activation successful).
]]>I ran my site through the html market validation tool ( and one of the things it complained about is that the script markup didn’t say the type.
This was fixed by me manually on line 26 of modules/styles.php to be
echo “\n” . ‘<script type=”text/javascript” src=”‘ . $js_url . ‘”></script
Basically you add the
part between script and src=, and this makes it valid.