I have been working with the?Easy Form Builder plugin?and encountered some challenges with page caching. To address these issues, we use the following function to handle other page caching plugins with Easy Form Builder:
public function cache_cleaner_Efb($page_id,$plugins){
$page_id = intval($page_id);
$cache_plugins = json_decode($plugins);
foreach($cache_plugins as $plugin){
case 'litespeed-cache':
if (defined('LSCWP_V') || defined('LSCWP_BASENAME' )) do_action( 'litespeed_purge_post', $page_id );
case 'wp-rocket':
if (function_exists('rocket_clean_post')) $r = rocket_clean_post($page_id);
However, we’re seeking a more integrated solution. Specifically, we’re looking for a structure or method similar to what other plugins use to manage caching effectively.
Thank you in advance for your help and insights!
Best regards
]]>I have installed and activated WP Super Cache but it is not appearing in Settings? How do I correct it so I can use it and clear my cache?
]]>my author’s plug has a function which is triggered by the administrator changes the value in the table wp_options like after the changes to the database to clear the cache? What php code to add to clear the cache
]]>I don’t know if this is maintenance or wp super cache that is causing the issue. If wp super cache is installed and active and I try to activate maintenance, I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_cache_debug() in /wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php on line 2764
]]>No button or link to clear cache is visible in the Admin bar. Also no option to clear cache in ‘Settings’
]]>This plugin will hose your site! DO NOT INSTALL!!!!
Okay, installed :
1) WP Super Cache – Clear all cache
2) WP Super Cache
3) Updated htaccess file
Nothing appears to be working in terms of speed improvement as site is dreadfully slow?
Also, when admin logs out, can’t get back in unless you ftp into server, disable the plugins.
Also, killed my site 24hrs later and only resolved the issue when I deleted the plugin.
So, what is it that I’m doing wrong here please?
Many Thanks
Probably a dumb question but where the heck is the Delete/Clear Cache button for your plugin as I don’t see it. Yes I am admin on this wp website.
First time thanks for this Plugin.
I habe multiple Accounts on my WordPress but only the Adminaccount see the Button in the Backend.
Is it possible to change the permission that all authors see the Button as well?
]]>Hi sir,
Please , How can exclude cart and checkout pages from caching?
]]>Hi sir,
Please, I have a big issue,
When someone buy a product from my site, then the product stock number is not update direct after complete the purchase process.
I must delete the cache and after that, my stock quantity will be Updated.
Please, How can i fix this issue ?
]]>Hi sir,
Please, My htaccess file modified everyday. I don’t know why!!!
Everyday i put the same code on it , and after some hours , I don’t see my code that i added.
Please, How can i fix this issue? And is this issue related with your plugin?
]]>Im “Administrator”, the highest user rank on my site, however with WordPress 4.0 there isn’t any button and no link to access the settings page.
I just installed and activated
WP Super Cache, where do I locate it to use it?
Sorry, if this is basic, I am new to WP.
I am looking at dashboard…not seeing it anywhere??
Trying to fix problem of blog post text NOT displaying…
any ideas?
I read clearing the cache may help, thus above.
Thx for any and all help.
I do not know how to code though so SIMPLE solution is required.
I am using HEAP theme.
]]>I just installed and activated
WP Super Cache, where do I locate it to use it?
Sorry, if this is basic i am new to WP.
I am looking at dashboard…not seeing it anywhere??
]]>The link added is relative so it doesn’t work when the toolbar is displayed on the frontend (which is default WP behaviour these days).
For example, if you’re at https://example.com and you click the link you end up here:
To fix this, line 34 should be:
'href' => wp_nonce_url( admin_url('options-general.php?page=wpsupercache&wp_delete_cache=1&tab=contents'), 'wp-cache' )
That’ll make the link absolute.
]]>I installed this on a multisite network, and it shows in the admin toolbar but resolves to a “page not found” error when clicked.
Here is the site link it is trying to call up:
There is no such file as: /wp-admin/network/options.php in my setup — can you advise?
Steve C.
]]>Hi, it would better if it stayed on the same admin page after clearing cache instead of going to super cache contents page.