Is anyone else still using this plugin with 4.9? It looks like when I upgraded the is_catgory call is no longer working on my subdomains like
]]>Great plugin, I am looking to make one change, It is necessary for all of my subdomains to have the www. prefix on them. as I am rebuilding my old site into one wordpress blog, and all of my incoming links are coming to the www. version of the subdomain, and thus my PA goes way down, if the subdomain does not have the www. prefix..
Any help would be greatly appreciated,, Is there a setting I can change or an adjustment to be made to the plugin?
if you know the moz system you can click on the category, then add www. and you will see a huge difference in Page authority
Hello there, First of all thanks for this awesome plugin, you don’t know how much is this helping me, and I face no problems whatsoever with this plugin.
Is it possible that I remove the sub-domain feature when the user is visiting the root website?
i.e. if I am in my website (without subdomain), all the articles which have two or more categories in which one is assigned a subdomain (say cat1), and other is not (say cat2), that category should be preferred which has NO subdomain assigned (cat2), and the article should be opened in and not in
Although, if an article is assigned only one category which is configured to be a subdomian, it can be opened as a subdomain.
]]>Hi, I installed this plugin and it worked fine except that fact that subdomains also show the homepage.
Anyways, when I disabled the plugin, the categories are still being shows as subdomains. How can I correct that?
Take a look:
Thank you
This plugin works perfectly when I had old type domain like this: so I transfered my blog to shorten type domain like this but now subdomains doesnt work as it should.
Of course I set wildcard in vhost for new domain. Now when I enter to new subdomain I see link: so it is ok but whole list of post is the same for all categories. All subdomains for categories showing content of main page ( all subdomains in url field on browser are good ). I am sorry for my poor english.
Hello I have my site set up and everything seems to work with theme switching and the sub domains for posts. However I want to set my sub domains each to a separate static landing page as well as add pages to that sub domain.
For instance i have 2 shows, Show 1 & show 2. Each has its own category set up as a sub domain so all posts will show up under the sub domain. However I would essentially like to set the homepage for each sub domain as a static page as you would with the parent domain in the reading section of settings.
Example -> Main static homepage -> Static homepage show1 -> Static homepage show1
Now i am not sure if it is just something i am missing along the way but i cant for the life of me figure out how to do this. I would also require the ability to continue to add new pages, main menu’s and more to each individual sub domain.
Is this possible or is this out of the scope of this plugin?
]]>I have page based configuration and 4 categories as subdomain.
So top level parent pages are setup as subdomain and all other are child of them.
Example link:
is changed to:
and this is working.
But for children pages like:
where should be:
I am getting 404 error.
I have made a small modification in plugin, but also links like:
doesn’t work correctly.
Also when I am logged in and I go to subdomain page a top bar is disappearing.
Is there any way to set subdomain for acces blog post or custom post type keeping the rest of wordpress pages on root domain ?
]]>Hi there,
I have a wordpress multisite installed with wildcard configured. But the subdomains are redirecting to wp-signup.php.
For Example
redirects to
Can anybody Please help?
]]>On version 3.9.1 you could not choose subdomains, and there are some other interface problems.
]]>The plugin assumes it is running in the root of your domain, so if you install WordPress into something like /blogs/ parts of it wont work.
One part is sub-category pages like
The plugin is hard-coded to check for this being a sub-category page based on the category base (default is “category/”) starting at the beginning of the request URI.
To fix, you need to open up plugin/rewrite.php and look for the following around line 8.
if ( strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $wps_category_base ) == 1 ) {
Change it to:
if ( strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "/$wps_category_base" ) !== false ) {
Disclaimer: this solution is not bullet-proof. It assumes you have a sane category base set and that you dont have any other slugs that match the category base.
]]>This plugin doesnt quite generate the proper URL when your WordPress URL and your Site URL (found in the General Settings) are different.
For example, if your WOrdPress URL is and your Site URL is
This is a very simple mod. Locate the wps_getUrlPath
function towards the bottom of functions.php and replace it with:
function wps_getUrlPath($url) {
$path = str_ireplace(get_option('home'), '', $url);
$path = $path{0} == '/' ? substr($path, 1) : $path;
return $path;
Then look for wps_redirect
at the top of actions.php and add this as the first line:
if(is_admin()) return;
Looks a really neat plugin and just what we require to be able to point a subdomain to a category/post/post.
However we have uploaded the plugin and setup as per instructions but it doesn’t work as expected.
Subdomains change the site title and theme but will not point to a category or page correctly instead going to the home page.
We are using a wildcard subdomain.
Also the checkboxes for ‘must be a main category’ and ‘must be a main category to exclude’ automatically check themselves in the edit category page no matter how we set them
We are using WP 3.8.1 and notice that the plugin was last updated to support WP v3.5.2
I’ve read previous posts but can’t find a solution.
Any thoughts?
Hi there, and thanks for the awesome plugin!
Unfortunately it seems our commenters, me included, are redirected to /wp-admin/ after sending a comment. The reason seems to be that the subdomains are not whitelisted in allowed_redirect_hosts, so that wp_safe_redirect removes the good location and replaces it with the admin dashboard, which most of our commenter don’t have access to.
I’ve hardcoded our valid domains in wp-config.php for now, but you can probably easily add the same filter to the plugin.
]]>I created a subdomain & linked it to a page, but the subdomain just goes to the empty folder instead of the WordPress page. I also have “Subdomain Roots as Indexes” checked, so I don’t think that’s it.
]]>I created a wildcard for my domain and now try to use the subdomains that are created for categories, but when I click on that subdomain it is showing me the main page instead of the category. What am I doing wrong?
]]>Hello Erick,
I have used your plugin on a different site, with great success. Unfortunately, the boxes for “Make as Subdomain” and “Exclude as Subdomain” don’t appear to be working.
Here is a link to a video showing my dilemma.
Do you know of a way to fix this? I am having problems on all themes, including 2012. I am using wordpress 3.5.2.
Also, it would be great to have a “make every category a subdomain” feature. Thanks again.
I have a problem with subdomains.
I set up subdomain, and it works.
but inner page not works.
for example – works good. – give me 404 page.
and if i change it to – page is loading.
what i doing wrong?
]]>I found bug in your code.
plugin/actions.php Line 14
load_plugin_textdomain( 'wp-subdomains-revisited', false, WPS_BASE.'/languages/' );
Must be load_plugin_textdomain( 'wp-subdomains-revisited', false, dirname(WPS_BASE).'/languages/' );
Same issue in plugin/admin.php Line 489
]]>I have set it as a subdomain but it doesnt show up active?
It is also a main category
Thanks Ricky
]]>I try all your version with wp 3.2.1 and your plugin is ok until 0.8 version, I will try to find the issue. Thank for your work.
]]>I am have been istall it .. it work but i receive by messenges:
Warning: is_readable() []: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/wusnpxbm/public_html/ is not within the allowed path(s): (/home:/home2:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/bin:/tmp) in /home/wusnpxbm/public_html/ on line 339
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/wusnpxbm/public_html/ in /home/wusnpxbm/public_html/ on line 568
Any one can help fix this Problems ?
this my demo:
]]>The plugin breaks with most themes, but not all, when assigning a theme to s specific category
Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Post could not be converted to string in /home/user/public_html/ on line 124
This is the setting on the category page.
“Themes … You have to activate Subdomain Themes in Settings”
Also, not as big of an issue, but when you select the “Make as subdomain” setting and then save the page, it appears to automatically select the “Exclude as subdomain” every time (so I have to deselect each time I am saving).
Otherwise, awesome plugin
]]>With all the questions you are getting, why not provide a supported version of it for a few bucks? That way you could keep up with the fixes for business users asap.
]]>Hello! It is great plugin, but it is not works anymore. All links are shows main category posts.
I hope author fix it. I can’t see an alternative for WP Subdomains now.
i have but when i create a tag for my article, the tag url is normal and not .
How to make tag on subdomain as ?
Thank you very much in advanced.
]]>Hello, thank you for the work.
I’d like to have some categories under a subdomain category, but as soon as I create a category and mark it’s parent (the subdomain category) – subdomain breaks down. So let’s say there is this subdomain:
When I create a child category I’d like to have:
and instead I get
(this first category being a standard slug which, btw I’d like to get rid of too).
Many thanks for any help.
]]>Hello 1st I would like to say to the plugin author:
“-Thx Great Job, really appreciated”
Im testing this plugin on localhost, so dont know how for the others, but for me it is working well.
However there is some small problems which I would like to solve, I dont really know is a bag or not. So would be great to got some comments regarding this.
I have a domain, I created 2 categories and made them as subdomains, Then I applied the separate template for the all domains main and subs ones. has template without any articles, it is created to redirect to the subdomains, nothing else, fancy stylish template.
So when U get to the subdomain, there is all news etc.
Problem is next when using the search on subdomains, the result appears on the template of main domain. How to keep the search result, on particular template of each, subdomain?
Hope U understand what im talking about.
Sorry for my english.
]]>I’ve installed and configured this las version to use for Pages, create pages but when go to: it shows a 404 Error page,
I’m using a free hosting: 000webhost
Wordpress version is 3.5.1
I should to make some more modifications??
.htaccess?, database?..
How to make it working?
]]>Hi there!
I am more than happy to see that this awesome plugin is still maintained but .. It’s not working as it should be.
I’ve tried it with Twenty Eleven, Twenty twelve, custom theme 3 versions of wordpress 3.5.1, 3.4, 3.3. I’ve tried even lower version 0.8 of the plugin – still no joy.
The plugin only works if you’ve marked “Subdomain Roots as Indexes”. If it’s not – no matter on which subdomain you are, you will get the front page. I’ve activated it for all the categories. For example:
1) Category A and Category B
2) Post 1, Post 2 in Category A
3) Post 3 in Category B
No matter if I am on the main page or in any of the subdomains – it still gives me the 3 posts, so it must be some kind of problem in the mysql queries that the plugin does.
Many of the themes have layout buildes integrated with them. With “Subdomain Roots as Indexes” activated with such a theme, I can only see the index too.
So for now I think the plugin is broken.