I recently updated a very old Jetpack plugin to the newest version and discovered that your stats plugin is hiding the stasts from me even if I choose only “visitors”. Only when I’m unchecking all “hiding” options the stats are shown.
It seems it has to do with the newer Jetpack. Are you aware of such a problem? What can I do?
Any advice greatly appreciated!
My webpage: https://ntown.at/blog/ (I have the stats enabled on my blog articles)
I have jetpack installed and site stat activated. I used the short code and also the other one. Both dont show anything. Even tried clearing cache. Also tried private browsing on firfox
]]>Good afternoon, Adam!
Thank you for the plugin, I love it. But I have a question: Is it possible to display the number “0” in the absence of views of a post? Your plugin, if a post has views, – displays the number of views, but if the new post and still no views – the plugin does not output anything. It seems to me that this is not a very good decision and in my opinion it needs to display the number “0”. Can I somehow change that?
Can you help someone that knows very little about html?
Exactly where do I put the code? Can you post a screenshot? Maybe that would help.
php get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘views’, true );
Thank you !
Hi Adam, I’m using this plugin for long, but today I realize my wp_options table in db has a lot of entries named _transient_view_count
Has this something to be with the plugin?
There are really a massive amount of lines, so my wp_options is even bigger than wp_posts
I don’t understand this 4. step in the install procedure
“Use shortcode [view-count] or get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘views’, true ); to display views.”
Doesn’it mean I should insert the shortcode in any single page of my blog ? Where is this own to be inserted “get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘views’, true );”
Thanks for supporting
I want to show my all-time views on my sidebars. I mean, all-time views since started at wordpress.com. The number of all-time views is shown at my dashboard, in Jetpack Stats. But, how to make this number public? Like, it was on wordpress.com?
]]>Struggling to find documentation.
How do I give the shortcode to show “all-time views” instead of default, which seems to be “today views”?
Hi Adam
Thanks for making this, it fulfills a really important function on my site!
I’m a bit concerned as it seems to be malfunctioning. I have a ‘Popular Posts’ sidebar widget that I use your plugin for for ranking posts. It used to rank by number of comments with the following php:
$popular = new WP_Query(‘showposts=’. $posts .’&orderby=comment_count&order=desc’);
$popular = new WP_Query(‘showposts=’. $posts .’&meta_key=views&orderby=meta_value&order=desc’);
And it seemed to work fine. Now however it doesn’t appear to be updating (I’m aware of the 3 hour refresh) and it isn’t displaying my ‘top’ article according to my jetpack stats.
Is there something I am doing wrong, or someway to kickstart the counter to ensure it is pulling the value in properly?
]]>The Plugin works fine for me.
Just one question: I assume there is no way to display the number of visitors that I already had before installing the plugin?
Because right now it displays “13” or something while the number of visitors of all time of course is way higher.
Feels like starting all over :/
]]>no work
]]>code for theme Atahualpa 3.7.10 ?
es in post footer : %author-posts-link% , %date
this not work:
get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘views’, true );
good job