I made a little WP-SNAP plugin update to work with latest WordPress version.
You can get it here:
I got a bit of a problem configuring the Snap autoposter on Facebook. I want to show the title (%TITLE), whole post (%RAWTEXT%) featured image (%IMG%) and tagline ‘go to (%SITENAME%)’ as below:
Voor dit en meer, surf naar %SITENAME% !
Somehow, the url shows up under the title. How do I get rid of it?
*78296689 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP
message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few
apply_filters(‘posts_request’, ‘SELECT wp_posts…’)
wp_snap_core->navigation(‘post’, true)
…/public/wp-content/themes/yourgarden/archive.php(214): wp_snap(‘cat=31&child=tr…’)
thank you for the excellent plugin.
I came across one little thing. I use plugin on the website https://www.bylinky.info/katalog-bylinek and I set pagination 10 posts per page. Currently I have 14 posts in the category.
I want to ask how to set that took 10 posts under each letter and not the whole category?
In this state, I get paging (for example, even though the letter B) are only 3 posts but pagination is showing with duplicate content.
]]>I’m troubleshooting a very old WP/WP-Snap installation (WP-Snap 0.6.2). It’s working fine, but the listings appear random in order. How can I alter the plugin code to get the results sorted by post date?
Example: https://live.hollywoodjesus.com/index.php?cat=43&snap=H
]]>the title does not groups á, é, í and etc.
]]>It looks like WP SNAP! plugin does not work with custom post types. It generates index, even with international letters (if no fancy urls used), but does not output lists from the CPT archive category loop.
I lack knowledge on how to fix that.
]]>When I use the firstload=all paramater all the li’s get the snap_selected class.
This is the code:
echo wp_snap( 'cat=3&firstload=all' );
Any ideas why this is and how I can get around it?
I have added the three extra characters in the Swedish alphabet; ???. But when I click them WordPress displays the ‘Page could not be found’ page.
Is it anything with the sever environment? I′ve looked in the plugin-code but I couldn′t find anything obvious to change.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
]]>On home page, tag page category page this plugn in added filter by first later which is not expected. There it should list all the related poss. Most worst case scenario happen on the post details page. There it always shows the first post of the alphabetic order.
]]>Hi i have a problem with WP-SNAP and the pluging Role Scoper. the problem is that when i am logged of role scooper throws the following error:
Warning: Missing argument 2 for QueryInterceptor_RS::flt_posts_request() in /home/jvs512/carta/wp-content/plugins/role-scoper/query-interceptor_rs.php on line 118
And if I’m logged in as any user, that error disappear!
i though it was an role scoper problem but if i remove the line code:
<?php if (function_exists('wp_snap')) { echo wp_snap(); } ?>
the error disappear!
I upgraded to WP version 3.04 since I though the error coming from WP SNAP would disappear but I get a different one now:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /usr/www/pergui/wp-content/plugins/wp-snap/wp-snap.php on line 398: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 4
The only way to make it work with no errors for now is to remove &firstload=recent in the category page. No Fancy URLs used.
Thanks for any help in advance!
]]>After moving my site from a MAMP installation on my local HD to a 1and1 server I suddenly get this error message from WP-Snap. Any ideas as to what is going wrong?
Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Compilation failed: missing terminating ] for character class at offset 4 in /homepages/13/d349868013/htdocs/kentstateuniversitypress/wp-content/plugins/wp-snap/wp-snap.php on line 398
]]>Hi – I have installed the plugin, but the final steps involving pasting code into the CSS and category.php files I can’t do, because the code referenced in the installation instructions seems to be missing. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
]]>I would like to group all numbers to 0-9, so my menu style would look like:
Can this be done?