Hello chaps, (chappetts.)
Registered Pro user, and a very happy Pro user to-boot.
This isn’t a support question as such, just an observation.
Today I installed a program on my PC called ‘WinHTTrack Website Copier’, and as the name suggests: it copies web-sites, and all of it in one sitting.
Running it against my own website, to get a fully working backup on my own machine, resulted in about a million or so 500 servers errors on files being reported.
The program does put the server through it paces.
Without a backup, I checked on what was going on by looking at my website: only to be told that my IP is now blocked for an hour, and I should check with the site-owner to lift the block: this is the same IP btw, that I’ve set up as being whitelisted in the Manage Bypass List.
Using Opera, and logging in from the States via the build in VPN: I disabled the Plugin, ran the program on my PC, (got my full backup), and then reactivated the Shield Plugin once more.
And yes: during the downtime, I had several Bots and Hacker Jerks try to register, really cannot recommend this plugin enough, It’s wonderful, but it also has issues – not of its own making.
This isn’t something that everyone will do, but when someone does: it may well stop them dead in their tracks, and of course your most excellent Plugin will be to blame.
I’m also not really sure how a whitelisted IP can be ringfenced either.
Anyhow, leave it with you!