This page:
says “Supported in all web browsers.”
“You can see this plugin and our other WP copy protection plugins at our WordPress demo site.”
This page:
Access Denied The most secure protection for documents, media and web pages.
Your web browser or OS has not been permitted access
Access may have been disabled by the site owner. Webmasters can nominate to allow or disallow access according to OS, platform, web browser and version.
Browsers supported are the ArtisBrowser and others that still support NPAPI plugins.
Mac OS
Mac web browsers are not supported.
Linux web browsers are not supported.
]]>Note: this is not a permission issue, as the upload folder is set to 777. In fact, I’ve set the main folder (in my case httpdocs), wp-content, uploads and even secure-image to 777. All are set to myself as the user. Plugin simply refuses to see the folders have full access enabled.
]]>So I was wondering, how do my images get encrypted? Is there a certain place I have to upload them first? Does it require a subscription?
]]>when I try and upload, here is the message
Upload directory is not writable
I’m trying to upload my image but am getting a ” File Uploaded. You must save “File Details” to insert post”. Don’t really understand what I should do about this. I can’t seem to find the photo anywhere.
How do I a new folder at “/wp-content/uploads/secure-image/” for the Secure Image plugin? I am new at this and don’t know anything yet.