Found this plugin was causing a “critical error” which required me to disable it. Attempting to re-enable made wordpress reject it stating it caused a critical error.
I got it working by editing the php file and changing line 19 from:
define (WPRBLVERSION , '2.1.7');
define ('WPRBLVERSION' , '2.1.7');
(note the added ‘ around WPRBVERSION) it seems to work correctly now.
]]>It would be a pity to let this great plugin fade away into obscurity.
Can it be updated please?
]]>I just deactivated this Plugin on an old WP site that is otherwise fully updated, but the “LINKS” menu item in the admin Dasboard is still present. Can anyone provide some guidance on how to safely get rid of the menu item for this from the Dashboard?
Many Thanks!
]]>Hi all,
Has this plugin been completely retired now?
Are there any good alternatives out there?
Thanks for this plugin which works quite well.
It seems that cat=a,b
corresponds to the OR boolean, displaying categories that belong to cat a or cat b. But I haven’t been able to make the usual cat=a+b
work, hoping to display links that belong to both cat a and cat b, equivalent to the AND boolean.
Anyone knows how to do it if I have missed it?
]]>I’ve used this plugin for years even though it’s not supported or updated any more but unfortunately the ordering doesn’t seem to work any more.
]]>Hi great plugin – works a treat!
However, when using wp-debug = true I get the following error…
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in C:\wampserver\www\mysite\wp-includes\functions.php on line 2923
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0004 702544 {main}( ) ..\media-upload.php:0
2 0.0009 819952 require_once( 'C:\wampserver\www\mysite\wp-admin\admin.php' ) ..\media-upload.php:16
3 0.3880 39733688 require( 'C:\wampserver\www\mysite\wp-admin\menu.php' ) ..\admin.php:106
4 0.3943 39905816 require_once( 'C:\wampserver\www\mysite\wp-admin\includes\menu.php' ) ..\menu.php:244
5 0.4064 39911288 do_action( $tag = 'admin_menu', $arg = '' ) ..\menu.php:97
6 0.4067 39913984 call_user_func_array ( 'renderlinks_admin', array (0 => '') ) ..\plugin.php:406
7 0.4067 39914016 renderlinks_admin( '' ) ..\plugin.php:406
8 0.4067 39914432 add_options_page( $page_title = 'WP Render Blogroll Links', $menu_title = 'WP Blogroll Links', $capability = 8, $menu_slug = 'WP-Render-Blogroll.php', $function = 'renderlinks_settings_page' ) ..\WP-Render-Blogroll.php:469
9 0.4067 39914520 add_submenu_page( $parent_slug = 'options-general.php', $page_title = 'WP Render Blogroll Links', $menu_title = 'WP Blogroll Links', $capability = 8, $menu_slug = 'WP-Render-Blogroll.php', $function = 'renderlinks_settings_page' ) ..\plugin.php:1084
10 0.4067 39914992 current_user_can( $capability = 8 ) ..\plugin.php:1012
11 0.4068 39915824 call_user_func_array ( array (0 => class WP_User { public $data = class stdClass { ... }; public $ID = 1; public $caps = array (...); public $cap_key = 'wp_capabilities'; public $roles = array (...); public $allcaps = array (...); public $filter = NULL }, 1 => 'has_cap'), array (0 => 8) ) ..\capabilities.php:1289
12 0.4068 39916144 WP_User->has_cap( $cap = 8 ) ..\capabilities.php:1289
13 0.4068 39916464 _deprecated_argument( $function = 'has_cap', $version = '2.0', $message = 'Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead.' ) ..\capabilities.php:920
14 0.4069 39916968 trigger_error ( 'has_cap was called with an argument that is <strong>deprecated</strong> since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead.' ) ..\functions.php:2923
If I deactivate the plugin the error stops.
Do you have any ideas? Looks like $cap=8 maybe a problem?
]]>is there a way for me to display the image as a thumbnail instead of making it a linkable image? I ultimately want to show in my list: a thumbnail image, the link and a brief summary of the link.
]]>is there a way to use this plugin in php template directly?
Sorry if my English is not very good: I am French and I use Google translation.
I try to use your plugin, with WP v 3.4.2
I met a concern in using the shortcode to exclude a category. I tried with the ID or name, it doesn’t work!
This is my shortcode: [ wp-blogroll show_names_under_images=1 showdesc=1 excludecat=28 ] or even [wp-blogroll show_names_under_images=1 showdesc=1 excludecat=links]
But it displays all the categories of links, without excluding the category No 28 that I call “links” (which is the default category wordpress)
Can you help me? Thank you in advance.
How can I sort links by date ?
Example: I want that the latest added link to category 1 will be on top list. [wp-blogroll catid=1 (what code I must write to sort links by added time)]
I need help with the following, when I use the [wp-blogroll] short code the plugin renders a generic set of categories( I only have 1 category on my site) :
Support Forums
WordPress Blog
WordPress Planet
When I use [wp-blogroll catid=13] or [wp-blogroll catname=Events] it shows nothing, any ideas?
Thank you
]]>Curious if there is any way to make it so only 10 links show up on each page? (Add pagination to the blogroll?) Thanks!
]]>The plugin introduces inline javascript for toggleLinkGrp on all pages on the site regardless of if they need the functionality or not.
Because this script does not need to be in the header (it can be in the footer) you can use the following technique.
That will ensure it’s only loaded on the pages it’s needed and the file can be cached by the system. Both these will improve page load times.
p.s. otherwise this is a great plugin
]]>Neat plugin, thanks a lot.
It would be handy it if the description had it’s own CSS class to be able to style it differently than the link title. Will hack the php for now but I would appreciate it if this could be included in the next version.
]]>I am using showdesc filter, but is it possible to have in the future a showcomment (to use the comment’s data)?
Thanks your great job
would it be able to add to the “orderby” parameter a custom order option?
I use My link order but it has no incidence on the links order whatever option I choose.
Any help would be appreciated!
]]>Hi, while i was looking for some other problem i found that your plugin gives some notices.
Notice: Use of undefined constant WPRBLVERSION – assumed ‘WPRBLVERSION’ in WP-Render-Blogroll.php on line 19
Notice: Undefined variable: classname in WP-Render-Blogroll.php on line 83
I guess for the first one, the single quotes are missing.
For the second one i think $classname could be replaced by $linkclass. All other checks for empty variable you use the same variable names.
Of course, there could be a reason why you set $classname instead of $linkclass.
Hope this helps.
]]>This is a fabulous plug-in…thank you. I have used it to display WP Links into a post, and when the content renders, it uses a courier font. How might i change this to be more in alignment with the rest of the site’s styling?
]]>I just wanted to say this is a great plugin.. and thank you for the work you have put into it.
The CSS and parameter options are just fantastic:)
]]>Is it also possible to show the link url at the end of the description?
When i use shortcode [wp-blogroll] it doesn’t show the links but when i for example use [wp-blogroll catid=19,20,21,23] it shows the links.
I have about 600 links in 40 categories.
Any tips?
]]>I’m using WP Blogroll Links to list direct links to pdfs I have stored on my site ( I upload the file and use the resulting url in a Link, then use WP Blogroll Links to list them by category. Relatively efficient, especially compared to creating separate pages for each one.
However, I’d really like to automatically include the file size in the listing rather than having to type it in the Description field for each link. Is there a way to do this using shortcode?
BTW – I love the the ability WP Blogroll Links gives me to do this. Maybe not the use you had in mind but it’s a godsend to me.
Your plug-in works great. I absolutely love it! As I was testing, I noticed that the generated links on the resulting html page had the description for the title tag instead of the name. I could be wrong, but From a SEO standpoint, I don’t think this makes sense. From my understanding, link titles shouldn’t be 160 characters long. To make it more SEO friendly, as I understand SEO, I changed one line of code:
Your code: $title = $desc;
My change: $title = $name;
I think your code could easily be adapted to format download pages as well. You’ve done a great job! Thank you very much for your hard work.
]]>I want a seperate page with links for kids and one with links for parents, so I made a page with [wp-blogroll catname=kids] and a page with [wp-blogroll catname=parents].
I created 2 link categories, kids and parents.
I created links for each category.
However, both pages show all links. What am I doing wrong?
WP Render Blogroll Links is activated.
Can the links be divided into two columns by any chance?
]]>uing this awesome plugin. Just added it to my links page and is working really well. Just want to hide or not load the title “Blogroll” as the page is already called links. How can I do that?
]]>Need help with this error message that appears in admin backend once I click on the WP Blogroll Link info page:
Webpage error details
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; Embedded Web Browser from:; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Timestamp: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 02:38:17 UTC
Message: ‘postboxes’ is undefined
Line: 316
Char: 5
Code: 0
URI: https://*********.com/*******/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=WP-Render-Blogroll.php
Is there something I can do to fix this or do I have to wait until the next update of the plugin.