Created a recipe post, went to view it and site hung. Reloaded site and the post is missing.
]]>I added ten instructions to a recipie, saved, and only the first and last instruction were saved… Can anyone help me figure out why?
The instructions are not being saved to the database, except the ones it shows…
]]>Don’t work.. Ummmm if this is supposed to ONLY work with the Twenty Ten theme that is:
B. Not true as it doesn’t work with the Twenty Ten theme in my test site..
Too bad this doesn’t work.. It’s a GREAT premise!!! In the meantime I found that the Easy Recipe plugin:
B. Work Better
C. Allows recipes to be indexed by Google by apply the formatting Google wants..
So for me Easy Recipe plugin = WINNER!!!
Will keep an eye on this one though in case something DRASTIC happens.. (you know.. Like it actually gets fixed)
My apologies for the snarky post.. **LOL**
]]>So, I was able to use the Technical Support logs to a point and got some thing of a partial fix, but still having problems.
Error when trying to view a single post:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function the_post_thumbnail() in /home/uriel2000/domains/ on line 30
When I call up recipes by origin I can see the list sans measurements and ingredients.
not finding a help source on this one… thoughts?
]]>I still see a bug on recipe modifing.
An user inserted 2 instruction: then he saves and insert some new instructions.
After save, on updated edit page, istructions was only the first and the last, and all others has been lost.
]]>Hi can anyone help me?
The sidebar moves under the recipe and I don’t figure it out.
See here:
]]>May change slider of time (preparing and cookie) to support many enumeration? 1..2..5..10..15 minutes?
]]>Do you think to add support for multi language via .po .mo?
I can collaborate for it versione.
There are two fixes posted on this issue which I had to perform and had some success, but the last item is a problem that exists beyond it. Does not seem obvious what the problem is.
Where the problem occurs.
]]>Please use the full php open tag (like <?php) to avoid errors.
<? should be replaced by <?php for me to make this plugin work and not getting the errors:
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in C:\xampp\htdocs\yeah\wp-content\plugins\wp-recipes\metaboxes\metaInstructions.php on line 21
and similar errors.
]]>Is it possible to have an author/byline associated with each recipe?
]]>Even do it looks promising this plug in didn’t worked for me. I looked over worpress site, developer site and tryed to fix it my self it was no use.
Hope to see another version enhanced and with more explinations
]]>I installed this plugin and it seemed to work until I tried to post a recipe. When I clicked to view the post it gave me a php error stating that the file single-recipes.php did not exist on line 192 of wp-recipes.php
Not sure how to fix it.
]]>I recently installed WP Recipes v0.1.5 and created a test recipe but don’t know how to get it to display on the front end of my site. I can view it on the back end using the View option. What am I missing? I am using the theme Leander from
Thank you!
]]>I am pretty curious how you people use the wp-recipes plugin. Please post links to your sites using the plugin in this topic. This way I can see hot it is used so I can make better decisions on new features and how to update it in the future.
]]>I installed WP-Recipes and everything seems to be working okay, but when I publish recipes they are not displaying properly. I can see the title and the sub-line with the quantity, time, etc, but then I’m getting this error message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function the_post_thumbnail() in /home7/vegannut/public_html/wp-content/themes/bueno/single-recipes.php on line 30
Also, the resulting recipe post is not displaying within the style of my theme. The text is pushed all the way over to the left side of my screen.
]]>I get this error when I try to view a recipe
Warning: include(/home/sheilaky/public_html/ [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/sheilaky/public_html/ on line 192
]]>Warning: include(/home/my_brain/ [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/my_brain/ on line 303
Hey I spent the last 2 months tinkering with a recipe DB and now you come up with a plugin for it ??
my try can be seen here: that is a sample recipe. still working on the archive templates for searching and filtering.
I like your plugin though. maybe we can chat and improve your plugin with some ideas?
The main reason I want to chat to you is that I built a lot of my features around custom taxonomies to use this plugin: for the search function. it can combine multiple taxonomies for searching, i.e. you simply click on ingredients and it filters the recipes by those ingredients and/or by courses and/or cuisines as they are all custom taxonomies.
How does your plugin handle that? How about searching browsing your recipe DB?
Does the plugin have an external homepage via which I can contact you directly?