Rating: 5 stars
Works fine again!
Thanks for keeping it up-to-date
Rating: 5 stars
I use the plugin to display a the changelog from my plugin readme on my site’s changes page very handy to only have one changelog to update!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Sooner or later, if you develop WordPress plugins that are being offered here at the Plugin Library, you will need this plugin — simply because it makes it so easy to include those Markdown-based READMEs as part of your own website.
Sooner or later, someone will contact you with lots of questions about your own plugins, and you’ll want to let them know, on your own website, what you have developed so far.
Sure, you can always do a copy & paste; sure, recent versions of WordPress are sort-of-able to parse Markdown, so, strictly speaking, you could do everything manually.
But with the Plugin README Parser, everything happens automagically. No need to set a reminder to yourself to update your own pages on your site — this plugin will automatically contact the Plugin Library and regenerate those pages based on the latest and greatest version of the README.
And, as a bonus, it even retrieves most of the assets — such as images etc. — that are used by the README to illustrate, for example, how your plugin installation works. This is not 100% trivial to do manually. It’s good to have a fully automated tool that does all the homework on your behalf!
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Does what it’s supposed to do and is very flexible to boot.