I would like to use this as part of the template. Please let me know how this can be done.
]]>It’s a bit disconcerting to see the banner declaring that the plugin hasn’t been updated in over two years, although it’s certainly true.
In addition to maintaining the https://www.qotd.org site that is the source of the quotes for this plugin, I also host a number of smaller websites, about a dozen of which use WordPress or include a WordPress blog. Of those, at least four of them use the wp-random-quote plugin, so each time I update WP on the servers, I check that the plugin is still working.
As of 3.9.1, it still is. As there have been no requests for new features or changes to the plugin, or reports of problems with it, there hasn’t been anything to maintain. As far as I know, you can install this plugin in any recent version of WP (at least back to 2.8) and expect it to just work.
I hope you do and I wish you well.