Great plugin. I have a question for you: can you add the option to create a free query typed by the user? Like a query below.
Please, help me.
Roberto ([email protected])
select date_format(dataprenotazione,’%d-%m-%Y’) as “Data Prenotazione”, orainizio as “Ora Inizio
“, orafine as “Ora Fine
(esclusa)”, (orafine – orainizio) as “N° ore”, user_login as “Prenotato da”, note from avwp_posts, avwp_prenotazioni_spazi, avwp_users where avwp_posts.post_type=”spazi” AND AND AND (orafine – orainizio) > 0 AND avwp_prenotazioni_spazi.idspazio=5 AND dataprenotazione BETWEEN IF( MONTH(CURDATE()) >= 1 AND MONTH(CURDATE()) <= 8, CONCAT(YEAR(CURDATE()) – 1,’-09-01′), CONCAT(YEAR(CURDATE()),’-09-01′) ) AND IF( MONTH(CURDATE()) >= 1 AND MONTH(CURDATE()) <= 8, CONCAT(YEAR(CURDATE()),’-09-01′), CONCAT(YEAR(CURDATE())+1,’-09-01′) )
When you scroll to the bottom of the page I have specified, you will see a bunch of custom post types displayed. After creating this page with over 200 funds (CPT) to which people can donate, the backend payment processor changed their system. Now, instead of clicking a fund and being taken to its page, I want the click to result in a pop-up. I have the code that will return the pop-up. But, I need to know how to edit the wp query to show the code rather than go to the fund page. Does this plug in do that? Or, do you know how to do that? Thanks!
]]>I have created two queries using your plugin. One with ID=1 and another ID=2. When i use the shortcode for ID=1 the plugin works fine and displays my custom post types. However when i setup the second shortcode, it does not work and only displays the post types from the first short code.
I’ve setup each short code to display products with different taxonomies.
Can you help fix this?