Plugin configured and working great on regular blog posts, but not on custom post types. I use the My Calendar – Accessible Event Manager plugin which uses custom post type mc-events. This is recognised by your plugin and shown in the settings under Post Types, but ticking the box has no effect. Any ideas how to make it work? It would be great to be able to navigate between event posts. Thanks!
]]>Hey again,
is there a way to only show the titel of the previous/next post or do you have to have previous/next activated?
Or can you actually replace previous/next with arrows/chevrons to be left/right of the titel somehow? So pretty much what WP does just that your feature of staying in a category is there.
Thank you very much! ??
]]>Hey jo4nny8,
your plugin is super awesome function wise, but it has some problems visually when i use a shortcode:
On this post on top, i have the standard WP Post Navigation. On the bottom is the shortcode of your plugin. Is there a way to edit the visual of the shortcode, so it doesn′t have the lines and centers in the orange box?
I can′t use the plugin without the shortcode, as in the mobile version it overlays the bottom of the screen + only states previous/next but no details.
Thank you very much for your time and answer ??
All the Best
]]>Hello, great plugin.
On the plugin page I can’t update this plugin. Here’s the message:
There is a new version of WP Post Nav available, but it does not work with your version of PHP.?View version 2.0.3 details?or?learn more about updating PHP.
I’m running 7.4.33
Thanks for your help.
Hello. I really like the plug-in, but I didn’t realize that the two empty blocks that display on my page were the navigation until I happen to run my cursor over one of them, causing the information about the previous post to display. Until that happened, I thought something was wrong with my setup and that I had missed something in your instructions.
Is there a way the previous and next arrows can be displayed on the box BEFORE one cursors over them so that it is clear what the boxes are?
Thanks for the work you did to create the plug-in and for your assistance on my inquiry.
R. Jones
]]>It suddenly stopped working when I updated to the latest version. Please update this plugin.
the WP Post Nav is great and perfect for my posts in French: but it doesn’t work in English, Italian or German:
Can anybody help me?
Thank you!
]]>Hi, I am having an issue trying to write css code to right align my “Next post” button – the one with Monday 27 January 1986 below. My “Previous post” button is fine on the left, but the right-hand side is problematic.
I’m using a child theme with twenty-twenty-three and I’m adding my css via the Additional CSS option in the editor. I will likely add it into the child theme’s CSS file once I am happy with everything.
Hello there,
Is there a way to disable the plugin on mobile devices as the arrows are too big and they cover a part of the reading screen?
Would it be also possible for you to implement the function to navigate to Prev or Next page sliding the page on mobile devices? (like mobile navigation is supposed to function).
]]>Hi, thank you for your plugin which is very useful ! Still one problem is bothering me.
I am using the shortcode on my single post template, with the “previous-post” arrow (pointing left) aligned left, and the “next-post” arrow (pointing right) aligned right, in a row.
The problem is that for the very first post, there is obviously no “previous-post” arrow and therefore the “next-post” arrow does not align right, but left !
I tried to manage that with css and .wp-post-nav-shortcode #post-nav-next:first-child, but cannot get it right !
I would be thankful for your help ??
]]>Hi Team! Thanks to the author for creating a very cool plugin, I am lucky to have found it.
I installed plugin for my website, I just used shortcode to display Next/Prev post link below post content, it displayed fine on desktop browser, but on mobile device with small browser otherwise it does not display well. The “Next Post” section overflows to the right instead of appearing below with a newline.
Can you help me fix the Next/Pre post section like this:
Thanks Team!
]]>I know someone asked the same question before, but the offered solution is not working (for me or any more, I’m not sure). This was the solution: (
.wp-post-nav #post-nav-previous-default:hover,
.wp-post-nav #post-nav-previous-switched:hover {
right:-45vw !important;
.wp-post-nav #post-nav-next-default:hover,
.wp-post-nav #post-nav-next-switched:hover {
left:-45vw !important;
But for me on the left button, I get normal slider, and on right button I get some kind of flickering. Do you think it is a problem with my configuraion or because this solution was for older version?
All my posts have been re-ordered and display correctly when viewing the archives etc. But when I use the plugin, it is showing the next post as the previous one and vice versa. I used the plugin re-order posts to get them in the right order.
]]>Hi there,
When I press the next button on iPad it goes directly to the next post, instead of showing it first.
Kind Regards.
Thanks for everything, the plugin has solved a big problem for me. To finish configuring it I would have to optimize the size of the box, I have used this code
.wp-post-nav #post-nav-next-default:hover, .wp-post-nav #post-nav-prev-default:hover {width: 20vw!important;}
and it only changes the right arrow but not the left, any solution?
First of all congratulations for the plugins, it’s exactly what I needed.
I am going to use your plugin to go from one product to the next in a woocommerce category and I have two questions:
1. I try to change the text of the buttons to my language but I can’t find a way to do it, I usually do it with “Loco Translate” but the file that comes in the .pot plugin gives an error when opening it.
2. The idea is to go from one product to the next but it must follow a custom order that those products have, right now the plugin uses the alphabetical order. Is there a way to change this?
thanks for the plugin
]]>Thanks for making this plugin.
I can’t get this plugin to display when using an action hook. However, placing a shortcode inside of the page works just fine.
Here’s my code:
Not sure what’s off there. Perhaps it needs to use an additional hook?
]]>Hi, just discovered your plugin today and love it. It functions in exactly the way I have wanted a plugin to for sometime, except for one problem (there’s always one).
The flyout disappears behind any images in the post.
I have tried playing around with the z-index to no avail.
Any suggestions would be greatly received.
]]>Great plugin. I’m trying to make the box more narrow (the main one you see after hovering), and attempting to override some CSS in my own stylesheet.
This is what I’m adding:
.wp-post-nav #post-nav-next-default, .wp-post-nav #post-nav-prev-default {width: 20vw!important;}
But it’s not touching it. Can you help?
I really like the concept of this plugin but have a few questions for you.
I am currently using this method to show next/previous they use Post Type Order plugin to set the order. When I have this plugin activated it makes your plugin work in the reverse order, e.g. I click on the first product in the category and there is a previous arrow visible but not a next.
Also the buttons do not appear well on mobile, the to is just visible and cannot be clicked. Is there a way to set them to appear the same way they do on desktop?
Is there a way that the width of the slide out can be altered. I am only wanting to show the image and title of the next product so there is no need for it to slide out as far.
Once again great concept. Thanks you.
]]>Hello, first things first, great plugin! Just left a 5-Star review.
This is more of a “suggestion Box” and not a support topic.
I was able to achieve (almost) everything I needed from this wonderful plugin in adding simply text links under my posts content PREVIOUS POST NEXT POST
See screen capture very happy!
I know with so many themes and templates it would be difficult in having the plugin “loop” the first post and last post (Leaving first or last post simply displaying only PREVIOUS and/or LAST.
What I am suggesting (or pick your brain to see if possible) is adding options is settings where the user can place the WP Post I.D’s on our first and last posts to tell the plugin to add those I.D’s for the missing Previous or Last.
Hope that makes sense, I am a little tired. regardless, thanks for taking the time and again. Great Plugin! 5-Stars!
]]>Hi! First of all, thanks for the plugin, it′s really lot of healpful!!
I have some suggestions / petitions:
First, will be great if you can check in wich cathegories you want to use it… for example, in my page i have: News, Exhibitions & Artists, and i just want to use it with the cathegory Exhibitions. Fora that will be great to have the option in “Post Types” to check “Posts” and see the cathegories to be able to check if you want it running in all or just in some of that.
Second: In general settings will be great to check/uncheck to show the Heading.
Lots of thanks!
]]>New issue. New thread.
I am using the shortcodes on this page (custom post type):
[wp_post_nav display_next=”false”] in one column, [wp_post_nav display_previous=”false”] in another colum.
The first shortcode pulls up this text from the title: Annadale Mode Shift
But the link it pulls up is to a page with title: Chinatown Urban Greening
The second shortcode pulls up this text from the title: Southwest Urban Forest Expansion
But the link it pulls up is to a page with title: Park at MLK Magnet Core
I have tried using it on several pages and sometimes they match correctly, sometimes they do not.
Any thoughts on why it is doing this?
]]>I am using your plugin to show prev/next projects (custom post type). Everythings works great. But, I have the projects in a particular order by date rather than by ID. Is there a way to have next link to the next dated project?
Hello, first of all thank you for this plugin. Great job. I use this plugin to switch between pages. Is it possible to exclude the pages I have specified from this navigation?
good work
I really like this plugin but I am wondering if it is possible to change the text? My blog is in a different language therefore it would be awesome if I could change the text on ‘Next Post’ and ‘Previous Post’
I am a beginner so I am not familiar with coding.
Please advise
Thanks a lot
Getting the error below:
Warning: array_key_exists() expects exactly 2 parameters, 1 given in /home/customer/www/ on line 409
]]>Hi there,
still extremely happy with your plugin!
Just 1 question: the title of the prev/next post is only slightly visible on the mobile buttons (the upper half of the letters are shown). Is there a way to make the title fully visible or invisible? Changeing the height of the button only works for the desktop version….
]]>I’m getting this error when i try to activate the plugin:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’ in /home/puppetwo/ on line 786
]]>Hi, it’s rather clever that your plugin can respect Yoast SEO product primary category. But some people use SEO Framework instead cause it’s much more lightweight. Can you please add the same function for SEO Framework?